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The Northman

Lose your self
I actually like that this movie is slow. It's poetic and a mystical film. In this film you are sent to a vibe, a time that has passed such as our time will pass. So yes it is not a film for everyone, tho if you are into artistic film this is a film for you! Great directing, acting, photography and manuscript, according to me! It's so lovley to be left by a movie's feeling and soul in a dreamy way!

Colin in Black and White

Enjoying the storytelling!
I am not sure why this show has such a low rating (but I will write why I think it has so in the end of this review).

I am myself nor American (I am Swedish) nor am I black but I do have a big intrest in learning about equislity rights in general and read a lot about America. When I first ever heard about Colin Kaepernick was because of his kneeling. This has made me a fan of mister Kaepernick, because he is not afraid to show what he belives in, so yes I am a bit bias in that aspect in this review.

The show is about the love for fotball and baseball that Colin Kaepernick has and how a passion like that gives meanings in many different ways. Both of Colins parents are ordinary people who happends to be white. They don't always see how for examples some things can be racial micro aggressions or how the word 'thug' can be condescending when used of how someone lools like. They are just not aware because of their white privileged. This is of importans since it's a reality. The education about rasism is well put and soft. Though I would guess that it's a bit sugercoated.

Most importantant is that it's a young mans story and perspective. The young Kaepernick is a man who is navigating throgh who he is and what he belives in. He has excellent grades, friends and good but naive parents. He lives in a white town and seem to be almost the only tall and black man. Keapernick hiself is also the narrator and descibes to the viewer of his past thoughts and how ge views them. As a narrator of this show he also educates with history, perspective and scenarios on rasism which is partly why I enjoy this show so much.

The show is in it self is easy, exciting, educational and fun to watch! It reminds me a bit of the show "Young Sheldon", but has more maturness and is not a sitcome.

I know there are some people in Americans who doesnt agree with Colin Kaepernicks kneeling. With that I am aware that The UNited states seems torn when it comes to politics which I am guessing some people have rated this show so low. Because lets be honest this show is good! So don't judge this show by the low ratings, I would guess the ratings are more political than anything else.

I belive this show is for everyone who like some easygoing drama. The storytelling is perfect but I am missing a more deep understanding of the young Colin. I would like to have heard more about his identity. On the same time that might would have made the meaning of the show go away!

The Twilight Zone: The Comedian
Episode 1, Season 1

Obvious ending
As a hard Twilight Zone fan this episode didnt make me feel much. This episode was way to obvious, it is almost as if the writer had studied Twilight Zone and calcylated it to be this episode. What I like about the Twilight Zone is the creativity and the spontanious stories. This episode could have been better if it had been shorter, less obvious (obviously), a bit more wicked and if the jokes from the comics actually had been funny. I get that it for the comedian doesnt matter if the jokes are funny as long as they are true and has names, but that is just empty to me. The episode had great potential, with great actors and a plot that could have gone somewhere (deeper). But dont mistake me, it wasnt bad I just had higher expectations!

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Better than expected
I had no intensions of what to expect when I turned this movie on Netflix. But oh boy it's actually an original romantic comedy that does not copy everything from other movies in that gengre. Otherwise it cute, witty and fun. In a few parts of the movie Jason Segel occours naked, but it was fun since it's so careless (I didnt feel shocked about it). The movie feels honest and even though its Hollywood its not to Hollywood if that makes sense?! Ps. Dont watch this movie with your parents (or kids).


Broes and sexism
After coming to the third season I am noticing how the show is getting worse. I also think it is insane how much sexism there is in this show and how the "bore" romanticism is idealized so much. Off course the is a reason to why I am still following this show - the curiosity of what happens to the characters. Even though the characters are quite unrealistic and exaggerated you still feel a particularly relation to them. Then the episodes are short and mostly filled with tons of random unlikely event. This which is why I think is why the show is popular - short episode and no concentration needed.

I understand why some people like this show more than I do. But its mostly a matter of looking at the gender aspect and stereotyping of each and every character. I think that what you enjoy is though that the main character "Hank" is a charming douche, a loving father and a taste for the "bad ass" enjoyments of life. "Bad ass" enjoyments such as sex, drinking, some drugs, partying, childish/sarcastic phrases and "bad ass" body language.

Oh did I mention that he is a writer? On the same page as it is mention I can't see Hanks love for the language when he is speaking. But it makes him interesting because we then assume that he has something important to say. This because everyone he meets has read and loved his book. Yes he is special indeed!

Even though much bothers me in this show it is entertaining and high produced. I simply recommend this show to people who needs a show with a main character with a big ego, a show that can think for you!


Don Jon

Not so convincing
When I saw this movie I had not read anything about it before. Normally I read and watch the trailer before, I would let this movie be a surprise to me. But as soon as it started to play in the cinema the audience started to shout out with their joy at the women showing skin. Obviously this movie in it self wants to say something about society but its totally failing with it (media is toxic to the way we view sex etc.). But honestly that is just what has made the people to go and see this movie, because there is a lot of sex and stereotypes in it (and because there are famous actors in it). To not talk about the punch out lines in the movie that where as far away from clever and quite obvious, I wanted to leave the cinema... Unfortunately I saw it with friends so if I had left it would had been weird I suppose (so if I hypothetically would have seen it alone I would have left the cinema). People are laughing with the movie because they do the same thing as the roles: jerk off to porn, give scales on hotness, look at their smart phones a lot etc. This was to me very obvious as I sat in the cinema. As I said; it is sad that Joseph Gordon-Levitt had tried to point how we objectify sex and gender but that is totally what the movie is doing in it self, its contradicting!

To me this is a movie you see if you are not interested in movies and and if you don't want to see if anything with a deep context, to see some babes that you can objectify and if you feel like you like to judge people fast. I am my self very found of things in movies such as the camera angels, scripts, casting and the directing but in this movie it all where really bad. And because of the the bad camera angels, the bad script and the bad casting the acting failed as well. This is not because the acting in it self was bad but because it was not convincing to me in any way.

The good effect that it had on me was though that it made me feel really sick about the adds that I saw in the shopping windows after that I had left the cinema. Because of the way that people react to the media in this mimetic way. The unfortunate thing is that the movie just is repeating something that we hear at lot nowadays... but that the movie doesn't leave any refreshing depth and neither does it in anyway challenge the viewer.

/Unsatisfied customer a the cinema

As I Lay Dying

Intimate feeling
I have not read the novel that was originally written by William Faulkner but I feel like the film is done in story telling as a novel more than as a typical movie because of its realistic creation. On the same time its done in a experimental way, its like poetry. It also feels very intimate which is what makes the movie original in how it gives me the viewer a particular feeling. I prefer how the movie is done in its artistically way rather more than how I enjoy it as a movie in its wholeness. This is because I found it hard to sometimes follow the story as I was interrupted by the cinema photography and the very dramatic music/sound. Possibly this is because it's done to show the details in a story rather than as a simple summary of the novel. I therefore perceive that it is done in honorary way to the novel.

What for me destroys it is the most is how the characters are too intimate, this make it for me to not strike it as completely genuine… Or maybe it is because it is to real for me the viewer to handle.

Top of the Lake

Awkward feeling
This mini-series was truly awkward and the events are very unrealistic. The show in its self is okay to watch because of the excitement that it creates, always leaving something there for the viewer. But its to odd for me to take its seriousness that it tries to hard to create. With that to say about it, its both good and bad in its own way. The acting is good but the scrips is so awkward that I want to look away from time ti time. I don't know if I would recommend this show or not since I don't get a genuine feeling from watching the whole series. On the same time I don't feel the red line, I get lost as a viewer. But the excitement is a plus, the rhythm in the story telling is good!

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