
IMDb member since December 2010
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    13 years



Don't be fooled by the "Horror" connotation
Yes, this is not you typical, garden-variety, knife-wielding-maniac, buuu-scream film. Its something else altogether.

In this particular case, i actually think the trailer is bad publicity.

Started watching this with the idea that this would be the stereotypical horror flick, with blood poring down the walls and a scare every other frame, as the trailer seems to reveal. No, not that at all.

Its a straight forward movie about some people trapped in an elevator, one of them being Satan, and the obvious results of this unfortunate set of circumstances...OK, after reading this i question my own review.

No, no, this is as mainstream as any "Constantine"(2005), "Legion" (2010) or "The Prophecy" (1995) and all its followup's. In some of these cases you get more buuu-scream action.

Very watchable, extremely entertaining and a good story, witch is all you can ask for a movie with people incarcerated in an elevator with the master of all evil.

Epic? No it is not. Good movie? Yes, definitely, to my own surprise.


Poor man's "The Town", still, nice movie.
As the tittle says, if you want a really good thieves-crew movie go for "The Town" (Ben Affleck's new adventure), or, if you missed it, "Heat" (1995). If you missed this one, wait no longer and get it NOW, its a masterpiece.

Takers is entertaining, action packed, bang bang and all those flashy things. You will be as satisfied as in a meal without dessert, you are full but you still lack something sweet.

The story in "Takers" is solid, with a few shortcuts along the way, but nothing damaging to the overall value of the movie. Acting is also very decent, nothing fancy, also a few bad apples, but mainly in the "second line" of actors.

Also, for the love story fans this has very little value, and the the little it has does not turn out too good.

Overall, my humble opinion, give this movie a chance and you will be satisfied.

2010: Moby Dick

So bad it deserves to be watched if you'r up for the challenge
OK so, by now you all know it's bad, really bad. And i'm not the picky type when it comes to fantasy/scify movies, all i ask is to be entertained. No such luck here, i mean (and here comes the spoiler), one scene Moby actually seems to fly over an island. It's bad, very bad, although the idea was, in my view, a good one if followed up properly. Who wouldn't like to see Moby Dick in movies battling nuclear submarines? Even the original story, if treated with the respect and value it deserves, would be a very good choice for a new blockbuster.

This one is none of these things, its mainly a joke.

After this its only a personal choice of: A) Watch it with a comedy/worst-movie-ever mood going ; B) Stay clear of this if you want to keep the beautiful original Moby Dick story untarnished in your brain

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