
IMDb member since February 2011
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    13 years


Alaska Daily

Not great
It starts ( as usually in soap series) promising, but then the plot is lost.

It suppose to be investigation of murdered girls, but it turns out as it is about newspaper, not murders.

Like in all American soap dramas there are too many characters, who actually are irrelevant to main story) and I got impression, that all these unnecessary characters ( and unnecessary stories) just to make series longer, not better.

Because that murders investigation could been shown in three episodes, perhaps?

I'm at episode 5 and I'm bored and won't continue watching, unfortunately.

Very dissappeared, because I thought it was made about real journalist( which is not) and had promising story line.

Las de la última fila

Unfortunately, I managed to watch only 2 episodes and I have decided do not watch anymore. It supposed to be comedy, but it's not, because cancer is involved.

There's also one problem- two actresses are very similar in appearance and it's confusing.

You have to be very focused on whats going on, because it's episodes from now and past.

I feel, that there were too many characters. Too much talking. Too much noise. As I said, I lost interest at the end of episode 2 and I don't think I'll continue to watch it.

And I don't understand why I have to write 600 characters, when there is nothing to write about.

I felt like I wasted my time with these series.

Love in the Villa

It's a no
It's a no from me. Lazy script. It's one of these movies you watch and forget after 5 minutes.

Movie is not comedy, isn't drama. Movie is fail. Plot reminds movie " letters to Juliet ", but it is much worse.

Dumped by her boyfriend just before holidays third grade teacher travelling alone to Verona. And because of double booked villa, she meets a very handsome british guy. That's it.

Not impressed.

Three is no much to say about this movie. I waited if it gets any better, but it didn't. Wanted to switch off couple of times, but there was nothing better on TV, so managed to finish it.

It's complete waste of time. Not recommended. Boring.

The Good Neighbor

Why bad reviews?
I don't understand bad reviews.

I think,it's good, entertaining, tensed thriller.

I truly enjoyed it.

Jonathan is great in role of Robert .

I would recommend it.


No, thanks
Absolutely pointless movie.

There is no plot in it.

Wasted whole time waiting for something to happen. And nothing happened.

Not worth watching.

Dreadfully boring.

American Son

I disliked movie, because I am not fan of this type of movies, where all movie happens in one room and is only conversations take place.

Switched off after half time Sick tired of racism in movies.


My Dad's on Death Row

Mixed feelings
I've got mixed feelings from this documentary.

The beginning is boring and two stories are mixed together. You need to really focus.

Now about these daughters- I disliked both. One of them smiling for camera, when she tells, that her father kills 5 people. She was SMILING. And I was sitting there with my jaw dropped and tried figure out what lines does she has and if it was worth to showing this to public. Because, common now, - her father shoots 5 people- and she founds that amusing.

Now second daughter. With intellectual disability again.

Was hard to watch her and even harder to feel symphaty. For her. And for her father.

Her father stole tge show there. What an absolute monster, absolutely horrible human being.

I thought interview with him would suit for anti death penalty activists, because he is perfect example for death penalty. Death penalty is invented for people like him. It made me physically sick to watch interviews with him.

Out of Death

Zero stars
People shouldn't waste time watching this garbage.

From first minute of movie I knew already, that is going to be trashy. Because of sob story music. Good movie doesn't need this type of music.

Actresses also looked much older, than supposed to be and with very visible botched plastic surgery .

Bruce Willis alone couldn't save movie.

Endangered Species

One star is too much
I was wondering if director and writer of this movie thought, that viewers are with IQ of less than 70?

Very very stupid script.

Special effects are just poor.

And whole movie is plain stupid.

Simple as that.

Not recommend for people with brains.

The Toolbox Killer

It's not about them
This documentary is not about killers, its more about woman, who decided befriend laurence bitteker. I don't think this story worth watching, because why would I want to know about someone ( nobody),who made friends with sadist, who enjoyed raping and torturing young girls. What they did to Lynette hounts me and I can't imagine suffering and fear, agony,pain and loneliness she felt in that van in last hours of her life. She was 17 only. She was a good girl, who worked late and simple accepted ride home from handsome man.

And here we see a wannabe ( who has a cheek compare herself to Claire from silence of the lams). I don't feel, she showed any kind of sympathy for victims. She did not confronted him. He didn't say nothing new.

I really think death row in california should be functioning, because this vile individual did not deserved life. Electric chair would've been good.

Now he died living comfortably in the cell and having this type of wannabe visitors.


A Clockwork Orange

Overrated and bizzare
I think this peace of crap is so overrated and so bizzare, which makes it unwatchable.

I'm not sure of I'm too young or too old or too stupid- I couldn't force myself to watch it nore than 1/3 of this.

And I really tried in multiple ocations 🤷 This goes together with jocker of.

Anatomy of a Scandal

Why all hate?
I don't understand these bad reviews really.

It's OK series and I watched it all in one day.

Court scenes look realistic, story is realistic too.

It makes a clear point- when you rich and famous you can get away from punishment.

There plenty of stories like this one.

Las niñas de cristal

It's a no
Very disappointed with plot of this movie.

And disappointed with " ballet " they shown. Nobody dances ballet in suit . Choreography was disappointing. There were so much things they could've shown, but they chose to " kill " them.

I feel like I wasted an evening with this movie.

Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story

Just so
I felt documentary was just so so. There was a lot talking about Jimmy savile,basically took all time of documentary and it was very little time dedicated to victims.

It felt very rushed at the end.

Started very slow and rushed at the end. I don't think it shown more, than was already known from newspapers and Internet articles.

Nothing special about this documentary.

13 Minutes

I was wondering how is possible to make movie so awful,having a bunch of real great actors?

Don't waste your time, not worth 5 minutes watch.

There is no even 150 characters to describe it.

Very boring.

A través de mi ventana

Switched off after half time
This movie perhaps works for teens, because for me ( I am 49) wasn't working.

Plot is weak or no plot and dialogue is weird.

A lot of sex scenes just to cover non existing plot.

I switched off after one hour or so, so I don't know how it ended.

Two stars it's because actors were pretty, doesn't deserve more.

The Tinder Swindler

Great documentary
At beginning I was not sure what to think, because I really thought these girls were gold diggers and I kind of in dilemma to watch it, but decided to give it a go and I'm glad I did.

It's well made documentary.

These girls, taking loans were so naive, my god.

Probably now they learned a lesson- what's too good to be true, probably is.

Norwegian girl going to pay these loans for rest of her life.

I Am Georgina

Movie about nobody
I don't think she deserves movie, because she is really nobody.

I understand, she is Cristiano partner, but is Cristiano who is celebrity and works hard to get the money she spends.

From her Instagram- she is boring housewife, posting her luxury handbags. That's it.

That's what kardashians do.

She is not involved in any charity work, she does care about herself only.

Not interested, not intresting.

Nowhere Special

Very special indeed
Enjoyed movie very much and cried. A lot.

This is serious drama, not for teens definitely.

Acting was very good and the plot too.

Movie about real people, real situations, parenting and heartache.

100 out of 10.

And Just Like That...

Love this show
With each episode gets better and better.

I love this show, honestly.

It's good to see them again and I love new additions to show.

Sarah Ramirez is truly gem.

Under solen

Love love love
Absolutely love this movie.

It will be now in my favourites list and will watch again.

Great love story.

Been missing this type of movies recently, glad I found it. Movie for more mature people, I'd say.

Was wir wollten

Movie has no point and lazy plot.

Nothing happening. It's slow and boring.

There is nothing more to tell about it.

One star is for music at the end, at least something enjoyable.

Not recommend.

Orange Is the New Black

So so
Idea of series is great, unfortunately it has developed into 7 seasons, which takes a long time to watch and eventually became soap opera ( as all others) and became bore.

I don't like so many characters in one story, it's simple too much. Watching it it feels it has no end I believe it could have been nice story in one season, without expanding it to one to one day events.

Another thing I don't like- all this lesbianism. It's too much, it's just doesn't do any favours to these series. I'm not against homosexual people, not at all, but I don't want to see it every moment of series.

I watched 1 season whole, second season I wathed forwarding some episodes and I'm done. I don't want to watch any longer.

The Lost Daughter

Spent nearly two hours watching this boring movie, which had no end.

Beginning is promising, but it went down eventually without further development.

I don't think is worth watching at all.

Very disappointed.

Not recommend.

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Not for me
I wanted to like this movie as I am fan of Tom, but seriously?

Managed to watch half of movie forcing myself, but no more.

Dull, boring and I absolutely dislike people like Rogers.

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