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Asteroid City

Turned It Off
I turned it off after thirty five minutes. I don't really understand what is so great about Wes Anderson's films but I gave it a chance. I give almost every movie a chance when they come out on DVD but I figured I would probably end up turning it off. I don't see the point in making movies that have no plot to get people hooked within the first thirty minutes.

I feel the same way about The French Dispatch, Moonrise Kingdom and The Grand Budapest Hotel. They're all examples of movies with big casts that really don't go anywhere. I didn't see Asteroid City going anywhere so I turned it off. Actually this was the worst of them.

Killin Smallz

Terrible Movie
For this movie to have a 7.6/10 with 7 ratings, obviously someone involved in the making of the movie has been rating it. This was the worst movie I have ever seen. If I could give it a 0 I would. Why it was even made just baffles me. It's just a bunch of guys trying to act like they're Joe Pesci in Goodfellas, saying the f word every other word. It was a complete waste of time. Don't waste your time watching it, you'll regret it. I don't understand how anyone would find this funny, except maybe if you have a low IQ. I don't have anything else to type to make this review the required 600 characters.

Exorcist II: The Heretic

Bad Sequel
I can see why Ellen Burstyn turned down acting in the sequel to the Exorcist. It was a really bad movie. If the Golden Raspberry awards had existed in 1977, I'm sure it would have been nominated for the worst picture Golden Raspberry Award. It probably would have won it too. I'm sure Linda Blair would have received a worst actress Golden Raspberry Award for it also. I don't know why they can't just leave movies alone instead of making bad sequels to them. No wonder Linda Blair's career never went any further after appearing in this bad movie. I don't have anything else to type to get this review to the required length.


Turned It Off
I turned it off after about thirty minutes. I could not see it getting any better and didn't want to sit through three hours and nine minutes of it to find out if it would get any better. They must really be running out of ideas for movies because there have been a lot of bad movies released in the year 2022. I guess eventually Hollywood does run out of ideas. Once again, I don't have anything else to type to get this review to the required six hundred characters. I don't understand why imdb started requiring that. All that does is cause reviewers to start typing stuff like I am right now to get the review to the required amount of characters.

Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody

Could've Been Shorter
I just finished watching the movie and it wasn't bad. I think some of the scenes could have been cut to make the movie shorter. It didn't need to be two hours and twenty four minutes long. I did learn some things from it. I didn't know that Whitney Houston was bisexual and lived together with Robyn Crawford as a couple. Bobby Brown's character wasn't physically portrayed that well due to the fact that Bobby Brown has a bigger tooth gap in real life. I have seen pictures of him on Music Choice '80s channel when they play his music and his tooth gap was a lot larger than the actor who portrayed him in the movie's tooth gap.

The Fabelmans

I am an hour and ten minutes into it right now and can't believe it still has one hour and twenty minutes to go. Boring. Michelle Williams looks creepy in it, like she took Catherine Zeta-Jones's wig from Chicago and died it blonde. I'm probably going to turn it off soon. There is nothing interesting about it to wonder where it is going from here, if anywhere. Once again, I don't have anything else to type to get this to 600 characters. I don't know why imdb started requiring that. I think everyone should contact them and suggest they get rid of that requirement. They didn't require that in the past.

High Expectations

9.3 Rating
72 out of 104 10/10 ratings, yeah right. Someone is obviously padding the ratings with lots of 10/10 ratings like indicated in the featured review. According to the IMDb Top 250 Movies list, the highest rated movies are The Shawshank Redemption (1994) and The Godfather (1972) with 9.2/10. Yet somehow a movie that was just released on 1-17-23 on the internet and comes out on DVD on 2-28-23 has a 9.3 rating. I don't have anything else to type to get this up to 600 characters like imdb requires. I wish they would get rid of that requirement also. Not every review warrants a 600 character review. It'd be nice if they would do something about that.

The Banshees of Inisherin

I was bored after 30 minutes of it and skipped to the last scene to see how it ended. It was just two moody men going back and forth with each other about why the one doesn't like the other one anymore. Don't waste your time. I don't see what all the award buzz for it is about. Hopefully it doesn't win any Oscars. The only character I felt bad for in the film was the donkey that died from eating Brendan Gleeson's character's fat fingers after he cut them off. I think both characters should've been put it in a mental institution, especially Brendan Gleeson's character. I was hoping they would both die at the end of the movie, which is the only reason I skipped to the last scene.

The Witches

Anne Hathaway Razzie
I watched The Witches tonight and then came on here to see if Anne Hathaway had received a worst actress Razzie nomination for her performance. She did and it was well deserved. Bad performance.


Bad "Remake"
I see some Razzie nominations going to this movie. It was really bad. I wouldn't even call it a remake of the 1984 Firestarter. Don't waste your time. It's a shame that Ryan Kiera Armstrong's Razzie nomination was rescinded. She was probably going to win.


Gale Weathers
I was secretly hoping Sidney Prescott and Gale Weathers would finally get killed, at least Dewey got killed. Then they could finally put an end to it. Now they'll probably make another one.

Silent Night

Terrible Movie
There wasn't one character that I liked so I wasn't upset when they all died at the end. I was actually glad. It was incredibly boring and a lame idea for a movie.

Don't Look Up

Overall Good
Overall the movie was good, the only annoying character I found in the movie was Mark Rylance's character. They could've done without him. His character was irrelevant.

Coming 2 America

Turned It Off
I'm 15 minutes into it and I can already tell it deserves 1 star. I am turning it off. Why make a sequel 33 years later? Lame. They should've just left it alone.

Scream: Pilot
Episode 1, Season 1

First Episode
I turned the first episode off after 20 minutes. The actors playing teenagers are way too old to be playing high school students. It was lame. Don't waste your time.

The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun

I turned it off after 30 minutes. I found myself doing other things during it so realized it wasn't interesting so chose to turn it off and do other things.

Titanic: Deleted Scenes

Good Choices
I just watched the deleted scenes on disc two of the Titanic DVD. It was a good choice to delete the scenes that they did. Most of them were unnecessary and some of them would've even ruined the movie. For example: Brock and Rose's granddaughter coming out and finding her with the diamond was too dramatic. That would've ruined the ending.

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Kids In Need of Desks
He wears out the Kids In Need of Desks talk. Mention it a few times, but he overdoes it. He mentions it too much and it gets old. Give it a rest. I don't have anything else to type to make this 150 characters.


Turned It Off
I turned it off about 40 minutes into it. I wasn't interested to see where it was going since I don't think it was really going anywhere. I found myself doing things on the computer so that was a sign that it was time to turn it off. Boring.

Clarice: Silence Is Purgatory
Episode 9, Season 1

Bringing the race bs with Ardelia into it was unnecessary and irrelevant to the plot. I don't see what the point of bringing that up was. I don't have anything else to write to bring it to 150 characters, other than that.

This Must Be the Place

22 Minutes
I turned it off after 22 minutes. It was just Sean Penn walking around looking like Edward Scissorhands, like he was in a catatonic state. I didn't care to find out where it was going to go, if anywhere.


Forced to Watch It
I was forced to watch it in a waiting room since they had the tv on MTV. I suppose it's funny if you have a low IQ, otherwise it isn't. Chanel West Coast also has the most annoying laugh.

The Bodyguard

I think six Razzie nominations is a bit hard, it wasn't that bad of a movie. I've seen a lot worse. If anything the only Razzie worthy performance was by DeVaughn Nixon (Rachel's son). I know he's a little kid, but his acting was bad.

Let Him Go

I was glad when Blanche Weboy got blown away at the end. :)

The Breakfast Club

Actor's ages
Three of the actors are too old to be playing high school characters. Ally Sheedy and Emilio Estevez were 23 and Judd Nelson was 26.

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