
IMDb member since March 2011
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Didnt like, sorry
For me its on of these Films which spend so much time on "meaningful" pictures. It becomes just boring. Also the character doesnt seem to make any progress in this movie. And to just show the Problem over and over explained from different characters and "meaningful" pictures its not enough for me to make a good movie. Instead of trying to work on any development into any direction the film just freezes in the midst of the Probmlem and doesnt move anywhere from or with it. The "solutions" are presented by Narrators or Cut-scenes from some documentary and come in some meta philosophical ways and are not in itself relevant to any of the story. And also dont get integrated into the story. they just stay above everything and thus have no meaning whatsoever. Also they offer little solution but are itself explaining the root cause of the "problem" from another perspective.

I really cant see why people enjoy these Films which only spin themself around the problem and fake to be meaningful when there is no debate or discussion of the problem, solutions or development.

6 stars for the cinematagrophic quality and dafoes acting

The Jungle Book

Bad show, wrong music notes in intro
Just stopped by here to say, that the first 20s of the Music Intro, ar out of tune and just sung wrong. That someone who calls himself a composer or soundengineer, delivers such work, lacking the fundamentals, is really shoocking me.

Rest also bad. Animation bad, Braindead plots, even for a Childsshow. Suprising that they mostly needed two writed for each episode speaks volumes.

Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid

Hm Lets think of a porn-plot for Anime... Hm First there have to be only woman, OK and then, yeah, when they get sexual pleasure they, Hm, Yeah! - They transform!!! Hm, transform into what... Yes! - Weapons! Wtf?

So that's basically what this is about. There are Woman captured on an island, and they got some sort of virus, why the one half of them transform into weapons when they present their tits and the tits get squeezed. And the other half can control this weapons. And then they fight. For totally stupid reasons.

Thats really all the show is about, there is no real story going on, basically all you see this series are how woman squeeze other woman's tits, how the woman groan and then transform into weapons.

So the only thing, which differentiates this show form an usual Hentai-porn is that the genitalia are not shown. Though Japan censors all genitalia even in Hentai-porn, so id say there actually is absolutely no difference between them.

So if you want to jerk of, OK watch this, else... Don't!

Cercando La grande bellezza

This is what a "deep" Art-house film should look like
First of all, this movie has great images. beautiful composed, great colors and camera-angels. That alone is worth it.

Apart from that. Its a film which gets you thinking, makes you discuss it with your friends and that in a deep way. You don't discuss what happened in this film or what the plot was. You directly discuss the meaning of it all. You get inspired by it to new ideas. It just gets your brain to work.

And for me that is what an Art-house film should be like.

And also you don't have the feeling that you didn't understood the movie or the plot, which for me is always a big issue with Art-house movies.

The movie is perfectly clear, without a usual Plot or Good/Evil build- up.

The History of Love

Great movie
Its awesome how this film manages to twist and bring together its multi-layered story. Really heartwarming. Especially because you actually don't like any character of this movie. They are cute and you feel with them, but there isn't someone who is clearly the hero-main character. I really enjoyed it, all of them have there small personalities and mistakes. But you cant stop watching because of this.

They cut out one scene with the young Alma, which i would regret as a cutter, because it clarifies the motivation of young Alma on the point, where i had some struggles to understand her only with the movie, though i have to say, you can understand her motivation only with the movie as well.

Everybody who likes a heartwarming story with multidimensional characters and a multi-layered story, i can hardly recommend this movie.

Fontane Effi Briest

Why is this considered a good movie?
I read Effi Briest, I know the story. But i couldn't see the story in this movie. Characters just appear for one or two scenes without any introduction so you just don't know who is who in this movie.

Characters who play a huge role in the book and have a rich background just appear for one or two scenes.

The scenes don't deliver the actual plot at all. Suddenly its 30 years later and no mention at all, i just know, because i read the book. And this is what this film feels like: an movie you watch while reading the book. As a standalone movie its just not working at all because it doesn't deliver story. Its just random scenes from the book. Maybe the scenes which carry the essence of the book, but only as an addition to reading the book.

Then there are very weird things happening in this movie, which doesn't make sense at all. e.g. the narrator starts narrating while the characters are still talking scenes of characters just standing for minutes without dialog weird text inserts which often repeat what characters just said or random things, unrelated

And the characters have no movements in their faces the whole movie. They just carry the same look all the time. except of Effi, who smiles from time to time but that's all. No one ever is mad, happy, angry, fearful, greedy, sad or even in love. And the book is about emotions. Its very confusing to see absolutely no emotions in this movie.


Top Gear as an Action movie
Had to laugh quite hard at the end: A Car gets hit by a Truck, the car flies away in the air for like 2.3 seconds, then suddenly explodes in a heavy fireball. One of the best Actionmovie endings I've seen so far.

The rest is basically just a show-off of expensive car with a lame action story. Its OK to watch but nothing special. Has some weird Italian Jobs like twists, but they didn't fully reveal the whole twist in the end, or i just didn't understand. Anyway, doesn't matter. Action boom boom, cars, works for me.

Song to Song

Adult People playing with each other in a sexualised way
I saw the trailer of this movie, which looked quite good. I have seen Tree of life and didn't liked the film at all, though I'm not entirely closed to this kind of films.

If the film is able to tell a story just with images, that's fine. But with this film i wondered where or what the story was at all.

Basically all you see this movie is Fassbender, Rooney, Portman, Blanchett and Gosling playing with each other like they are about to have sex. But they actually never do have sex. also they rotate their partners without any notable reason.

This rotations are not explained in anyway which makes them just seem totally random. Even emotionally there is no way to get to them.

Then it appears that they are all musicians, or not? Im not sure, at some point they all have instruments in their hands. And they having their "romantic dance" also on a festival. Ans then some famous musicians appear who drop some wise lines not related to anything else in the movie. so yeah nice to see them have a cameo, cool, next scene, oh they doing romantic dance again.

And if this film is supposed to be about musicians or how they experience live, i have been a musician on stage in front of crows for a long time and i cant relate to any of this.

I even watched the interviews for some help, but nobody offers me some explanation. I don't know.

No Story and only people playing with each other, pretty boring over all.

Into the Badlands

a series for fans of Good looking KungFu/Material arts/Wushu movies with a nice atmosphere to it
I really enjoyed watching this series. For me its the job of Fantasy and ScFi to be able to tell the stories, you normally couldn't tell because of reality. So i don't understand why some say stuff is unrealistic in this series. C'mon its Fantasy. I want to have a nice atmosphere and see Art on the screen. I want them to fly around and fight with swords. Guns would most likely limit this setting massively.

So this Show creates a great atmosphere in nice colors and with an eye for the epic in each scene.

The story is more then decent, considering, that a "game of thrones-twisted story" isn't really necessary for this genre.

The only negative aspect for me was that they overused following: "some person does something they want nobody to see" - cut - "some other person stands at a window and sees it" It happens in almost every episode. Its a pity that the writers/director couldn't come up with a little bit more creative way of presenting the same plot-twist.

But anyway a series for fans of Good looking KungFu/Material arts/Wushu movies with a nice atmosphere to it. If you liked Hero or Tiger & Dragon you will most definitely like this series as well.

A Blast

Actually i couldn't find the story
One of this movies you watch and getting excited about but then disappoints you after all.

Actually i couldn't find the story. Neither her relation to her husband, nor her relation the her sister or parents. I get that she is struggling with life. But the why isn't really told at all. For a movie which is totally about its main character, you get pretty much no insight in her character. All things she does are making some sense. but for me it is the task of the movie to explain it to me. to let me understand the character and her feelings. And this is done poorly.

Actually the movie kinda got me when she was planing everything. giving her children away, the strange black car at the start[..]. So at least, i thought, she had a plan. And especially the movie made it look like she had a plan. But in the end: No, no plan. Shes not running away traveling the world or is becoming a sex slave (wich i thought at some point). She just drives to nowhere chased by a police car appearing like in a classical action movie (totally stupid and with no reason). If this is a metaphor for her getting nowhere in life, If this should be the whole point of this movie, showing that she cant run away and cant get nowhere, i will instantly take 3 stars off my rating and never watch movies again.

Also 50% of the screen time you see her having sex with her husband. Yeah OK i get that she had great sex and a lot. but really it felt like the whole point in this movie was showing them "making love". Anyway, i like the style and display of sexuality in this movie. Its just too much and always the same shot and after the 3 or 4th time nobody can tell me that it has any value to the plot anymore.

6 points because her performance is great and for nice shots and colours. But i wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

Jing wu feng yun: Chen Zhen

This film tries to be more than just an action movie but fails because of this. The plot is complex with a lot of main characters and a lot of relationships. But the story itself is absolutely boring. Another "bad Japan, good China" blabla from the Hongkong studios. After the "historical" introduction, which is as correct as the propaganda of the third Reich, you know everything about the plot you need to know. The rest is only added to make the plot more than a side-dish in a action movie. But the try to make a mixture of a action movie and a kind of a Drama or Thriller fails. The plot is boring and unnecessary and the Action is cut for the plot.

So in the end there is neither a classical Actionmovie than a Thriller.

Long story short i end: Boring movie, even for (eastern)Actionmovie fans.

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