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Captain Marvel

Poorly written garbage
Well, the movies starts off well with a touching tribute to Stan Lee..... It's just about all downhill form there. Marvel seems mostly interested in making specific audiences happy these days, and in this movie it's about women of course. To be fair the whole "empowering women" theme is not too in your face (although it's a little disturbing that pretty much all the male characters are either villains or idiots, like a completely out of character Nick Fury now turned stooge and comic relief for the powerful amazon from outer space).... But really it's just a poorly written script (one chase after another with no real character building or sophistication), and a poorly acted movie (especially by Brie Larsen, who walks around with a perennially dazed expression probably meaning that she still doesn't really get what kind of character she's supposed to portray). In conclusion there really wasn't much in this movie, aside from the usual CGI eye candy, and I wish they had used more from the comic books (which had way better stories than this mess.....).


Finally a great TV show based on comic books
I don't read comic books these days, but I loved them when I was younger and I found most shows based on heroes from my youth to be middling to poor....and very disappointing. Not anymore Titans changed all that. It's not the same as the comic book it's based on, of course (a book I loved by the way) but I actually think all the changes are for the better. Titans is darker, grittier, and edgier (without being too extreme). The photography and soundtrack are excellent, the actors are all great for their parts, and the plot is, so far, intriguing and addictive.... It's not as lavishly made as Avengers, of course, but for a TV show the production and direction are well above average and all those elements combine to create a haunting mood reminiscent of 'Watchmen'. At times, in fact, it's hard to remember it's just a TV show; it feels more like watching a very good movie. It is much more violent than comparable shows, as the Titans leave a trail of dead, crippled and (occasionally) smoldering ruins wherever they go, but I think it fits the theme of masked vigilantes more than the usual vanilla takes on it. I understand some fans of the comic book are upset (the story is not the same and the characters have also been made darker and edgier, starting with a Robin that makes the Dark Knight look like a wimp), but for me that's what's great about it. In short, if you are one of those people who just watch TV shows based on comic books to complain about how different they are from the books then yeah, it's not for you. But if you are open to something different and enjoy odd mixtures of horror, mystery, action, and drama, you will not be disappointed.


How to butcher a great novel in less than two hours
So I will keep this review short. The movie is overall entertaining, as long as you don't mind a slow pace and prefer suspense over mindless action. It also touches on interesting topics and creates undeniable tension. Overall, more Blade Runner than Star Wars (very different from both in terms of plot though), but I mean it as a compliment. However, when compared to the novel it was based on (and it's worth noting that the novel was the first in a trilogy rather than the standalone story this movie appears to be), well, it's really just a colossal disappointment. Some of the elements of the novel are present (the main characters, the shimmer, the lighthouse) but the movie completely changes all of those elements to make them fit a much shorter story that is nothing but a shadow of the novel, considered one of the best SF novels of the last few decades. I can't go into details without spoiling both the movie and the novel, but let's just say that the movie failed to convey any of the beauty of the novel, cheapened and simplified all the characters and the plot, and really missed on some of the key elements of the novel, elements that made it unique in SF literature. Comparing this movie to the novel, in fact, is like comparing a light bulb to the sun. If you like to read, do yourself a favor and read the novel instead of wasting two hours in a movie theater.

Blade Runner 2049

Visually stunning and thought provoking, but not flawless
So, I didn't expect much from this sequel when it was announced, but since the original 'Blade Runner' is, in my opinion, one of the greatest movies ever made (if not the greatest), I had to see it anyways. As I often do, I didn't read any reviews or watch any trailers before going.

So, where do we start... While not perfect, and inferior to the original, this is still a great movie. Visually it's simply stunning and the actors are all excellent. Just as importantly, or maybe even more so, like the original it combines a slow pace and fantastic ambiance to create an introspective mood and invite reflection on some important themes and issues of our time. (although, maybe, lacking a dialogue with the same power as the Roy Batty monologue at the end of the first movie).

As some negative reviewers said, it is slow..... but that works well with the story and its intent to create a very clear, pervasive mood rather than to dazzle with dumb car chases, gunfights, or explosions,not to mention pushing the viewer to form his own opinions. The boringpart is subjective: for viewers who like to be challenged intellectually I'd say many action movies are a lot more boring. Nothing wrong with escapist movies, which I also enjoy when I'm in the right mood, but it doesn't change the fact that they're inherently much more predictable, superficial and formulaic. In other words, entertaining but intellectually boring.

Regarding Blade Runner 2049, one disappointment, though, to be honest, was the soundtrack: aside from being too loud, it really consists mostly of weird sounds/noises etc. While they do heighten the mood at times, or fit the atmosphere, they are not really not up to the lofty standards of the photography, the action, or the direction.

Also, the plot could have been a little tighter, and while the slow pace is what this movie needed, I'm not convinced it really had to be this long (or to touch on so many themes, as it does).

Still, it's a fantastic, and unique, viewing experience, and even with its imperfections it does create a believable (if gloomy and depressing) dystopian vision of the future, and touches on themes that could spark endless debate and reflection. And herein lies its beauty: shallow popcorn movies will have faded from everybody's memory in weeks. A movie like Blade Runner 2049 will inspire us and challenge us,whether we agree with some of its vision or not, maybe even whether we love it or hate it, for years to come.


Entertaining, surreal movie
I have to admit I don't understand the extreme negativity in some of the reviews.....especially considering the amount of uninspired garbage in movie theaters these days.

Now, 2:22 is not a masterpiece, and like most movies it has weaknesses, but its strength is that it builds a sense of suspense without the usual car chases and urban shoot outs that seem to please the ADD crowds so much. The acting is solid (not Oscar material but better than hinted at in many reviews), the direction and special effects are very polished, and, more importantly, the slow accretion of mysterious details and surreal circumstances make it far more interesting, IMO, than most movies currently on offering. I think this movie also does a good job, overall, of hinting at parts of the ending but at the same time maintaining a sense of suspense about how exactly the mysterious events and patterns noticed by the main character will come together.

This is not a realistic thriller, with a clear cut plot and an ending that explains every minor thread or detail in its story, or a relentless action movies with plenty of explosions and other events that ultimately mean nothing, or a bloated love story with SF elements. Hence, I think, the disappointment of some viewers.

The way I see it this is a movie that, despite its imperfections, evolves into a subtle, psychological thriller that hints at man's endless fascination with patterns (in our Universe, in our life, in history etc) and at our sense of wonder of how we fit in it. A movie that while providing us with an interesting story also asks us to add to the plot our own interpretation of the events, and our own sense of wonder about the mystery of our existence.

Now, there is no doubt that other movies on similar topics are superior (12 monkeys and Groundhog day come to mind, among others), but I still think this is one of the few movies worth watching I've seen this year, despite its limitations. At least it asks the watcher to actually engage his brain instead of just switching off and let the explosions roll on until the cardboard cutout bad guy/guys are vanquished.

The 100

garbage TV at its worst
The premise is, however unscientific, rather interesting.

Then the show starts and, if your IQ is above that of a chimpanzee and you're past the hormonal storms of teenage-hood, it's time to reach for the remote control and turn the television off.

It tries to be serious and yet it starts with behavior so patently dumb and illogical that everything that follows is pathetic at best.

It's poorly thought out, poorly written, poorly acted and only suited to the kind of teenage crowd that forgets we have a brain in our head if some cute girls and handsome boys grace the screen with their presence. Saying anything else would be a waste of time almost as bad as watching this ridiculous excuse for a show. You were warned.


How bad can a great series become in the space of one season?
Well, this is a recent review, so here's the deal.... Great series until the end of season 7..... great acting, great characters, solid writing (exceptional at times), and above average cinematography.... (some stuff was maybe a little over the top, or felt forced at times, but in context still worked)

Sadly, as of season 8 a once great series has turned into pure garbage..... So, I'd give the series a 10 until then, but, sadly, a 3 or even less as of season 8, and they average out to about a seven.

Without giving away any details about the story, I'll just point out that around seasons 7 to 9 is a difficult time for any TV series.... a lot of ideas have already run their course, character development has already progressed considerably, and it's difficult to find new directions to keep a series fresh and entertaining.

That's the time when great writers find a way to keep evolving and breaking new ground. Average writers, instead, maybe dizzy from the unexpected heights they had managed to reach despite their limitations, end up running in circles trying to create an illusion of progress to mask a lack of ideas. Unfortunately, the writers and creators of this series ended up belonging to the second category.

I still strongly recommend the series until the end of season 7. Do yourself a favor and watch it until then and don't bother with the rest. Season 8 is nothing but a total waste of time and I can't see the series ever going back to its original splendor. Once you start a descent into the abyss of deep dumbness there is seldom a way back.

You're warned, make of it what you will.

American Ultra

Stylish and offbeat comedy
I have to say I strongly disagree with some of the negative reviews for this movie, and maintain that most people simply didn't get it.

The story is silly and as unrealistic as movies can ever be, but it's meant to be an offbeat, and dark, stoner fantasy comedy and as such it works just fine.

It's also beautifully, stylishly filmed and it reminds me of some of Edgar Wright's best work, as in movies like Hot fuzz, Shaun of the dead and Scott Pilgrim. People who love dark humor will find plenty of laughs in this one, and the actors are mostly pretty believable, despite the overall silliness of the story.

Some people criticized it for mixing various genres, but I think it's actually one of its strength as the odd mishmash of inspirations and over the top characters gives it a very original vibe and makes it a lot more fun and unpredictable than other recent movies. (and on that topic, it's worth noting it's a lot more fun, original and stylish than any of the recent and much more famous movies in the James Bond franchise.... I find it ridiculous that while many people will waste money on that garbage just because the name 'Bond' is in the title little gems like American Ultra, a million times more creative and funnier while just as silly, get little respect)

It's also, IMO, a much better movie than the spectacular but ultimately cold and meaningless Mad Max, whose story is just as dumb but gets a much more serious treatment.

One negative note on American Ultra, and why I gave it a 9 instead of a 10, is that Topher Grace's performance, while acceptable at times, is a bit grating and somehow doesn't quite mesh with the rest of the movie.

Still, this is a very funny stoner movie stylishly filmed, and for lovers of offbeat humor possibly one of the best of last year (admittedly a very poor year for cinema, filled with forgettable movies with no originality....).

Heroes Reborn: Dark Matters

Seriously? Found Footage?
I really wish I could give it a higher score, the story and the characters are not bad.....

But the whole found footage format? No sorry, it looks lame, amateurish and just plain stupid.

It's a gimmick that occasionally works, mainly because of media hype, but really it's just an excuse for poor, cheap photography.

Sorry, interesting story but the way it's "filmed" (sarcasm) makes it unwatchable. If I wanted to watch shows that are about as well filmed as a family's home video I would make them myself, from TV producers I expect much, much higher standards.

Once again, too bad, another story with potential wasted to either save money or focus on a dumb gimmick, which is all found footage movies/shows really are. Don't watch this garbage, it will just encourage TV producers to make even more of these atrocious found footage movies/shows.

Note to the makers: Bad photography is bad photography, grow up and learn how to use a camera or don't waste our time with this gimmicky garbage.

Project Almanac

Interesting story, terrible photography
Pretty much what the summary says....

I'll give it an 8 for an interesting story (not the most original, overall, but still well crafted)

And I'll give it a 0, being almost generous, for photography

Most of the movie is filmed with a hand held camera, making the picture constantly wobble and shake. The last thing the world needed was a pseudo-documentary/pseudo real story/whatever movie . Blair Witch Project was a well marketed fad, but overall a pile of steaming garbage. Cloning that same type of home made movie feel turns this interesting story into a terrible movie.

Note to aspiring cinematographers: There is a reason why 99.99999% of movies are not filmed with a hand held camera: 1-It looks bad 2-It looks stupid 3-It gives watchers headaches

If you want to make movies, duh, have a stable camera and pan or zoom for effects.

Inherent Vice

trippy and surreal, but not for everybody
Inherent Vice is an excellent movie, but it's not for everybody.

It's based on a novel by Thomas Pynchon, a surreal American writer mainly inspired by the transition from the 60s to the 70s, and its repercussions throughout American society.

As a result, it's a rather artsy movie, filled with interesting characters and driven by a pot-smoking PI played, wonderfully, by Joaquim Phoenix. There is a lot to like about it, from its interesting meditations on life to its cast of quirky, oddball characters, but it's not a Hollywood movie and it will disappoint anybody looking for glitzier productions filled with special effects or cheap drama.

The plot itself, rather meandering and confusing, is rather irrelevant, but the movie as a whole is original and, if you can read between the lines, thought-provoking. Normally I would give it a higher score, but when I think of the novel it was based on I can't help thinking that the pace was a little too slow, and too many amazing moments in the novel were just trash-canned to keep the budget down.

Still, very original and interesting, but be prepared for quite a trip (especially if you smoke a joint first, which would really help getting into the main character's shoes)


The Hospital

Deep, dark, and hilarious...
This a fantastic movie, although I can't figure out why it's labeled as a "horror/something" story. There is absolutely nothing of a horror movie in "The Hospital"....

Yes, some patients die, as mentioned in the storyline, and it has many elements of drama, but overall this is a dark, satirical comedy that is never scary but might have you rolling on the floor laughing your head off; in fact some scenes and dialogs I would describe as the funniest ever put in a movie (assuming you appreciate dark humor).

The acting, vital in such a movie, is top notch, and the all-star cast does justice to one of the best, most intelligent Hollywood scripts ever written. It's quirky, darkly funny, thought-provoking, and it questions the very basis of our society, and our life, without ever being cheesy or preachy. All the characters, for better or for worse, feel extremely real, and yet they tread the edges of surreal, tragicomic events that, in turn, can take them (and us, the audience) to emotional places as diverse as hilarity, despair, and even optimism.

I saw it for the first time many years ago, just bumped into it while channel-surfing, and couldn't turn it off until the end credits came up on the screen. I watched it again recently and found it just as powerful, funny and mesmerizing as that first viewing. If you love great cinema, and a drama with ideas instead of a transparent agenda, don't miss out on "The Hospital", it's a masterpiece.

Ender's Game

It could have been much better
First of all let me mention that I read the book, people who haven't might get a different impression.

So, having said that, I will give this movie a six only because of the acting and decent visuals. Overall, unfortunately, it falls well short of the high standards set by the book.

The pacing is uneven throughout, random snippets from the novel appear without any real context to give them any emotional resonance, and important moments are rushed, or poorly thought out. The direction is pretty much mailed in, a stodgy, discouraged, trite affair despite the overall stylishness of the designs and palettes (the few positives) Honestly, it goes by pretty fast, the visuals are pleasant, the story it's based on is interesting, so not a total waste of time if you just want to chill in a theater for a little while....

However, if you are movie buff and expect a little more than average Hollywood fare than don't bother, this movie feels patchy, artificial, staged, it has no flow and no it has no real depth.

Kudos to the actors for giving this hodge-podge of themes never fully explored at least a vague semblance of heart, but a pretty mediocre effort all considered, definitely below mediocrity in terms of script and direction.

Once again, it could have been so much better.

Dude, Where's My Car?

hilarious stoner comedy
Like others said, this movie is dumb, silly and devoid of any shred of intelligence or sophistication....... And that makes it one of the greatest, and one of the funniest, stoner comedies of all times.

Go somewhere else for an intelligent movie, but for some mindless fun, especially if you are in the right "altered mood", this movie is fantastic.

Personally I like all kinds of comedies, smart or silly, as long as they are funny; this one made roll on the floor laughing at times,so I strongly recommend it to any fan of silly, over the top, campy stoner movies

In other words..... sweet movie, dudes.


good show, excellent acting
I thought it was pretty good actually, excellent acting, interesting story, different enough from typical Sherlock Holmes stories to be rather entertaining and unique

I saw some poor reviews that mainly claimed, well, that it was bad because it wasn't "exactly" like a typical Sherlock Holmes story

well, Conan Doyle wrote great, timeless Sherlock Holmes stories, we can all read those for the original

as per this series, not only it was very well written and superbly acted, it's also quite original, and Liu as the sidekick, not to mention the high-strung, tattooed Holmes bring a much needed breath of fresh air to a concept that otherwise most people would consider stale and repetitive (I've seen movies based on Sherlock for many years now, enough of the same old clichés)

kudos to the writers for coming up with something very new and interesting (anybody can copy a stale formula, it takes guts to dare to add new twists) too bad most Brits will totally miss the point and just dis the show for not being "traditional" (and therefore boring and pedantic) enough

oh well, if you'd rather see something more innovative (and once again superbly acted) this series is definitely worth a look

Donnie Darko

great movie
Unfortunately kept out of theaters because of 9/11 but later on it has become a cult movie, with good reason.

Without giving away much of the story, Donnie Darko is a kid affected by schizophrenia.... but the movie soon turns into a metaphysical thriller where it's hard to distinguish reality from the distorted perception of the protagonist.

Donnie Darko often wanders at night, led by hallucinations, and on one of those nights a mysterious man in a black rabbit suit warns him that the world will end in 24 days.... Is the world gonna end? Is he just crazy? Are there other mysterious forces at work? Those are just some of the many interesting questions we seek an answer for, while meditating on our own perception of reality and time.

A very original story, great performances, an awesome 80s soundtrack and great direction in this masterpiece of modern cinematography.


awesome hyper-stylish psychological thriller
It's sad to see such a gem of a movie largely ignored, while so many terrible Hollywood movies get wider distribution, bigger budgets and plenty of undeserved success.... still, if you are into lower budget movies much higher on creativity and originality, you can't miss cypher.


Awesome acting, with Jeremy Northam and Lucy Liu (I have to agree, vastly underrated, but then again Hollywood and America want their stars to be white or black generally, how sad) giving performances that make many famous stars look like department stores dummies in comparison

Low budget effects but visually ultra stylish and very creative (as an example, our hero, basically a zero, lives in a neighborhood where, seen from above, the nondescript suburban homes form the image of a 0, just one of the many little details that add depth to the viewing experience)

A very interesting story and plenty of thought provoking dialogs and situations; clever, well-crafted, interesting until the last minute.

But then again, nothing that surprising when you consider that it's a work of the same director of "Cube", a cult, low-budget, Canadian Sci-Fi movie still remembered as extremely original by all fans of intelligent science fiction, too bad this fantastic new effort went unnoticed, the director and the actors deserved much more recognition for it.

Alien Opponent

80 minutes of good fun
I have to say I'm honestly surprised the current average mark for this excellent movie is so low, and probably some reviews are so negative.

In a way it's understandable actually, because if many people expected it to be a mega-budget Hollywood blockbuster with a tight plot, dialogs with depth (real or clichéd) and an all-star cast (independence day, Armageddon etc), well then, this movie would definitely be a disappointment.

Well, some people might have been looking for those rare gems, movies with style and a great story but for whatever reason ignored by the establishment (Cube, Cypher, Donnie Darko when it went straight to video because of 9/11 and an airplane crash, despite being one of the best movies ever made).... and again they were in for a disappointment.

So, you might think, why does this lunatic gave it an 8 then? That's actually quite simple, this is a B-movie, shamelessly so, and as such it succeeds in its intent and entertains to no end.

From the very opening, a quiet evening in rednecks-ville with booze, guns and alien ships crashing behind the barn, we're immediately reminded of classic B-movies such as Killer Clowns from Outer Space, Wild Zero, or maybe the pulp fiction that inspired many Tarantino movies. However, while Tarantino tries to invest his silly, gory movies with a serious background that rarely fits, Alien Opponent is a tongue-in-cheek gore fest that entertains us with action, blood, corny dialogs and bizarre deaths all extremely funny.

The movie, as long as a silly, gory B-movie suits your tastes, flashes by in an instant, never boring and always enjoyable. For a bit of mindless fun and gratuitous, silly violence, this movie is a real gem, and in my opinion much more fun than pretentious Hollywood efforts like the recent Sherlock Holmes movie, check it out.

PS I recently watched it again and I had to change the score to a ten. Stupid movie, yes, but really funny. I still think many people just don't get that it's meant to be cheesy and silly. That's what great B-movies are.


great comedy series
I only started watching community recently, when it was recommended to me by friends, and I must say I'm really glad I did. The show stars a motley crew of characters from diverse backgrounds who come together as a study group, and friends, in the quirky community college of Greendale. The characters, wonderfully portrayed by all the actors, are all unique and very well defined, and all contribute to the fun as their quest for education and their relationship are tested by their own character flaws and the the madness of several instructors, the dean, and several bizarre events often spoofing famous movies, TV shows, or other events.

In truth, if their adventures were limited to the more "realistic" events of other shows, community probably wouldn't stand out. However, the constant probing of different visual formats and movies gives them a range of themes and manic unpredictability that make it one of the best comedies ever. In fact, at times it even reminds me of Seinfeld's real life re-enacting of movies, but Community pushes the limits even farther, with the inner mind landscape of the characters at times taking over the show and adding elements of surrealism that are always funny without being clichéd.

A great comedy show, one of the few worthy of mention next to classics like Seinfeld, and certainly the very best current television programming has to offer, don't miss it.

A Few Best Men

waste of time if you want smart laughs
Well, I'll keep this review short and sweet

like many recent Australian and British movies, "A few best men" uses a pretty typical low-brow recipe from the British Isles:

stupid people spend the whole movie getting totally drunk, do even stupider things because of it, and they think it's actually funny or cool...

a recent movie about kids going to some place in Spain to get drunk in the sun (why they even bother traveling beats me), pretty much followed the same recipe.

if that's your idea of humor, great, but personally I think it's boring, meaningless, and something only an alcoholic could sympathize with or actually find funny (the hangover had the original twist of the guys reconstructing what they had done, and already felt tired and boring in the second, this one, and many recent British movies, don't even bother adding twists, drunk and stupid seems to be funny enough)

conclusion: if you enjoy humor that requires a minimum of brain cells, avoid it like the plague


A Masterpiece of modern cinematography
In a nutshell, one of the best movies ever made, if not the best.

Based on Alan Moore's awe-inspiring graphic novel of the same title, the movie does a wonderful job of capturing the spirit of the book, paying attention to the tiniest details and using the book as a storyboard that allows the pages to come alive on the screen and transport, for the duration of the film, to a a darker but fascinating alternate reality while looking at history that never was but, perhaps, could have been.

The movie opens up with a mystery, and the tension keeps building as we meet a diverse cast of characters, enjoy spectacularly filmed, breath-taking sequences, and slowly other mysteries and unanswered questions turn the movie into a mesmerizing Chinese puzzle box in which everything, and I mean everything, can assume different shades of meaning that might at first appear isolated but really are always connected to the main themes of the movie, at times in ways we'll only recognize later on as we solve parts of the puzzle.

The action sequences are fantastic, original and superbly choreographed, but often take a back seat to the depth of character development (often touching but never clichéd) and grander themes that challenge us to ponder mysteries like; time, the corruption brought on by power (who watches the watchmen?) love and the nature of life itself.

A great director, a beautiful soundtrack, inspired performances by all the actors (special kudos to the man under the Rorsharch mask) and creative, stunning cinematography come together to bring to the screen one of the most intelligent, thought-provoking stories ever written.

Any film lover will count it among the best movies ever made, if you haven't seen it yet, enjoy it now, movies of this caliber are few and far between.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

a visually stunning anthem to pop culture
There is something to be said for movies with a tight plot, a realistic approach to the material being filmed, and perhaps a clear message..., or for movies that make us think deeply about certain topics or situations... (as long as they don't devolve into drab, monotonous affairs)

"Scott Pilgrim vs the World", however, has nothing to do with any of those movies, instead it embraces and combines decades of pop culture with a fresh, insouciant approach that never fails to dazzle and entertain from the first minute to the last.

The recipe for this particular movie is pretty simple, one part video game, one part comic book (especially manga), one part adolescent comedy, and one part Honk Kong action movie. Add an array of visually stunning special effects, a generous amount of quirky jokes (that at times lovingly satirize the same pop culture the movie celebrates), time it to a steady beat of very enjoyable rock and pop songs, frame it all with creative, well above average camera work and you'll have a final product that plays like a breezy, silly romp through not only pop culture but also the subconscious of generation X survivors.

While other visually stunning movies, for instance Avatar, add a ponderous, clichéd, predictable morale, fortunately nothing of the sort interferes with the sheer, mindless fun of this amazing pop opera.

Now, it's true that this movie would probably look like an artifact from some distant alien civilization to people in their fifties or older, but I'm in my early forties myself and I could relate to all its elements, as I grew up enjoying all of them, and watching this film was a fun re-visitation of themes that accompanied my childhood, adolescence and maybe even early adulthood, adding a bittersweet element of nostalgia to the viewing experience. Kids still immersed in present pop culture obviously will not experience that, but I seriously doubt they'll fail to enjoy it, as it brings together so many themes they will be easily able to recognize..

"Scott Pilgrim" is not for people who somehow managed to grow up unaffected by pop culture, or high brow connoisseurs that want more than fun from films...... but if the elements of the recipe hold any attraction for you this gem of a movie will surprise you, thrill you and amuse you like few others ever do.

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