
IMDb member since May 2003
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    21 years



Good movie is one which succeeds in doing what it intends
And Obliterated delivers! It's an old-school action/road/comedy/exploitation/sensory overload movie for the new century. It's funny and fun, boasting a basic plot - but let's be honest, no one is here for the plot. It features interesting and enjoyable characters... and it all works. This film is not high art, nor does it offer social commentary or a philosophical message, nor does it need to. It's a homage to the action movies of the '70s and '80s - the kind you watch a few times with friends and enjoy even more with popcorn. It's highly bingeable. So, really, what's there not to like? Well, maybe if you're not a fan of techno/electronic music, if blood or full-frontal nudity isn't your thing, if you're not into heroes who are constantly high, or if you can't handle one particularly tough scene for men - sure. But you can skip all of that, except the techno. So, turn off your brain, press play, and enjoy!

Who Is Erin Carter?

Not really worth the time invested
It's not bad. Setting is good, costume and scene are good, actors are mostly competent, yet not really convincing, but script is to blame there, because it's really badly written.

Thing that makes it somewhat worthy, if you watched absolutely everything, are action scenes. They are passable and sometimes good. But not that good so to waste 6 hours on it. Also, rampant child neglect is not comical relief so it's kind of more burdening if you fall into parent age IRL. If first episode doesn't grab you, you can safely find something else to watch. Not that there is lack of good action, drama or mystery on Netflix, not to mention other streaming platforms and almost everyone has at least a few...

Deo geullori

Excellent, with a single big flaw
It's well worth your time. Everything here has been made thoughtfuly and thoroughly: scene, costumes, music, pacing, framing and especially acting. Everyone here is doing what they are supposed to be doing and everyone hits it and get the intended reaction. This goes double for flashback scenes: those kids are really amazing. Awful, but amazing. I cannot wait for season 2 and I oftehn think of this show.

But it has a huge flaw: Season 1 is not complete. There is no wrap-up of the story, not only that not all questions are answered, but there is at least one major plotline being introduced. And that is done in a way that it may suggest there will be more than 2 seasons. This may not be all that bad, but streaming spoiled me, I'd rather binge than wait for months or years for continuing one story.

Also, in past few months I also liked and enjoyed two other shows (Yellowjackets, From) whose stories are just cut in half and we need to wait for next season.

This is a trend, but I really don't like it.

The Glory? I really, really like it and recommend it.


Not that good, very bad pacing
I love Hereditary and Midsommar and Lighthouse, but this is clearly not on same level. It has very bad rhythm, storytelling is way off, cast is completely uninvolving and their accents annoying. Music and sound were great, ending was somewhat rewarding, but it's done completely anticlimactically, and first hour or so were a true bore. Even if you are horror fan, you can safely skip this, unless you are completitionist.

Mrs. Fletcher

Relatable for certain ages, you don't need to follow current American politics to enjoy
Past few years lots of shows coming from USA have been (understandably so) mired in current American politics and culture wars. I fully know why this is happening, but if you live outside US, it soon becomes just another trope and it's tiring.

Maybe this show has it, but far, far more importantly, it has great characters, great character builds, arcs, fantastic atmosphere and good music. Really enjoyed it, every second of it, because there were humans in it, all kinds of humans, but humans none the less.

It is at same moment funny, kind of sad, dramatic, very erotic, charming and serious. Really enjoyed it, but I don't know who I would recommend it to. If you are 40 something, give it a try.


Not Watchmen, hard to watch if you're not an American
Apart from graphic novel, this one is heavily invested in current American politics, not global, like Watchmen should. If you don't live there or not following their politics and social issues, this show has very little to offer. Great production value, great actors, it's just boring. I don't know what's it like for Americans tho.


Not really that good
It has a good budget and some pretty strong line-up, but the pacing is off and all the stories never really connect. Zellweger is over the top and she overacted her role, while the rest of the cast was too constrained. Still, plot was interesting enough to watch it all.

All in all, it is average, in no way a must watch, but you should give it a try. If it doesn't hook you after first episode, just leave it and don't look back.

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