
IMDb member since December 2010
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Great movie and characters
This movie was very funny, the actresses were all great in their own ways, and the characters were smart. It's great seeing female characters being smart and funny for themselves. The male receptionist is hilarious and, i'm assuming, supposed to be an ironic gender-swap of a classic female idiot receptionist character. The character is a joke which must have flown past the heads of the people who think he made the movie a "man-hating mess". The hate and low rating that this movie got was obviously from people who dislike the gender-swap and/or the reboot, and I understand that that can be frustrating when you lived through and loved the original, but it does not deserve a 1/10. A 1/10 is a movie consisting of literally watching paint dry, not this awesome movie with great special effects, actresses, and characters.

Dial a Prayer

Awesome movie, not sure who the audience is supposed to be.
Brittany Snow is one of my favourite actresses, and this movie is a great reminder why. She delivers incredible scenes and portrays Cora in an amazing way. The movie itself is good, but the title and premise of the movie kind of makes it seem like a movie that is going to convince a girl who's gone off-track to find faith in god, however that isn't what the movie is about at all. My automatic thought is that this is a movie for religious people, but i don't think religious people would enjoy this movie all that much, and non-religious people wouldn't think about picking it up because of the title and premise of the movie. Still, however, it is a great movie.

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