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Upon further review, it's the screenplay that's faulty
I had only watch this once not long after it was released in theaters and was not crazy about it especially considering I'm such a massive fan of Darren aronofsky. For whatever reason I got the itch to watch it again and I did so today, I must say the movie is actually really well done and really well acted by and large. That said the story seems implausible and ridiculous at so many turns it's hard to say what is a goof or not. Then you take 2 seconds to think about it and you realize this story or these stories are simply from a book of the most insane nonsensical parables in human history.

I'm not here to bash religion But ultimately anything that seems unbelievable in this movie is based on a very known work of fiction. The fact that aronofski is able to compile as logical a sequence of events to create a relatively coherent narrative speaks volumes of him and speaks volumes of the original authors of the Bible in the sense that it is Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings eons before their birth.

The movie has one of the best if not the best 30 second sequences explaining the origin of life until it's Evolution through Human existence. It's far from a perfect movie but it is better than what I remembered it being and I think Believers of the Bible and non-believers should just like those who interpret the Bible to suit their cause, should take from this movie what they like, literal or figurative.

The Antisocial Network

A little funny
Well I will say it's got to be pretty obvious anyone that's reading this documentary at less than 5 is clearly doing their very best to embody the trolling the movie highlights so well. Even if it wasn't intentional I do hope you can recognize the irony in your attempt to troll and otherwise reasonably well done documentary

Some all I did well this movie could do with quite a few improvements it does absolutely shine a spotlight on something that either a new far more about than I actually did. I had no idea the Nexus of so many right-wing conspiracies were actual troll moves. While funny and ironic, it is massively disappointing and problematic but really not for me to figure out.

The Zone of Interest

Not nearly as good as advertised
It's a fine movie with solid elements and I completely understand the message they are attempting tonl convey. Duality of man, two sides of a coin, man's ability to be cruel, it's all there. I was looking for a hero of some sort and while the dog was a welcome distraction from the cold, there was one person who I'll not name who showed compassion but that narrative felt unfinished as well.

I know there is a good story in here and perhaps this was better told as a limited series but it felt like a lot of loose ends were left when the credits showed. I won't call this Oscar bait because it's much better than some of those movies "Maestro" comes to mind but not even sure this was best foreign film for me this year.

I'd never rewatch this but I'd say it's a fine weekday movie but I wouldn't hang my hat on this for a weekend night at the movies.


No I don't know the source material
This is a beautifully shot and beautifully acted movie and I'll start there. It has many charms, but attempts to be so many familiar things and loses its thread. Anyone that gives this a "10" is either misguided, or hasn't seen any of the multitude of classics this is based on.

I'll spare everyone rehashing what I assume others will claim as copies, but ill call it borrowed from. My main issue is they toe the line too closely between metaphor and what is proposed as reality, or a semblance of it. Pick a lane or two and try and stick to them. This lost the basis in science early on and don't care about that but they sloppily attempt to keep metaphor and reality happening simultaneously.

It's for sure worth a watch but takes so many unnecessary turns it didn't need to, I just wish for a Space Odyssey 2024 that missed the boat/ship. Like Sandlers choice here vs another awful "comedy"

The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes

Eminem as Stan could not save this movie
Shocked they got Eminem to go back in time and play Stan. Jk but a hunk of junk this movie was

Why so much singing? Zeigler is a terrible actress or at least a movie actress. WAY TOO THEATRICAL! She's yelling or singing every line. The male lead is actually solid and hope he can save the series but she's got to go.

So derivative of its origins I can't begin to explain. Basically the same cast of characters bastardized to be lesser versions of the original. I'm not saying the hunger games is Citizen Cane but it had its charms. This movie gets high praise and ultimately what likely led me to be disappointed.

Not the worst movie but 30 minutes too long and not sure it has the momentum to carry the load of a full series.


Made him weak before Waterloo
This movie could and should have been so much better. I didn't read reviews before because I'd seen criticism at a macro level online but wanted to formulate my own opinion and its not dissimilar to what everyone else wrote.

The story wasn't nearly focused on the military leader Napoleon was. I'm not an expert by any means but felt they missed so many opportunities to delve into to the child, the man, the emperor that were left untold. He was humanized in a way that I suppose was interesting, but the character in the film never seemed as lauded and as important as history holds him. I'm not disregarding Josephine having a hold over him. Many women have had such holds over the most powerful of men, before and since. I enjoyed their love story but by NO means is that what the audience was here to see.

Fairly impressive battles, not questioning that so much. It's the lack of battle scenes that has me confused. What differentiated Napoleon was his unorthodox, guerilla style of battle, which until that time was uncommon and gave him the upper hand. The French must have passed this to the US some years earlier via Lafayette.

Take biopic out of the equation and the movie is still uneven. Everyone has some semblance of a British accent, even the Russians, French and Germans. I'd prefer a poor attempt at local accents to distinguish who they are attempting to represent than a muddled mix of various British accents, both real and attempted.

Everytime the movie begins to grip you for one reason or another, it let's you slip as quickly. I see now why they don't commonly make 2+ hour movies any longer from a studio perspective. They are hard to sell even if they are good. Irishman, Killers of the Flower Moon, etc. Have all been lackluster, self indulgent works that cater to the whims of once amazing auteurs that may have lost a step and Scott isn't immune to self aggrandizing.

I'd say skip it, but it has its moments. Just stop making 180 min plus movies that don't require it. "Less is more" is still a great idea.

Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli

"One of the best comedy specials!"?
The only person that could have written that has to be Pete David send himself. I keep giving this guy a chance after chance and I am consistently disappointed. He had his moments and I mean brief moments at SNL but he is absolutely terrible as a stand-up. Surprisingly he's better at acting so long as that role is basically exactly who he is in real life but at least it comes across as natural. I don't care about his dating history or anything of this sort but this guy got put on a pedestal and I don't believe he is deserving of one and I think this is my last foray into the world of Pete Davidson.

Great Photo, Lovely Life

A truly strong family
In spite of this person being an absolute, unremorsful monster, his family showed him the compassion and love he didn't deserve and never showed to his countless victims. I certainly wouldn't have been so kind in this situation.

As someone from a family with the patriarch also doing such things, this family's ability to confront his actions head on makes me sad my family never could speak openly about what had happened. Quite the opposite, this was buried deep down and became a shameful secret only part of the family even knows about today.

My expectation is that everybody who watched this documentary or is reading this review has experience to some degree, either personally, or with a loved one some form of sexual abuse. It is staggering and disgusting how pervasive these behaviors are but if we are ever going to slow its momentum it's by being upfront and honest and teaching our children to speak up.

Powerful and jarring movie.

Leave the World Behind

Don't Look Up....serious take
The movie is satirical I hope that the viewers get that, that said it is frightening and terrifying at the same time because the three step attack plan seems so plausible in the country we live in. The malicious that hide amongst the friends and family and neighbors we share could ultimately bring us to a similar outcome.

The movie ultimately doesn't deliver where it needs to much in the way that don't look up did but it is absolutely worth a watch and should be fodder for sleepless nights worried about unknown fears and unknown enemies because they do exist but I doubt they are as effective as they need to be to pull off something like this.

Matt Rife: Natural Selection

May have killed his career
I can't tell you how disappointing this is my girlfriend and I really enjoy the clips of him we see on Instagram and I actually waited a full week so we can watch this together. I can't tell you how cringey and bad the special is. Granted I only made it about 20 minutes in so it could have improved markedly at some point but I highly doubt it. I swear to God I think we giggled at one thing in that period and it was only because it related to something we had just had a conversation about. I can't tell if the clips I see on Instagram are more about his ability to interact with the crowd which I think he's really good at but his jokes are just Bland and flat and appear to be just rehashed from other comedians. Beautiful is chiseled Jaw can only take him so far and I feel like this special was bad enough where he won't even get to implode like a Dane Cook at a later date. Truly absolute garbage from the start to well I guess not finish, but you know what I mean. I wasn't looking to hate here at all trust me I really thought this was going to be awesome I was pretty excited and what a let down.

The Killer

It's a great movie but lacking...somewhere
Not entirely sure why this doesn't rank higher on the Fincher scale for me, specifically. It's absolutely a solid movie and recommend for anyone who's a fan of the genre, however, it does feel hollow compared to most of Fincher's works. I couldn't even finish the Mank and consider that a weird experiment, so I don't consider this a "bad streak" because this movie is hardly "bad"

The Killer feels a bit like the Terminator in human flesh. Programmed to act as a machine, follow Said program without ethics or morals, but at some point seemingly changes the program but all the while seemingly no self awareness of said shift in programming. While insinuated, it's not abundantly clear as to the urgency of it all. Was it revenge for self, for his lover (so little background)?

Again, Solid movie with several flaws uncommon to a Fincher movie. A 4 picture deal with Netflix, who knows if he's cutting corners and taking a check where in the past his unscrupulous eye would never allow for such questionable character development. I hate to say it but there seems to be a sequel here and that's the antithesis of a Fincher work. Remove Fincher from the equation it's a solid 8 out of 10.

The Fall of the House of Usher

Incredible show for any Poe/horror/social conscience perspective
This show is not any one thing. If you are an Edgar Allan Poe fan you will get about 100 references which makes it pretty exciting and interesting on its Merit alone. But what makes it truly special is its ability to tie the works of Poe to what essentially boils down to Purdue Pharma. I so happen to live 10 minutes away from the epicenter of the opioid crisis and play softball in a corporate League against Purdue Pharma to this day, spoiler alert they still exist although their softball team goes by the pachyderms interestingly enough.

Every time you just get into the story itself it will find a way to tie it back to real and current world situations and issues which makes it both scary, interesting, cerebral. This is a multi-dimensional show that I have to imagine will appeal to most audiences. That said fans of Edgar Allan Poe will really be in for a treat and I think it does a service to his legacy and finding truly unique ways to dovetail those tails with real world events

Flanagan is absolutely on fire and can't wait to see what he does next.

Fair Play

Toxicity told most accurately
I went into this with reasonable expectations given the lofty reviews, but FAR EXCEEDED my expectations and frankly one of the best movies I've seen all year. I will do my best to give away nothing or influence anyone with my opinions, but what's plainly obvious to see is the jealousy and cycle of toxicity most of us have experienced on one or both ends of a relationship at some stage in our life and how cyclical it can all be. This portrays that more accurately than ANY movie I've ever seen bar none.

The movie is much more than that and devolves into a series of other events I believe need to be seen and experienced for yourself and come to your own determinations.

People always find fault in anything but I have to imagine the majority of people unless it's a subject that is triggering will find something In this movie they can relate to, feel bad about, have or wish to change about themselves. I can't wait to rewatch one day and find more about myself I recognize and wish to work on.

No One Will Save You

Silent but not so deadly?
This movie has shades of a quiet place, signs, and War of the Worlds but does so in a very unique and interesting manner

It is tough to divulge too much without giving anything away but I will say this is a very interesting spin on the Alien Invasion trope. The acting is done very effectively and bodily so to speak. I think this takes one of the most uniquely decisive approaches on Aliens that I have seen in many years if ever.

I went in with extremely low expectations but recognize that there were good reviews but having seen it myself I would say this movie deserves significantly higher praise than it has received. I could watch this several times again and pick up a bunch of new ones that I definitely wouldn't have seen in the first View but even after that initial watch I feel this is an immediate classic and recommend to anyone who loves a good thriller and or alien flick.


A true thriller in the open ocean
Not for the faint of heart to say the least. This is a gripping, yet heart breaking film about survival, but more importantly a mother's will to have her children survive.

You don't get a lot of chances to rest and breath to be honest. Movies set in small locales can often times become stale but this is not one of those films. If you are a fan of guessing and have your own sense of intuition this is a perfect sort of escape room form of a movie. You see the objects provided to you and you have to figure out how to leverage them to escape and survive.

One can argue that there are events that likely wouldn't or couldn't happen but I defy you to argue that anything presented in this movie isn't entirely possible on its own. It is a phenomenal movie for its genre and one I doubt I will watch again due to the severe anxiety inducing moments it has from the start to finish but I would highly recommend those willing to subjugate themselves to this stress to give it a once-over.

The Saint of Second Chances

Touching story fan of baseball or not
I am a former college baseball player but I can't say I actually knew the story of Mike Veeck or his family. This story is bigger than baseball in fact it has very little to do with baseball at all. This is really a story exactly emblematic of its title, we may fail spectacularly and may think we have reached the end of our road but with sheer strength of will and dedication one can do the impossible and Rise From the Ashes.

Mike is truly an impressive individual I can't say that I've been more impressed by somebody and sometime. His passion, commitment and perseverance in the face of so much adversity is astounding and he is worthy of admiration.

I highly recommend this documentary for anybody whether they like sports or not I think everyone has something to gain from it.

The Deepest Breath

Left breathless
A beautiful story about living life's passions and for some those passions come with great risk. It's not for us to judge their decision to undertake such a risky sport but to recognize this is what for some give them a true appreciation of life itself.

There is a budding love story cut far too short but I think will echo in the hearts and minds of the people who bore witness to it and an act of unconditional love and self sacrifice that is beautiful in its tragedy.

As the film reaches its conclusion I truly felt short of breath as you know something tragic is impending and there is nothing you can do but wait for it. It's not an easy film to watch but an important one.

Daisy Jones & the Six

Wanted to like it more
By no means this is a bad show I just don't think the story arc tracks well enough to keep my attention. I will say I'm pretty ADHD but this is more or less a true life story and I would think truth is stranger and in this case more interesting Than Fiction but it sort of builds to nothing I don't know why the last episode was the last episode there is no real resolution or catharsis from my perspective. The key actors do a great job I think the rest of the band so to speak probably could have dealt with better casting but a bit of a let down the music is great but I would argue I was ready for it to be over about sox episodes in. I'm not necessarily saying don't watch it I'm just saying temper your expectations.

The Prank Panel

No need for Precious to be here but still entertaining
Just because someone won an Oscar and I mean you could substitute my comment for Daniel Day-Lewis I'm not knocking her weight or anything else but she literally has absolutely no comedy chops and has nothing to do with the prank world. I mean Ashton Kutcher do you mean anything you can see is raking in the dough but sure he has some free time on his hands and will be a much more logical choice. I love these shows but please stop forcing people into roles that literally make zero sense.

And today I'm here a good prank show has been in style for over 50 years now so no surprises if we'll executed it it will be funny and the show is no less I don't think we need the selection format process it just takes away from it. Punk'd was great because it just got down to it. Watch Stoned send you'll enjoy.

Take Care of Maya

I'm beyond infuriated
I can't say I watched a more upsetting documentary and sometime. Over the fact this is even possible in any country let alone in the United States is maddening to me. These parents were doing all they could for their ill daughter and at the advisement of multiple doctors. The court system which I will refrain from using the words that I would truly like to use on this forum, and their infinite wisdom, take it upon themselves to prejudge and convict parents with nothing but sheer conjecture and remove Maya from a loving home.

This documentary should serve as a cautionary Tale that we cannot allow a government meant to serve us take out right ownership of Our Lives and use rigid and oftentimes archaic policies to determine the well-being of not only our children but us as a society.

I don't want to spoil anything so I won't comment on where my frustration and sadness comes from but I do highly recommend watching this as painful as it may be and fight the tough fight if anything even approaching this comes your way.

Beau Is Afraid

There are elements that work but don't just call the cerebral
I'm all good for metaphor and some of this movie does work on a few levels it does instill a fear of anxiety, confusion and Dread which is representative of lots of parts of our daily existence. Beau exemplifies a lot of the fears that we share commonly and it is hyperbolic in the way the story unfolds but it loses the thread pretty quickly at some point. The movie did not need to be 3 hours I will stand on a hill on that fact. You could convey the same message in 2/3 of the time but there is an element of self-indulgence that I think starts to wear on the audience or at least this audience member a little over halfway in. It felt like we were no longer beating a dead horse but the remaining hoof. The ending is just so predictably ambiguous and I knew it was going to end that way for some time but frustrated it did. You can surmise your own justification for the outcome or how he ended up where he ended up but I think it felt pretty flat and based on the glowing reviews primarily from critics I did expect a little better. I'd say it's worth a watch but I can't say that wholeheartedly just due to the fact that it is a 3-hour movie and it's a pretty big commitment of time. If you like weird for the sake of weird with a justifiably underlying message but no real definitive outcome then go for it but this is not a rewatch for me by any means.


A flawed, honest and amazing man
Arnold was an earnest telling of a Stranger Than Fiction life story. An immigrant with aspirations far greater than his station in life would/should allow, through sheer strength of will, inspiration, hard work and fortune makes good on promises he's made to himself since a challenging childhood that forged his constitution.

The series is broken into 3 stages and does so very effectively. I learned far more about his upbringing and what truly drove him and it is frankly a sadder origin story than I'd known or expected but does highlight that great pressure at times does create diamonds but as we know can also create rubble as we learn from others in his family sphere. It feels like there was a perfect Confluence of effort and events that thrust this man into so many positions in his life it does feel guided from some unseen hand but one can not forget his unending commitment to his vision.

It is a well constructed bio of an amazing life but what I found most compelling and endearing was Arnold's absolute ownership and truth about his life. He doesn't shy away from the dirty parts of his life and would be fairly egregious but nevertheless he was willing to air his dirty laundry and I didn't feel like he tried to whitewash any of it and owned what he has done and as his mother in law repeatedly told him, "just keep moving" and so he has.

I love the message he sends in the latter portion of episode 3 where he in short says what's most important in life is to have a purpose. His has become taking care of his farm animals and it allows him to clear his mind of worry for that period of time and just keep moving and there is some great wisdom there. As has been told for centuries, idol hands are the devils plaything as they say.

I'm beyond impressed by this man, warts and all and a true inspiration for immigrants of course but really for any person who lacks inspiration. We aren't all going to rise to the echelons Arnold has reached but that's not really the point of the matter. Set lofty goals, stick to the plan, put in the work and it's very likely you will achieve great things. I'm glad to get to know the vulnerable and flawed man that is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Poker Face

Shades of Tarantino
I'm 3 episodes in but in the most complimentary way, I'd say the direction of the show borrows heavily from Tarantino and its more a nod than anything else. Even the title letters in a few of the episodes are straight up Pulp Fiction. This may not be insightful to anyone as I've not done any research because I wanted to go in blind.

It has a great vibe overall, I'm a huge Natasha Lyonne fan as I felt like I grew up with her a bit and between OITNB, Russian Doll and now this I am so happy to see the resurgence of a singularly and belovedly one lane actress who does it with such genuine sensibility you have to love her. The trick is always finding where her style of acting (being who she is) meshes with the narrative and here, a jaded, uninspired woman settling for anonymity, thrust into scenarios where her skillset come to drive the story and her delivery make this a must watch show. The antagonist introduced in ep1, blindly ("Bill") will surely be an excellent foil in the future.

Writing this early in the show but very optimistic for this show and hope it doesn't over stay it's welcome and does 3 seasons max.


As viscous as tar
As someone who has tarred a few driveways in my youth, this movie is strikingly familiar. Amazing performances, no doubt but dear lord why did that movie need to be that long? I'm sure I'm not high brow enough for the underlying themes they are trying to convey but that movie felt as self indulgent as any I've seen in recent memory.

It is an interesting perspective on the reverse of #metoo but for a movie about timing, it lacked an awareness of tempo and timing. You'll inevitably reach for your phone and tune out at some point and think this could have easily been an even two hours and conveyed the themes and message intended.

I'd say pass unless you are having trouble catching up on email or need to get to bed.

Gunther's Millions

A doggone great doc!
If like me, your understanding and expectations of what this show was going to be are far different from the amazing results then we are Kindred Spirits. I thought this was going to be some silly reality show series but what It ultimately becomes is what should have been the very first reality TV show. I can't even begin to explain how little the general premise of the show coincides with the actual narrative and backstory. I set out to watch this as a Time filler before putting on a movie but it was so gripping that I ended up binging the entire thing in one night.

This series goes to show truth is Stranger Than Fiction because if you had written this and acted it out for an audience no one would believe you but in fact I think mostly we get the full story without spoilers I will say it is one of the most touching it odd stories one can imagine to have been true.

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