
IMDb member since December 2010
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The Guilty

Worst movie Gyllenhaal has ever been cast in. He's way too talented for this crap. It's boring and you have to force yourself to finish it. From the director of Training Day I expected a lot more. Lame.


Not scary at all, boring and a complete waste of time. Glad it was free on HBOmax. Do not pay for this garbage. I wouldn't even recommend it for free, I turned it off after 20 mins.

Mare of Easttown

The Best Detective Murder Mystery Show in a Long Time!
I would have to say this series was perfect. Highly addicting, can't wait for the next episode mystery thriller that will keep you guessing til the end. All the acting was superb, Kate Winslet was terrific, Jean Smart was hilarious with her dark, sarcastic humor, and everyone else in the series was perfectly cast. There is nothing to dislike about this show unless you weren't paying attention or are a dumb person.


Boring, boring and boring...
By far David Fincher's only bad film, and it's really bad. I can't believe it was nominated for Oscars, but that just goes to show how stupid the Oscar voting committee is. I love Gary Oldman, and I am a big fan on Fincher movies but this one just sucks.


Oh man this show is loud out loud hysterical, witty, full of sarcasm and great one liners so say the least. Jean Smart is phenomenal, the supporting cast is great and it's probably the funniest TV series I've seen in a long time. Love it!!

Sharp Objects

Well written, suspenseful, disturbing and shocking!!
This show was great. It's dark, it's messed up, and it will leave you feeling disgusted when it's over but it's damn good and worth watching.


I hope Bob is ok...
Bob collapsed today on the set of Better Call Saul and was rushed to the ER!!


The best Rambo since First Blood
I own this movie and have shown it to many of my friends who sit there with their jaws dropped to the floor in utter shock and amazement. This is by far the most violent movie I think I have ever seen in my entire life and I've seen everything. The battle scenes are so intense, and if you have an audiophile surround system (I have a 7.1 Klipsch with 2 massive subwoofers that was around $6500) it will shake your entire house and poo poo almost any movie theatre I've ever been to. Without any spoilers I'll just say that there are no holds barred in this film, everything goes, from women and children being slaughtered to people exploding into what looks like 30 gallon maranara sauce being blown up, massive flame throwers, 50 cal automatics and sniper rifles, knives, etc. Do not let you kids watch this movie, it should be rated NC17.

The Undoing

Stumbled upon this while searching for another show on HBO Max and decided to check it out because my girlfriend and I enjoyed Big Little Lies. Watched the first episode and was hooked immediately, binged the entire season in one day. Captivating psychological thriller with superb acting that will keep anybody guessing to the finale. I was blown away by Hugh Grant's performance. I have never seen him play a role like this and he absolutely crushed it. The suspense just keeps building and building like a crescendo with one great plot twist after another. Whoever gave this bad reviews either wasn't paying attention or is too stupid to follow the story. This show was flawless except that it ended too soon. Wish there had been more episodes because I didn't want it to end. Hats off to everyone involved in this production.

Honest Thief

Predictable, cheesy and lack of character development make for an average film you won't be suggesting to anybody. Liam Neesen is good as usual, but even he can't save this one. Wait for cable and a night of extreme boredom if you must watch this crap.

Come Play

Larry just wants a friend...
And I just want my $20 back. Just kidding, it wasn't that bad. In the year of some of the most atrocious horror films I've ever seen, at least this one was watchable. The acting is decent, except for the mother character, she sucks. This movie isn't scary unless you are a kid or on some strong recreational drugs, the plot is ludicrous and unoriginal, but the run time is short enough to make it through to the end. If you have nothing to do and are running out of movies to watch, you could waste $20 on much worse.

Jack Frost

This is perfect B movie Xmas horror / comedy to watch when you're really stoned and have nothing else to do. Just remember, the more you smoke, the funnier it gets!!!

El hoyo

If you don't mind reading subtitles and keeping a barf bag handy this is the horror film for you. Original premise, fantastic acting, gut wrenching gore enough to make even the strongest stomachs feel ill and some scenes that will haunt you forever. This movie will give you nightmares. Enjoy!


This movie sucks
Starts off mildly interesting, then gets more and more stupid as it goes on. Boring, repetitive, and extremely annoying with nothing much to take away once the credits roll. I wanted to shut it off half way through but forced myself to finish it. I can't believe anyone would find this movie interesting or recommend it to anyone. I had never heard of it and took a risk because COVID quarantine has me running out of new movies to watch. Terrible film aside from good acting.

You Should Have Left

I love Kevin Bacon but...
This movie is really bad. I turned it off and got Apple to give me my money back.

Fifty Shades of Grey

For the Mindless
This has to be one of the worst high budget films I've ever seen. Felt like a B movie with expensive cinematography and set. Terrible acting, put you to sleep boring and hopefully if you wasted your time watching it you didn't pay for it. The only reason I put this crap on was because I heard the book was good, and that it might be, but the adaptation is complete garbage. And to think they've made 2 or 3 more of these films is hilarious.

Night Hunter

What a waste of talented actors in a convoluted, horribly directed film which actually had me feeling dumb after I forced myself to finish it. The plot doesn't twist it just confuses its audience making you wonder if you're not paying enough attention or the director and editor weren't. It jumps around with no real connection at times to what's supposed to be happening or we think as viewers what should be. Nothing about the film is original in any way and there are parts where I was just scratching and shaking my head wondering what the hell I was supposed to be understanding. Don't waste your time in this one, you will want your 2 hours back.


Great Xmas Horror!!!
DUDE!!!! I thought this movie was gonna suck but stuck at home trying to avoid COVID I was looking for some mindless horror films to watch and stumbled upon this one. I instantly recognized the weirdo from American Beauty and he's 10x more messed up in this one. I don't hold my breath much in thriller / horror films but I have to admit I did a few times in this one and it was actually very well acted and at times terrifying. There's a few scenes you will never forget and it's not one of those horror movies where you're saying omg are you kidding me... the girl being terrorized is actually very intelligent, she doesn't do any of the cliche horror film idiot chick moves, she's a survivalist sealing with a deranged obsessed maniac. It's gripping at times and keeps you guessing and pining for more excitement. Very gory and suspenseful and this could happen to anyone. It's a hidden gem for those of us who like these heinous films. My girlfriend left the room cause she couldn't take it. LOL. Merry Xmas!!!


Awesome movie!
Ignore the negative reviews. I was bored and had nothing to watch on tv... decided to take a chance. Man, the suspense and cinematography, even the acting was incredible. It will have you holding your breath at more than one moment I promise!!! The set the filmed on must've cost a fortune and the alligators look so real there's no laughing at them. Put yourself in these peoples shoes, or bare feet and you be pulling your legs up off the floor up on your sofa. I loved it.

White Boy Rick

Great movie
Another stellar performance by Matthew et al... this movie was very well done, superb acting, suspense, drama, and I never really knew how it would end which is something I love when I take my girl out to the movies which after popcorn, etc costs around $80 when you buy a bottle of wine with it. Great watch, I recommend it to anyone looking for an entertaining emotional drama film with some kick ass action and watching Matt the Master play another versatile role in his repertoire of skills.


God awful...
I am a huge mobster movie fan, and love the HBO special that came out back in the day with Armand Assante, but this was an absolutely atrocious attempt at portraying the most legendary mafia boss in history. It was so horribly directed, and boring, I turned it off in less than an hour. So many parts of it were inaccurate, and it jumped around in a way that was almost impossible to watch because I really didnt care about any of the characters based on how badly they were cast, including Travolta who I like as an actor usually. Do not watch this movie, it is an insult to Gotti fans that this was even produced.


Nolan's first bad movie
Being the obsessed movie junkie that I am, I'm not sure I've ever seen a film without a main character(s), protagonist / antagonist. Not only is that incredibly annoying because there is nobody to root for, weather you like the good guys or the bad guys in a movie, but the constant, repetitive musical score is even more irritating. There is hardly any dialogue, and the few and far between when people do speak, I didn't care at all what they had to say because I couldn't identify with any of the characters, or ever remember most of their names!

I am a huge Nolan fan, and I have no idea how he can go from making one terrific film after another to this awful disaster of a movie... Lucky I only wasted $5.99 On Demand at home, rather than walking out of the theater, because I would've demanded my money back.

I have no clue how others have rated this movie so high, unless being incredibly bored and falling asleep deserves high ratings. Nominated for EIGHT OSCARS???!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!

Don't even waste your time when it's free and you can't find anything else to watch, put on a classic. Cleaning the garage is more entertaining than Dunkirk.

Alien: Covenant

As a big fan of the first 3 Alien films, I have to say that I am ashamed to have wasted money to watch this garbage. I blame myself because I thought Prometheus was boring, but this takes the cake. Aside from a few entertaining scenes of gore, this is without a doubt the worst Alien movie ever made. It was by sheer morbid curiosity that I wasted $20.99 to purchase this on demand because I couldn't sleep, but this movie put me to sleep. There are more interesting things one can do in jail than subject themselves to this god awful film.

Get Out

New review
I recently watched this movie again with my girlfriend who hasn't seen it and I have to retract my original opinion. I think I was in a bad mood when I first saw it in theatres and blasted it, but now seeing it for the second time it's a very original intense thriller turned horror by the end. My only big knock on this movie is that within the first 25 mins or so I already had figured out what was happening, not to the extent that it goes to, but it was predictable. It's worth a watch.

LA 92

Absolutely incredible
Wow, raw unseen footage of one of the most captivating and horrific situation in cultural America. Racism in our country is one of the worst problems we have, and this is the quintessential example of what it can cause people to do who feel oppressed. It's sickening, and it has to stop, yet it never will. If I could say what I wanted to about the LAPD this review wouldn't be posted because every other word would start with F. And then, because of this, OJ got away with murder! Good job LAPD!

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