
IMDb member since January 2011
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    IMDb Member
    13 years


The Haunted Hotel

Not really scary, but a fun compilation of ghostly vignettes.

Each story elicited at least one smile, and some several.

Since this film featured a variety of period pieces, it also served as a fairly pleasant stroll down Memory Lane and beyond, visiting different eras throughout history over the last few decades and centuries, reminding one of current events of the times, changing fads and fashions, technology or lack thereof, and societal norms.

Pretty predictable, but not always. Plus every so often a story would reward the watcher with a satisfying comeuppance of sorts.

Easy to imagine a twinkle in the eyes of those who made it.


Clichéd but Captivating
Somewhat stereotypical, and certainly clichéd writing, but captivating, particularly as performed by 2 of my favorite actors, Taraji P. Henson & Terrence Howard, ever since seeing them in one of my favorite gritty, touching movies, Hustle & Flow.

Like that infamous film, there will be welcome music. A flashback scene in the pilot episode almost harks back to that time they worked together.

Can't help but feel personally invested in its characters, which may be biased since I so admire the work of the actors playing the roles.

"A unique family drama set in the world of a hip hop empire." Pretty sure it's the first series featuring that premise.

Enjoying so far, and anxious to watch where it goes.

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