
IMDb member since March 2011
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Gemini Man

Loved it!
I don't know what some of these reviews are yappin' about, I swear it feels almost like they were payed off to write this stuff. One rule that never failed me so far was that, any movie Will Smith's in is bound to be great fun to watch. This movie did the same. (Although some of the really rough fights and killing never is, but I can still appreciate the mastery.) And I went in asking myself how could it be that Will Smith movie is getting such low reviews, I kept waiting for those tjings they wrote, I wanted to see myself. But it was just awesome! One thing I would object though. Something that is seen in ALL the Hollywood movies. Please stop tying a bleeding wound ABOVE it, ever so tightly. This is how limbs are LOST. Don't you Americans have mandatory first aid courses for a driver's licence?? Did you know that you are being made fun of at those classes here in Europe, by actual medical professionals, citing this as an example how NOT to treat a wound? This is not how you stop the bleeding but how you completely cut off the blood flow. Putting pressure DIRECTLY ON the wound is how you do it, with your hands or tying something (clean, preferrably sterile) over the wound. But never, ever tye tightly to cut off the blood flow. You know that ppl sometimes imitate stuff they see in movies, right?


totally worth every minute of it
Oh my goodness, this was a so called indie movie? It was absolutely brilliant! Truly scary and truly funny, each in it's own moments, and plenty of them! Acting and screenplay amazingly good (with a natural flow, both) as well as the overall execution. This should run at least on Netflix or some major tv, if not on big screen! I loved it!

Serengeti Rules

The fault is in the human factor
Typical humans, always looking for "solutions" outside themselves. Trying to find an excuse not have to change. Well it doesn't work that way. We are the only species messing up this planet. Without us everything else works just fine. If human ways don't change the same thing will be happening over and over again. Or it will all stop happening all together, Because this planet might just one day say, enough. ALL your conclusions are wrong. ALL that nature creates is EQUALLY important. Anyone who claims something different is a fool. Just stop arrogantly pretending to be the most intelligent species on this planet, because the evidence of the contrary has been vast. Until humans humbly accept that, and that their ways need to change, there is no hope. Start with the man in the mirror, only then can you (maybe) heal the world.

Another Man's Shoes

Can't wait to see this one!
I love the title, for one. :) Dan Richardson as a "manager" and being a hilarious man in actual life (as one can see from his live Facebook videos or Filmmakers podcasts) should make up for a great comedy.


wow this film is mind blowing!
Make sure you watch with attention, and to the very end, and oh, do you make it a habit of watching through the credits? This film will leave you speechless! If you love SF and want to see something new, something not done quite like this before, you're at the right place! The actors did an amazing job as well, very very convincing. ;) For example, I didn't like the way one of the characters treated the AI. So what if he was a robot, wouldn't he have benefited more if she didn't treat him like one? Like with children with disabilities, I always treat them as I treat the children without. As much as possible. They benefit from this approach way more and it just feels better! So I would treat an AI like this one as a human too. I liked him more than the inventor from the start. I was fascinated imagining he was real (like in real life lol). He was handsomer too. :D If you watch attentively, you will notice some hints that will lave you wondering. But I have to admit, I totally fell a victim to the illusion. Until that one revealing scene at the end, I just couldn't believe it! :D And then that final, very last scene, like how!!?? That is just not possible lol. But it is. B-) What a brilliant movie! If you search the film later you might find some possible explanations on things you missed noticing. Or visit the film's social media page. I read an interview where the director says its more a movie for the tech-savvy, but Im not and didn't feel like it was. But it felt real and the fact that those are facts (lol) made it even more real I guess. This film is a true refreshment in the world of SF and it's a 10/10 from me!!! And th eEx-Machina everyone keeps blabbing about? Pffft, this movie is far better!

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