
IMDb member since December 2010
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    IMDb Member
    13 years



By season 3 you would expect better......
Trapped in my in-laws house with no cable, I am forced to watch what ever CDs they have. They have season 3 of Bordertown. I would assume any TV series that reaches season 3 would have had a chance to teach basic acting skills to the cast. That is not the case with this stinker. First episode on the disk "Sweet Revenge" was so bad I couldn't endure the entire episode. Be smart. Don't buy this show. We must not encourage this sort of behavior. Its bad! These so called actors should have their SAG cards pulled and they should go back to hotel housekeeping. I know I'm not supposed to include spiteful remarks, but if I hadn't found this so bad I wouldn't have even bothered reviewing it.

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