
IMDb member since November 2010
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    13 years


Hjem til jul

A grown-up holiday movie in unmistakable Scandinavian style
I love this film and consider it a modern Christmas classic. It has many of the elements of a traditional Christmas story – a couple welcoming a newborn in the what amounts to a stable, meaningful signs in the sky, touching and sad family scenes – as well as Bent Hamer's unmistakable wry, Norwegian sense of humour. Certain scenes made me laugh out loud while my husband thought my reaction was odd. I guess you either get his jokes or you don't. Personally, I find all of Hamer's films funny in a droll way. While the opening scene is particularly bleak, don't be deterred. The story quickly changes time and place.

The film gives you a Christmas Eve peek into the lives and relationships of several individuals and couples, young and old, in a small Norwegian town. You see how modernity and tradition live side by side in a peaceful and practical way, reflective of Norway's down to earth cultural maturity.

I thought all of the actors were quite good and well-cast in their roles. There are as many sad endings as happy ones for the characters in this film, so it's a far more realistic interpretation of a Christmas story than "It's a Wonderful Life".

I enjoy Scandinavian films in general and Bent Hamer's films in particular. If you liked "O'Horton" and "Kitchen Stories" this is probably your kind of Christmas film. It was difficult to find a copy of "Hjem til jul", I had to buy a copy of it on Ebay from someone in the Philippines. I'm sure it had decent distribution in Europe, but good luck finding it in North America. No one's seeding it on Torrentz. Still, if you're a Hamer fan, it's well worth the hunt. Now, if only I could find "Eggs"

Bored to Death

"Bored to Death" just spectacular!
The funniest thing on TV since "Seinfeld". In fact, when I describe "Bored to Death", I tell people it's the modern Seinfeld, re-conceived as a drama in which people actually have sex and smoke dope like normal folks.

Who the hell knew Ted Danson was so funny? Best role of his career. Everyone in this series is fantastic: Jason Schwartzman as the new Jerry Seinfeld, Zach Galifianakis as a seedier, dirtier and, yes, sexier version of George. I think this comedy is aimed squarely at the contingent of New Yorkers (and wannabees) who love reading "The New Yorker" while regretting their fondness for its pretensions. It's the perfect blend of high and low-brow NY sensibilities.

Due to the representation of cheerful, harmless drug and alcohol consumption, and all the many references to male genitalia, it would be impossible for this show to air anywhere other than on cable TV. For that reason alone, "Bored to Death" will never be the smash with the masses that Seinfeld was, but still, those of us who love cable and who are always waiting for the next best series will continue to be delighted with it -- and we'll tell our friends. Keep it coming!

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