
IMDb member since March 2011
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It Chapter Two

Good movie, poor ending
Movie was good and fun to watch. Lots of scares and tension till to the end but the ending was so poor. I mean killing IT by calling him clown?!? Wov...

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Started good turned to disaster
We loved this show at first, felt in love with the characters, storyline and performances. I don't know what changed but it turned to disaster in last episodes. Rebecca character became unbearably annoying and irritating, Josh's face expressions literally gives us the chills... At this point we force ourselves to endure the epsiodes and hoping the good vibes comes back.


Don't judge this movie with it's trailer
In my opinion the biggest problem and the reason for all the down votes of this movie is it's trailer. I also thought this movie was going to be a full-on comedy. Seeing Jason Sudeikis,Kristen Wiig in the trailer; all the jokes made me believe this is going to be funny to watch. Well, both of them were in the movie for like 7 minutes. Also there was this anticipation of experiencing how the "small" world would be but that also is a really tiny part of the movie.

This movie is much more than the trailer offers but unfortunately it also is much less than it too.

Watch this movie but change your expectations.

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