
IMDb member since February 2011
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The Real Buzz Lightyear Would be Infinitely Better
The main disappointment of this film, (and it was disappointing), is that a Cowboy loving, toy loving, creative child like Andy would simply NOT enjoy a movie like we've just seen. No way.

Why, oh why, didn't they creators just produce s simple plot with a HERO astronaut? That is all that was required.

Kids love laughs, silliness, action, dastardly villains and HEROES!!

It doesn't matter if a plot is obvious as long as it is a fun ride.

This film was not fun at all and fell short a long way from infinity.

Bullet Train

This Train Game is Insane - and Lame
Yeah, this film was fast, heading somewhere spefic, but I wasn't too happy with the hourney.

To tell the honest, I don't even like assassin films - but Brad.... So, I laughed maybe three times, hence three stars.

Lots of blood and guts, not really my cup of tea - specially not when it's glamorised.

Would not be recommending to others.

The Railway Children Return

Get on Board
A lovely nostalgic film. A simple story but well executed. It was lovely to see Jenny Agutter in it and took me back to a simpler time of my own childhood. Well worth seeing and your kids would like it if you could persuade them to come along. Recommended.

Jurassic World Dominion

Jurassic Blank - Janketty Jank
This is not a good film.

Hardly anything dinosaur in the long, boring build up. Then just senseless, plot-less stupid action.

I don't know how anyone could make a worse film if they tried.

Putting directors / producers on notice, if you make a trash film, you will get trashed.

Xiong chu mo: Chong fan di qiu

Hidden Gem. Go see it.
We are an older couple, no young kids.

I love animated movies and husband has gotten to like 'em, too (no choice).

I saw the trailer and thought he would like this one because it seemed sci-fi and futuristic.

We both loved it.

It's cute, touching and has deeper meanings.

Not sure how many will go see it because it's not Disney or Pixar, but it was really good, fun and enjoyable.

You'll be missing out if you don't go. So why not, go?!

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Buckle Your Swash and Let's Have Some Fun!
A great sequel.

Yes, very long, but great fun.

Silly and cartoonish but that's what allowed it to take creative liberties.

I only watched the first Pirates film back in the day, but re-visiting in 2022 to watch the franchise in support of Johnny. I'm glad I did.

Operation Mincemeat

Slow but steady
A bit of a strange one. I liked it. I enjoyed it. But yet I found it a little slow. The acting was good and kept me entertained - and yet - I could have hoped for a bit more 'drama'. Nonetheless a good film even more intriguing because it was based on a true story.

Colin in Black and White: Cornrows
Episode 1, Season 1

Who else can relate?
Wow! I loved it! Can sure relate to the pain of getting cornrows, sitting on the floor while my sister pulled my head this way and that. Not being able to sleep at night, but going through it cos' of how beautiful it looked.

I like the perspective of seeing Colin reviewing and narrating his own past - it's authentic.

I've only watched episode 1 so far, but looking forward to watching the rest.


By Far Best Movie of the Year

Breathtaking. Tense and mesmerising. I was on the edge of my seat and holding my breath. Loved it.

Can't wait for part 2. Hope it won't disappoint. A lot to live up to.

Kimi no na wa.

So beautiful. Watched it with my Husband
The beauty, the drama, the romance. We both loved it. An unforgettable movie which we compared to Howl's Moving Castle and not sure which we liked better. Japan makes EXCELLENT movies.

The Lost City of Z

Subtlety not completely lost. Simply told but determined.
Completely enjoyed this movie. I was taken on a journey and carried graciously as a passenger privileged to see what this explorer saw and experience some of what he felt. And not just him. The story conveyed the emotion of all the central characters - usually without words. I was pleased with the direction and content. The film did not rely on excess and exaggerated action to tell its tale. Highly entertaining. Highly recommended. Memorable and well done.

Into the Woods

Took me in! In a good way!
When I first saw that it was on at the cinema, I thought it was going to be a horror movie, or something like the Blair Witch Project: the title picture with Meryl Streep (who I didn't even recognise at the time) looked a bit too scary for me (I don't watch horrors).

It was only some time later that I realised that it was Meryl Streep and I decided I would one day watch it. When some kids who I knew asked me if I had seen it (though they themselves were really too young to have done so), I decided it was time.

I, too, did not know it was a musical. It became clear straight away, though, and I was okay with that, but agreed that if my hubby was not, then we would turn it off after ten minutes and watch something else.

I loved it, though he fell asleep (not necessarily because of the movie, possibly in spite of it - he was just tired, I think.)

Anyway, the movie was good. Musicals have more of a battle to sell themselves. Are the songs good? Is the singing good? Is the cast engaging and charismatic? I found the songs to be complex and interesting - well-crafted word play with narrative relevant to the plot. My only negative comment: it felt a bit over-long. I would have been okay with it finishing before the final act but I realised there was a plot twist and another story to be told.

After watching the film, I read the reviews and saw it was based on a successful Broadway show and I give the film credit for being so well done that it could stand alone like it did.

Some reviewers said the singing was bad. Not so. All the cast sang well. Not all sung dialogue in a musical is meant to sound like a pop song. I enjoyed this movie. Give it a watch now you know that it is a musical, if you didn't before. If you like a good plot performed by a committed, skilled cast, you should like this. 7/10.

Kingsman: The Secret Service

Do NOT believe the hype -this movie is RUBBISH!
This could well be the worst movie I have ever seen. It consists of a stupid, lazy, non-credible script combined with stupid, amateur, unconvincing acting and stupid, gratuitous, repetitive violence. To add insult to injury, in the last few scenes ,it objectifies women in such a tasteless and immoral way that it made me quite angry and really shouldn't have been allowed to be in the movie.

There is NO way that the reviews for this movie are genuine, NO WAY! This film deserves -10 out of 10, it's soooo awful. I expected it to be bad going in as I had done some research, but my husband had wanted to see it so I said I would go. I expected the stereotypes and over- the-top violence, and I got that. But I also expected a plot, some laughs and decent action, but that was TOTALLY absent. Such a rubbish movie.

With a title like 'Kingsman' you would expect a bit of class, but instead it deliberately stayed in the gutter and everyone in it was tainted by its awful stench. The writers, director, producer and actors should be ashamed to be associated with such garbage. I was certainly ashamed of myself for ever having seen it. Absolute crud. Yuk! Don't go.


An Instant Classic
I loved it. It didn't matter to me that myself and my husband were watching it without the cover of escorting children, family movies are probably one of the most satisfying things out there to watch when done as well as this one was.

Cute is an understatement to describe Paddington Bear: he is simply warm and cuddly and I fell for him wholeheartedly. I may even add PB to my Christmas list of wants, even at my great old age.

Adult comedies can engender one or two laughs, if you're lucky, but this family fun trip had me and the audience laughing throughout (apart from the odd serious moments where it wouldn't have been right to do so).

Everything was right: the colours, the cast (except I'm not a fan of Nicole Kidman: her pert nose, pert bum or whispered speech), and again...I was entranced by the great warmth of the entire piece.

Folks, go see this one, whatever your age, with kids or without. You'll all love it, I'm sure.

My hubby hadn't wanted to see it, but he thoroughly enjoyed it. Highly recommended. I'm sure it will grace many TV screens at many Christmases for many years to come.

Begin Again

Refreshing Fun
I really liked this movie. The music was good as was the acting. I usually like Mark Ruffalo's laconic style, but heh, in this movie he talked a plenty! Not really a fan of Keira Knightley; I thought she was horrible in 'seeking a friend for the end of the world' - I didn't believe in her character - but in this film? Knightley was really good in my opinion - I liked her and felt I understood her. Good work by all. My husband loved Adam Levine's voice (we don't know anything about him or his songs before - gonna check him out now). So, all in all a worthwhile and enjoyable experience, modern and not really Hollywood blockbuster style romcom at all. Highly recommended.

Rain Man

I could watch this movie over and over!
I just love this movie. Been watching it since 1988 and never got tired! I love the pathos and the build-up. I have a sister with a learning disability and it makes a lot of sense to me to see how these brothers interact. Compared to Wall brook, Raymond probably had a lot of fun for that 1 week, but it would be a huge commitment for Charlie to look after him ongoing - at a great cost to his personal liberty. Such decisions are hard to make but is a constant reality for families of those with learning disabilities or other mental ill-health. A must watch movie for everyone! And Tom Cruise certainly looked hot back in the day!!


Very moving film
This was a great film. I haven't stopped thinking and talking about it since I saw it earlier today. This is a story that needed to be told: so much better than the typical blockbusters we are force-fed day by day. A very meaningful and poignant tale about what goes on in the heart of man and the secrets that can change lives if only known. My husband and I hugely enjoy the British style of acting with its dry humour and evident realism. A movie which portrays a reality that would be very close to home for thousands of people. Steve Coogan played his part very well. Judi Dench has excellent comic timing, which I haven't forgotten, having watched her in UK sitcoms in the old days. A must see. Well done to all involved.

Les Misérables

The Best Les Mis I've Seen
I didn't know much about Les Mis, having never seen it at the theatre. But when I heard the rave reviews being given for the new, all-singing cinema release starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Anne Hathaway, I really wanted to see it. Seeing the cinema release would be my chance to find out why Les Mis had always been so well-loved.

But somehow we didn't get to see this new film and in the meantime my husband rented the non-singing version of Les Mis, starring Liam Nesson, from Lovefilm. I was enthralled. It was fantastic! So well acted. So memorable. Moving. Believable and insightful.

Strangely enough, the school where I was temporarily working were also doing a performance of Les Mis - a singing version of course, and I spoke to the stage director and he said to see the school version and you wouldn't need to see the latest film. He was kind of, right. The school's actors and singers were brilliant. Great singing. Great heart. And not having heard the songs in the Liam Neeson film version, it was lovely to say, aha, that's where those songs I've heard people singing on Talent Shows comes from and fits in.

Eventually, we rented the Hugh Jackman version and all I can say is, it didn't hold a candle to the Liam Neeson one or even the school-play! Not good singing or acting (except I could feel passion and enthusiasm in Russell Crowe's performance beyond his singing capabilities). But Hugh Jackman? He is not Jean Valjean. Not good acting, singing or stage presence. I could not believe in him as a convict or as a good upright mayor of the town. I watched it through to the end. My husband slept. Now I can justify thinking of Liam Neeson as THE Jean Valjean and Geoffrey Rush as THE Javert. 10 out of 10. Excellent. The best I've seen out of three different renditions. This one is the one I will always remember. See this classic for yourself, if you haven't already.

Les Misérables

The 1998 version with Liam Neeson is far better - even though the songs are missing
I didn't know much about Les Mis, having never seen it at the theatre. But when I heard the rave reviews being given for the new, all-singing cinema release starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Anne Hathaway, I really wanted to see it. Seeing the cinema release would be my chance to find out why Les Mis had always been so well-loved.

But somehow we didn't get to see this new film and in the meantime my husband rented the non-singing version of Les Mis, starring Liam Nesson, from Lovefilm. I was enthralled. It was fantastic! So well acted. So memorable. Moving. Believable and insightful.

Strangely enough, the school where I was temporarily working were also doing a performance of Les Mis - a singing version of course, and I spoke to the stage director and he said to see the school version and you wouldn't need to see the latest film. He was kind of, right. The school's actors and singers were brilliant. Great singing. Great heart. And not having heard the songs in the Liam Neeson film version, it was lovely to say, aha, that's where those songs I've heard people singing on Talent Shows comes from and fits in.

Eventually, we rented the Hugh Jackman version and all I can say is, it didn't hold a candle to the Liam Neeson one or even the school-play! Not good singing or acting (except I could feel passion and enthusiasm in Russell Crowe's performance beyond his singing capabilities). But Hugh Jackman? He is no Jean Valjean. Not good acting, singing or stage presence. I could not believe in him as a convict or as a good upright mayor of the town. His singing was high and screechy and I really didn't like it, though I've heard him sing on chat-shows and he sounded like he had a good voice. His singing actually annoyed me in the film. I didn't mind anyone else's voice, they all did okay and some singers were very good. I particularly liked Marius. Also, why the Irish or sometimes Scot sounding)accent from Jackman? Was he trying to play the part like Lim Neeson? Probably...but he failed.

I watched the film through to the end. My husband slept. Now I can justify thinking of Liam Neeson from the 1998 version as THE Jean Valjean and Geoffrey Rush as THE Javert. 10 out of 10. Excellent. The best I've seen out of three different renditions. This one is the one I will always remember. See this classic for yourself, if you haven't already. Don't bother with the 2012 version. Not really very good at all.

The Rebound

Realistic and Loved the Ending
I loved the ending of this film, just loved it. From the time of the 'wake-up call' moment, the film took on a very realistic turn and time was allowed for maturity/change to take place on both sides. What was so beautiful to me when they met again at the end was the brevity of the words spoken and the silent action taken to convey so much meaning and future potential: "I'm thirty now," he said, and then the mutually-sought handhold under the table. Simple but wonderful closure. And yes, Catherine Zeta-Jones is a good actress who could have given even more to the part if called for, but what she gave was enough. An enjoyable movie.


An as'SALT' to my sensibilities
This film was totally unsavoury, in my opinion.

If I can't believe anything about it, and I mean, not one thing, no matter how hard I try, what's the point? Where's the 'enter'-tainment, if I can't enter into this entirely nonsensical plot?

Is she or isn't she a Russian spy? Who cares? She should be dead or disabled after her first relative-speed defying jump onto a full-throttle lorry, much less her third...so, what else can't she do in reality?

And who's convoluted web-plot idea was it for her to marry an arachnologist, just so she can temporarily use spider venom to paralyse the Russian President? It's just lame.

Plus, if anyone has seen Alias, they practically stole every scene setting from there about Russian children being brainwashed to become American sleeper spies.

My husband badly wanted to see this film, (don't know why, maybe he thinks Angelina is a 'hot chick'? Well, I don't - don't even think she can act...miaow!), anyway, he fell asleep way before the end, so even hot chicks ain't enough if the movie is just lame.

And yeah, Salt 2 is on the table for another season, but not on my dinner! Won't be able to stomach it.

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