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Ma Rainey's Black Bottom

An Intriguing Film To Watch
Viola Davis gives a memorable performance as the uncontrollable mother of blues Ma Rainey. The late Chadwick Boseman's final film and gives an excellent performance as a musician who locks horns with Ma Rainey. You can clearly see Boseman was in poor health throughout the movie. Bit of a slow burner but still an intriguing film.

The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue
Episode 8, Season 2

Beaming from ear to ear....
Probably has to go down as one of the best series finales I have seen, has to be up there alongside TNG's Best Of Both Worlds, Blake's 7 etc.

This series has been going from strength to strength since the start. A cast who enjoy what they do and some who are fans and know what the fans want. Writers and Directors who know exactly what the fans want and are able to show it on the screen. Peyton Reed did a brilliant job directing this episode.

I am not ashamed to admit I actually did a fist pump when I saw HIS X-Wing land and the shadowy figure made his way through the corridors. I was beaming from ear to ear when he pulled back his cloak to reveal himself. I think there must have been some dust in the air as my eyes got a bit watery at the end.

As for that post credit scene.... Wow!

More please....


Enjoyable family movie.
I decided to give this film after reading all the negative reviews and to be honest I cannot understand all the negativity! I found this an enjoyable film to watch, granted it was a bit of a slow burner to get going but once it picked up pace it was quite an enthralling story. I love the original animated version but cannot really compare them both as essentially they are very different films in tone. I would definitely sit down and happily watch this movie again (unlike the recent Lion King which was lot worse than this!).

Ignore the haters and if you are looking for an old fashioned family adventure film give this a shot!

Star Trek: Discovery: Unification III
Episode 7, Season 3

Feels like a proper Star Trek episode.
I quite liked this week's episode. For the first time since the start of this series it feels like proper Trek episode. It reminded me of the TNG episode Measure Of A Man. With the mention of Picard and showing us a "recording" of Spock Prime, atleast it has put The Kelvin Timeline theory finally to bed.

Still find Burnham very irritating though and grind my teeth every time she appears.

Had my doubts at first over Saru being made Captain, but he is turning out to be a very likeable Captain, although as much as I like Tilly and I really enjoy her watching her, but.... seriously!

Captain Marvel

Not perfect but still an enjoyable Marvel film.
First off just want to say I thought it was a lovely tribute to Stan Lee at the start, I think the cinema must have been dusty as I had something in my eye which caused them to water.....

As for the movie itself, I quite enjoyed it, granted it is not perfect but it is still a Marvel movie at its core. I did found it took a bit get going and seemed slow, but it still kept my attention until it actually did pick up pace the story kicked off.

Brie Larson and Samuel L Jackson on screen chemistry was a joy to watch, I am sure they had fun making this, would be interesting to see the bloopers of these two. Jude Law's character was a bit hit and miss for me, didn't seem to grab me as a villain.

The surprise of the film for me was the Skrulls, I expected them to be truly evil and unsympathetic like they are in the mainstream Marvel universe, so I was surprised and actually liked how the Directors twisted it to make them the oppressed race and for the audience to actually sympathise for them.

Oh the other surprise for me on the real reason on how Fury lost his eye...... losing it because a cat/alien guard scratched his eye out certainly not one of things I would have ever dreamed or thought of :-) :-) :-)

For me this movie was a good addition to the Marvel Cinema Cosmic Universe, along with GOTG, so I expect Marvel will exploring the cosmic side with their focus now in Captain Marvel's exploration of the cosmos.

Let the Endgame begin......

Stan & Ollie

Laurel & Hardy Brought Back To Life
What a lovely film, sure it was slow but most biopic type films are. Quite a sad film too, had a bittersweet feel to it. Although I enjoyed and liked it, I came out a bit disappointed that I didn't love it. I felt there was something missing that may have added to it.

Loved watching Laurel & Hardy growing up and this brought back memories for especially the scene where they were doing The Blue Ridge Mountains Of Virginia routine, I have to admit I started to get a bit misty eyed as brought back memories of my twin brother and I doing that routine in infant school and family gatherings.

I was a bit sceptical when I heard Steve Coogan and John C Reilly were cast but I have to admit they did manage to bring them to life, especially John C Reilly, who I felt did a remarkable job bringing Oliver Hardy to life.


Finally a proper Transformer film and an nostalgic 80s fest!
I am not ashamed to say that I loved this film, enjoyed this more than the last two Transformer films. Don't whether it was because it was set in the 80s and with the 80s soundtrack, but had quite a nostalgic feel for me.

For me this was a proper Transformers film, bringing back memories of reading the The Transformers where Spike finds the beetle form of Bumblebee.

The beginning was basically a whose who of classic Transformers ie Soundwave, Shockwave, Ravage, Cosmos etc

Storyline was a hell of a lot better than the last two Transformer films, hopefully this will give it a fresh reboot.

Was quite impressed with Hailee Steinfeld she was able to carry off the lead role nicely, I think this young girl will go far with her acting career, comes across as a good young actor.

In Optimus Prime's words.... "autobots... roll out"


The Happytime Murders

Needs to be seen to be believed!
Went into this film with an open mind and I have to say it is not as bad as I was expecting. Actually found it quite funny at times, although the humour is a bit dark and there were a couple of "WTF" moments, but it's certainly not the worst film I have seen. Also it is Melissa McCarthy being her usual foul mouthed self, but I am not much of fan of hers anyway.

Think of Basic Instinct but with muppets!

Will never look at a muppet movie (and silly string) in the same way now!

Mission: Impossible - Fallout

Ludicrous and silly.
The world is once again safe due to Tom Cruise showing his shiny white teeth! Very m'eh. Plenty of over acting, ludicrous stunts and plot holes so big you could drive a tank through. Just another excuse to milk the MI cash cow and add more to Cruise's over inflated ego.

Avengers: Infinity War

Absolutely breathtaking and visually gorgeous
Watched this film at a mid-night screening this morning.

After having a bit of sleep and some time to process what I watched earlier, I can honestly say the Film was absolutely breathtaking at times just didn't seem to let up with all emotion I was feeling while watching. Character interplay was spot on too, adding humour at the right time. Also couldn't help feel a bit sympathy towards Thanos, could understand his reasoning even though his actions were a bit self-centred, although I couldn't help feel for him what he had to kill Gamora to get the soul stone. Her death and Loki's death really hit home how high the stakes have been raised.

For me one of the biggest surprises of the film was the return of a character thought dead (The Red Skull)

Didn't actually expect the ending, had thought with it being a Marvel Film, the heroes would save the day at the last minute, but no Marvel when down the dark route and let Thanos succeed in wiping out half of the universe, which for me makes the film even more special.

The Directors/Marvel have set the bar with this film and are going to have to pull out all the stops next year if they want the next part to be just as good.

Star Trek: Discovery

Lacks heart of previous Trek shows.
Watched the first two episodes, jury still out I am afraid.

There's something missing that I cannot put my finger on, but to me it lacks heart, does not feel like a Star Trek show, even Enterprise in its worst moments still had that heart I spoke of.

Granted it is still early days but I don't feel drawn or any warmth towards the cast I felt with TOS, TNG, DS9 etc. Acting felt forced and wooden.

Going to continue watching, but going to do a lot of teeth grinding while I watch, god help the state of my molars after this!

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Decent enough action film but lacking punch from it's original.
Firstly let me say, you know what you going in to see so don't expect any Oscar performances but still decent enough sequel, although I think they must have decided to play it safe and toned down the violence and swearing that made it's predecessor successful.

The cast knew what they were doing and appeared to play everything tongue in cheek, rather than take it too seriously by the looks of things, which probably made it more enjoyable to watch.

A few laugh out loud moments, especially from, surprisingly, Elton John's kick-arse scene and a scene involving a heart racing snow lift escape, agents in distress and an elderly gentleman's bowel movement!

My main plus was Julianne Moore, she probably was surprise package of the movie, for me her role as the protagonist was perfect, not as over the top as Samuel L Jackson, more understated and less in your face, which for me worked better. Shame her death was a bit anti-climatic.

Story itself was by the numbers and there were a couple of plot holes and ending predictable but if you switch off your brain and just enjoy the movie for what it is, then it's worth watching.

Will be nice to if we get to see more of The Statesmen if they decide to make another film (which is more than likely) hope Matthew Vaughan would behind the scenes again if they do and possibly improve some this sequel flaws.

Manners.. maketh... man

Transformers: The Last Knight

It's Transformers what else do you need to know!?!
Going to be short and straight to the point.....

Plot made no sense.

Plot holes so big you could drive a tank through.

corny dialogue.

Terrible acting.

But I loved it, its Transformers what more can you ask for! At least the ending leaves you no doubt what the next one is about - Unicron :-)

Spider-Man: Homecoming

It's About Time They Did It Right
I always thought it was about time they did proper Spider-Man like he was originally in the comic and this is although not perfect is as close as we are going to get (for now),

They have learned their mistakes from previous poor incarnations by going back to basics and showing him like he was in the comic, a typical 15 year old teenager. The other thing I liked what they showed was his inexperience, unlike other Spidey movies where he looked as if he knew what to do as soon as he got his powers, here we see him landing badly, unsure of himself etc

Although I did think it was a bit slow to start off and took a bit get some momentum. Tom Holland although we got to see him briefly in Civil War seems to be perfectly cast as the Peter Parker we grew up reading. For me Michael Keation was brilliantly cast as the villain, literally stole any scene he appeared in and was able to portray Adrian Toomes in a way that the audience could sympathise with him. Robert Downey junior appeared just enough not to steal the movie away.

Unfortunately I felt Marisa Tomei was poor casting as May Parker (although she is stunning for her age), just felt she looked too young, as May is supposed to be a lot older & frailer.

The other thing I liked was we finally got to see who cleaned up the mess after the chitauri invasion In New York, and we finally get to see Damage Control on the screen.

Looks like Spider-Man's big screen future is in good hands, especially if the rumours about the upcoming Venom spin off is true.

#Thwip 'nuf said true believers

Wonder Woman

Finally the Amazonian is on the big screen
Well it took them long enough to put her on the big screen but worth the wait (about damn time!) Probably the best DCU movie so far. DC's holy trinity finally up on the big screen, after Superman & Batman hogging the limelight, we finally get to see the Amazonian take the baton from them and show the men how a woman (a wondrous one too) can make proper super hero film,

Grew up watching Lynda Carter making the role her own, so she left some big shoes to fill but Gal Gadot managed to make the role her own but still showing the same humanity and times a touch of vulnerability.

Patty Jenkins has shown what it takes to make a decent comic book movie, looks like the character is in very capable hands and actually managed to put her own stamp on the DCU. To be honest I have the previous DCU films quite lacking in something.

For a comic book film, it actually has a decent story-line, good action scenes but still able to keep the story going in the subdued scenes and had characters you actually cared about, which is more than could be said for the film it followed, Batman v Superman.

Will definitely be a movie I would quite happy to pay to see again without hesitation.


A Masterclass from McAvoy
Simply put what a brilliant film, McAvoy's performance was just a joy to behold, intense and gripping. It is quite an intense film, that really towards the end had me on the edge of my seat.

Wasn't quite sure where it was going with the three female prisoners, but once they were gradually separated and we were left with Anya Taylor-Joy's Casey, who gave us sympathetic point of view as we were left to watch her battle of wills with "The Horde".

Love the little twist at the end that ties it and implies it's sequel to the previous Shyamalan film, Unbreakable, that sort of hints that we may get third movie involving Bruce Willis' David Dunn.

For me this felt Shyamalan was back on form and if we do get a follow-up to make this a trilogy hopefully we will get see to David V Goliath clash of epic proportions of David Dunn v The Horde/Beast.

Time up the ante and bring it on Mr Shyamalan.

La La Land

A Nice Feel Good Film
Wasn't quit sure what to make of it when I saw the trailer, but I have say it's a film that actually pleasantly surprised me.

Basically it's nice feel good film, which had the feel of a Hollywood musical from the 1950s didn't have the same impact but I guess they were trying to give it modern day look, which didn't quite work but for me is still a decent film, that has your foot tapping at times during the musical numbers.

Started off well with a grand opening but I felt a bit flat in the middle but ended on a high, although the ending felt a bit bittersweet

Normally not that keen on Ryan Gosling but he actually surprised me in this film, he does have some acting talent after all! Emma Stone as usual just seems to light up the screen with her presence and played off well against Gosling.

If you wanting a film that offers you an alternative to bloods, guts, guns and swearing this is for you. Will have you singing to yourself as you leave the cinema.

I am a sucker for a musical :-)

Absolutely Anything

Decent British comedy but not a classic
Actually enjoyed this movie for what it was, a fairly decent British comedy, granted not a classic, but better than most recent American comedies that I have had to endure.

It has a very Monty Python feel to it, maybe that's related to the voices of the aliens and the director I don't know, but it was a refreshing change. There were some good laugh out loud moments, but a couple of times it felt a bit flat.

For me the scene stealer has to be dog voiced by the late great and very much missed Robin Williams.

Simon Pegg was his usual self, just Simon Pegg with super powers! Hoping to get off with the ever gorgeous Kate Beckinsdale, let's be honest if I guy like him gets a girl like her then he needs all the powers he can to help!

Not sure I will rush back to see it, but made a nice change to watch a comedy that wasn't full of the usual American vulgarity ie The Hangover etc.


Poor remake of a far superior classic.
Went to see this with good expectations, but unfortunately felt a bit disappointed afterwards. Why they decided to remake a true classic I don't know, but what I cannot understand is that American "comedies" have to have vulgarity and swearing forced upon you these days!

Most of the humour felt forced and embarrassing, acting was very wooden and lacked very little chemistry between the cast. But one thing I will say is Rusty Griswald is just as clueless as his father, so the Apple hasn't fallen far from the tree!

If this is what a reboot is like of a classic comedy, then I am really truly afraid for the upcoming reboot of a certain busting spooks movie.

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Good adaptation of a TV classic
I have to be honest and say when I first heard that they were planning a big screen adaptation of another 60s classic TV show, I was very sceptical as in the past they have not been very good (for example Lost In Space, The Loan Ranger etc). So I went to see this movie with an open mind, hoping it would beat the odds, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised how much I actually enjoyed it.

I am not normally a fan of Guy Ritchie's movies, but he certainly has pulled out all the stops with this movie. Giving it own style and panache but still managing to keep the humour from the original TV show. From the start it the audience a fun ride, with an amusing action set piece at the start and then slowly gathering pace towards a climatic finale.

Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer were a good choice two leading men, their on screen chemistry shined, both managing to bring across an on-screen rivalry which was fun to watch. Hugh Grant was pleasantly surprising as British Secret Agent/Mysterious "boss" pulling strings from behind the scenes.

For a spy movie it was Bond used to be, stylish, full humour, action and also it was tongue in cheek, not taking itself too seriously. Also had a great foot-tapping sound track to match.

My only disappointment is that we never got a cameo from the original Napoleon Solo & Illya Kuryakin - Robert Vaughn and David McCallum, which is a shame but understandable it was intentional.

Overall a very good film and a great cast. If the end scene, with the formation of the UNCLE team, I hope we get to see more future missions from this merry gang.

Fantastic Four

Just because "THEY" have to make a FF movie, doesn't mean that they should!!!!
When are Fox going to learn just because they have to make a FF movie, does not mean that they should! They should accept the fact that they cannot make a decent FF movie and for sanity's sake let the movie rights revert back to Marvel, who what the fans want.

I am not going to repeat what a lot has already been said on the previous reviews, because I cannot add any more than what has already been said.

All I will say is that this version lacks any heart that it's predecessors had. Even the cast lacked any on screen chemistry, which is important for any FF movie. The film itself felt rushed and devoid of any humour that comic (which holds a firm place in my heart) has.

I very much doubt Fox will learn from their mistakes and we will see another FF movie inflicted upon us in the next few years, but I sincerely hope they listen to the fans and do what is right.

Now, if you excuse me, after going seeing that excuse of a movie, going to have a very hot and long shower, as I feel all nasty and violated (ARRGHGH!!! Unclean! Unclean!)......

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

Your mission should you choose to accept it... is try and not to fall asleep!
Went to see it last night, after looking forward to it, but unfortunately I have to say that it is probably one of the worst MI films to date!

The film virtually has no storyline that you can follow or make any sense from, relies on ludicrous stunts and action sequences and seem to full of more technobabble than an ST:TNG episode!

Acting, whatever there was, was wooden and one dimensional. Even Tom Cruise/Ethan Hunt's bright shiny teeth couldn't save this film, you would have thought all he to do was smile and the villains would have been stunned, job done! Simon Pegg tried pull of a straight role, but seemed to look blank as confused as much as the audience. The film's main villain, was typically one dimensional, all he needed was a cloak and evil laugh then he was set.

Unfortunately I cannot delete the film from my memory as easy they did with the stolen data.

Also looks like we have another MI film to look forward to, looks like Tom Cruise is trying to beat Hugh Jackman's & Robert Downey Jnr's record for playing the same character in film series, unlike them he has to rely sacrificing a decent storyline to do it.

Just another excuse to get as much blood out of the stone while they can.

Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!

A shark infested carnage...
Don't know why there are a few negative reviews for this movie, what were people expecting!

You know before you see a film called Sharknado3 what you are expected to be in for, dodgy effects, over/bad acting, lots of gore, devastation and a story that does not make sense, so in view it didn't disappoint which is why I gave it 10/10!

I have to the actors must love working on these type of B movies, they can overact all they want, with their tongues firmly in their cheeks because they know that is what is expected of them.

We know a film isn't going to win any Oscars so just enjoy it for what it is, a disaster b movie which doesn't take itself seriously.

The only thing that was missing..... As Dr Evil put it "sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads, is that too much to ask for!".

Looking forward to Sharknado 4 :-)

Oh and if your wondering #AprilDies

Inside Out

Listen to your inner voice/child.....
I really like Pixar movies, always have, not ashamed to say as 40+ married adult that I have most of them on DVD and we don't even have kids!

So wife was working last night, so home alone so I did what any guy does - go to the cinema. Was wanting to go and see Inside Out since I first heard about it, as I thought it sounded like a good idea for a movie, unfortunately because we don't have kids, I had to work out a valid excuse to see it. So I tossed a coin to decide, lost the coin so listened to my inner child and went to see it.

What a lovely feel good movie. Was pleasantly surprised that some of the humour was aimed at adults (judging by the amount of adult laughs I could hear). Granted it's not one of Pixar's best but I think it ranks up as being a good animated film.

Character of Riley came across as a good Pixar character, listening to her own emotions/characters - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness. For me Sadness was probably my favourite, as I actually laughed out loud with her. Joy for me I found a bit annoying and came across as a bit of a control freak, which was probably the idea!

Loved the scene at the dinner table where the mum & dad are talking, mum is trying to attract dad's attention but he's day dreaming of football, like me when my wife talks to me!

Film starts of well with the family moving, Riley having to deal with the turmoil and losing her friends and home, then because of an accident which "seperates" Joy & Sadness from her. She has to listen to Anger, Fear & Disgust. This is where for me I felt it was heading to a dark direction, started to wonder where the film was heading, but was glad to say that it ended nicely (which caused me to have s lump in my throat).

Was trying to spot the Pixar Easter eggs but couldn't spot them, although I did manage to hear the distinctive voice of Pixar stalwart John Ratzenberger, a Pixar film wouldn't be the same without him!

If you want a nice family feel good movie, listen to your inner voice and go and see it.

Oh, one more thing loved the mini move just before the start - Lava Story (I think), don't why but I think I had a bit of dust in my eye at the end of it ;-)


A "small" movie with a big punch......
Out of all the Marvel films this was probably the one that intrigued me the most, since I first read of it's development. As a bit of a Marvel nerd/buff/fan I was disappointed Ant Man never made it into first phase of Marvel films, as Hank Pym/Ant Man was one of the original founders, but after seeing this I was glad they took their time.

Paul Rudd & Michael Douglas were a good choice as they appear to work well together on screen, their on screen chemistry was a nice surprise. Rudd managed to provide comic relief but also carry himself during the more serious moments.

It's a shame Edgar Wright wasn't able to complete his vision for this movie, would have been interesting to see judging from what I have read, but Reed was able to bring his own stamp with a approach.

The film itself I felt started off slow but gradually picked up steam for a enjoyable ride. The only fault I have was I felt Corey Stoll/Darren Cross was a bit one dimensional didn't bring across the presence for screen villain compared to Hiddlestone' Loki (we have been spoilt there). But didn't spoil my enjoyment of this movie.

Personally I would have liked to see a Hank Pym & Janet Van Dyne Antman/Wasp movie but I can understand Marvel point that going off Pym's issues in the comic (mental breakdowns, spouse abuse, attempted suicide etc) that he wasn't suitable for a family film. Hopefully judging from the mid credit scene we will get to see Hope take up the Wasp mantle and have a Wasp/Antman partnership in the next movie, or even sooner when we see Paul Rudd in Civil War next year.

Looks like Marvel have another winner on their hands, again like last Summer's Guardians Of The Galaxy, a enjoyable funny movie that doesn't disappoint.

Excelsior n'uff said!

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