
IMDb member since December 2010
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End of the Road

It was fun!
The reviewers here are a bunch of kill-joys! Sure the movie was formulaic and corny but I enjoyed the role reversals and the plot twists. Queen Latifah played her signature "don't-mess-with-me" character of Brenda very well. Ludacris played a somewhat misdirected Uncle Reggie and Mychala Lee and Shaun Dixon were great and believable as loving, supportive kids. I even enjoyed Beau Bridges and Frances Lee McCain as badasses. When I elected to watch this movie I wasn't expecting an Academy Award performance from any of them. Nor was I expecting a superlative script. Jeez people! Lighten up! Was it a great movie? No. Was it enjoyable? I think so.

Shared Rooms

An extremely warm, feel-good movie
I've read all the user reviews here. I don't understand the negative ones. This is one of the best gay-themed movies I've seen. I think the script was imaginative. There's a lot of "synchronicities" between characters, interesting twists and turns. It's well-acted. The actors are nice to look at. There's full-frontal nudity. It has a great ending. I mean, what's not to like?!

A Warm Wind

"Gay" Characters?
This is a very moving presentation of a wounded warrior (Buck) after he's returned home. His "gay" cousin (Daniel) asks him to move in and offers to take care of him. Daniel's best friend James is also "gay".

The story is very poignant and I thought the acting was very good. However, there is absolutely nothing "gay" about the supposed "gay" characters. The actors are unconvincing as "gay" men. They act "straight" as an arrow. If all references to a same-sex orientation were taken out of the script it wouldn't impact the story line at all.

As a gay man I was disappointed by the lack of relevance in this regard. A gay subplot would have made an even more interesting story. There are thousands of LGBT soldiers. I'm sure there are many wounded warriors from among them with stories to tell.

Game of Thrones: The Long Night
Episode 3, Season 8

Except for the -- albeit great -- ending I found the episode largely tedious and gratuitously violent and gory.

Echte Kerle

Sexual fluidity
Given the year (1996) of its release this film "Regular Guys" was quite progressive. A German police officer, who thinks of himself as "straight", unwittingly (he was falling-down drunk) goes home and ends up in the bed of a gay car mechanic. The two become roommates and grow very fond of each other. The car mechanic has an immediate crush on the cop. Gradually, the cop begins to question his sexuality in regards to rigid definitions of "straight" or "gay". The ending is a pleasant surprise -- although not a complete surprise.

Teen Wolf

Critique of Teen Wolf actors
I've read several reviews here and agree that Tyler Posey (Scott), Crystal Reed (Allison), Colton Haynes (Jackson), and Tyler Hochlen (Derek) act very well. In fact, in my opinion, it's their acting that makes Teen Wolf interesting and gripping. I disagree, however, about Dylan O'Brien's (Stiles) role. His character is too high strung and cheesy to be believed. In fact, I find his character irritating. Holly Roden's character, Lydia, is also over the top. That said, like everyone else who has posted a review here, I'm enjoying Teen Wolf and never thought I would. The premise of the story is excellent. I like the way the writer(s) has reconstructed the werewolf myth. I sense a "sexual tension" between the main male actors that isn't explored (at least not in the early episodes I've seen). This may be an unintended dynamic on the part of the writer(s). The special effects are marvelous and not hokey. I give Teen Wolf an A-.

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