
IMDb member since January 2011
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    IMDb Member
    13 years


American Animals

How to set yourself up for failure.
The synopsis on IMDB makes this sound like one of the greatest heists in history. Certainly better than Heat, Ocean's Eleven and a myriad of other heist movies. It was sheer disappointment to watch this film. First off, this is really more of a documentary than anything else, interviews with the real protagonists interspersed with dramatic re-enactments.

The story itself is ok, however the lack of any character development made me not really care about any of them. A great premise, but definitely not a good movie.


"Girls" for blacks
This show so reminds me of Girls as both Issa Rae and Lena Dunham, creators and writers are the least appealing of all the characters on the show.

Lena constantly cast attractive men as her counterpart which in real life, would have had nothing to do with her. The idea that Lawrence would be living with her is only possible if he was suffering from depression and needed a couch to crash on. She's not very attractive IMHO.

Her self absorption knows no bounds, and her ability to be butt hurt at almost everything is the perfect mirror of Lena Dunham.

The show is pretty good, as long as she's not in it.

White Famous

Should have kept his night job.
Showtime -- how your fortunes have fallen. Once upon a time, The Sopranos, Sex and the City... now -- White Famous. Lets take a few characters from Californication (which ended far too long after it's expiration date) and stick them in a terribly written, annoying show about a comedian who basically hates everything and has no respect for anyone. I never found the lead appealing or cared about him as the protagonist. I would sooner have watched a show about his Indian agent who is like the brown Ari Gold. At least he has likability on his side. I see the average rating is 5.5.. sounds inflated to me.

Room 104

From Sopranos to nothing.
HBO revolutionized cable with series like The Sopranos, Sex and the city and The Wire. Here we are in 2017 and they're combing YouTube for content with lame shows by two relatively untalented brothers.

As I watched the first episode I was anticipating this somehow becoming even mildly interesting. Other than making me want to order Pizza, it did nothing. The story was sophomoric and could have been written by someone in grade 5.

Sin City Saints

I want to like this so bad
It has all the elements of a show I would love: 1. Vegas 2. Wacked out rich guy 3. Sports 4. Hot chicks.

Unfortunately the writing and story lines are so bad, after 3 episodes I had to stop watching it.

All I can say is painful writing. I can't really comment on the acting as even Al Pacino couldn't rescue this dog.

Too bad they couldn't be bothered with paying writers for this, as the premise is quite promising.

And Tom Arnold now just seems to play caricatures of himself.

Yahoo might want to give this one a rest.


Great visuals -- full stop
Visually, this movie is remarkable, great effects, its a technical masterpiece. Too bad the same care that went in to how good it looks wasn't taken with the script, the story and the dialogue. I am not a rocket scientist, but that doesn't mean I am a complete dolt. Having recently watched an IMAX documentary on repairing the Hubble telescope I learned that they have to take incredible care not to puncture the gloves, as even contact with a circuit board could breach them. Did the writers not even do a bit of research on this film? If its going to be pure fiction, why not just give her a transporter then she can beam herself home, or better yet a time machine, she could go back and save her daughter.

At about 65% of this movie I could watch no more. I really wanted to like this, 8.5 out of 10 for reviewers led me to believe it was a good movie. Unfortunately, I am of the 15% category that couldn't stand this vapid, ill conceived piece of tripe.

Bitter Feast

Bitter Feast - Compelling, entertaining
I have seen one of Joe Maggio's previous films, Virgil Bliss, and his style of story telling appealed to be then as it does now.

Hollywood spends millions, yet Mr. Maggio can put a film together for $6,000 apparently. Wonder what they really spend the money on.

James LeGros is excellent, supported by a strong script and a good story. I liked this from the beginning until almost the end (don't want to spoil it).

Lots of interesting dialog and James LeGros' cool intensity won me over.

I don't like a lot of movies, but I certainly like this one.

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