
IMDb member since April 2011
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Don't miss this one!
I'm drying tears washing down my face not from sadness but from emotion I have I have Been so moved in my soul by this Greenleaf Series I had to have my voice heard! It was raw real .. the people, the family and Church family are so human and family dynamics so messy they are all over the place, This is rare,to seewe are all human born into some type of struggle within our family also generational character defects and families get some healing or some don't .. this beautifully broken story broke me raw.. I could see myself in different people as it went along I could see mans true hunger for power and control take over.. I won't ruin the ending or what happens I just know I will always hold these people their lives what they went through in my heart I love this family and am honored to be a part of their story briefly I think they represent so many of us today all though it is fictional at the same time it's more real than many people ever come to grips with in themselves .. I've done both and I choose truth and human kindness today for myself and those around thank you Greenleaf family.. you are beautiful.


Extraordinary series... you gotta watch this!
I've become sedated with the Covid isolation... well not tonight.. this series is the best I've seen in.a long long time... the actors especially the lead... top notch in every way! The suspense, twist and builds. Off of a slow burn .. I am super excited about this quality of entertainment.... I also loved the score...


I loved this series!
I found this series to be fascinatingly engaging on many levels.. I honestly didn't know from one moment to another what was next.. the acting was superb with a plot that is unique .. I liked getting to know these families and the individuals.. it's a great series where I found myself really bummed when it was over.. I felt like I really knew these people and all they'd been through! Don't miss it!

My Octopus Teacher

Never in my life have I ever experienced such beauty, my soul has been stirred at its core.. from beginning to end I was taken in by this magnificently .. tender .. story.. I will say it is permanently engraved in my heart, I will always carry this love story with me .. I will be watching it again and again...

Peur sur le lac

Just watch it
I thoroughly enjoyed this series.. a little slow getting started in reflection I see now that was setting the stage and getting to know the characters.. somewhere in there I was submerged into their reality ... I watched the series through tonight ,, I had that feeling I was there I was in it.. I'm not a pro review writer or anything but I just wanted to express how much I enjoyed this.. of course beautiful location acting top notch and the way it moves towards the end I was deeply moved.. I can't say enough how I appreciate this series I enjoyed it very much thank you!

The Ottoman Lieutenant

Do yourself a favor
This is an exquisitely beautiful movie..I thoroughly loved every's a movie that stays with you...lasting tboughts

Silent Witness: Lift Up Your Hearts: Part 1
Episode 3, Season 22

Award Winning stuff here!
I just watched season 22 episode 3 & 4...the main guest actor is superb on everyway...the subject matter can be disturbing at times however it deals with the reality of the curruption of drugs sold on the street and how young people get pulled in ..if you like crime series that are really good ..don't miss this stays with you after it's over..the integrity of this man is phenomenal..I found his character deeply inspiring!

Kaikki synnit

Phenomenal series... the impact as it's all coming together was and is extremely moving for times early on I thought maybe this isn't for me a period of character building and getting to know this community and the way they have live and have lived for many years..somewhere in there my eyes opened wider as I felt myself saying OMG!! Jaw dropping realizations began to open up and I felt speechless at the end on many levels... I absolutely believe the two detectives playing lead roles are deeply richly talented actors, excellent! This series is not like many I've seen it is unique and there is a vulnerability revealed here so well done especially around the topic of trauma and how it can affect relationships later in life...

De 12 van Oldenheim

Superior entertainment
I stayed thoroughly engaged in this slow burn series with its building maze of mystery.. at first I didn't think it would be any good, too slow.. I tried it again releasing all expectations and judgements... such as what wasn't perfect etc I became engaged in a totally new storyline puzzling mystery.. as the characters developed & I observed the nature of this small town I was intrigued and found myself looking for moments in my day where I could watch a little bit more.. I loved it wasn't all faked it felt like this was real in the way this town communicates with one another and a more harsh way with family members I thought the casting of the actors was perfect I highly recommend this series if you like dark slow burn murder mystery and honestly I had no idea who was behind the murders until it was revealed.. I had no clue.. it was great ! Very entertaining I loved it!


Best show ever hands down!
I've never written a review have no idea how to except I have to say something here... I've watched so many series over the years.... Spiral... is my favorite ever... it's the whole package done in excellence...Crime... Detectives... the Judicail system ... the character development.... these relationships ... are very real to life in that they are not glamorized... they're raw... the acting of the main cast... I feel like I know them in a way if they don't have season 7 I'll go into such a disappointment I'll never get over it!! Really give Spiral a chance to unfold before you, you'll be hooked soon!!


CB Strike don't miss it.. trust me
One of the best dang series I've watched in a while.. the character development is fascinating here with in my opinion top notch leading actors!!! This series flows very much as life does with the good times and. Loss and disappointment in life and or of relationships falling short of what we dearly hope for .. example CB Strike and his father...that relationship is painful for strike also the loss of his beloved Mother... beautifully displayed in this series.. CBStrikes life has a paradigm shift the day a temp employee named Robin walks in his office to assist short term. Although the unfolding of their dynamics is anything but simple in happily ever after.. the dynamics of the crimes plus Strikes ability to uncover the truth is fascinating.. this series is not at all fast paced and crime focused .. its a steady realistic pace of crime solving from the life of a private investigator and the not so simple relationships with himself in relation to disappointment in his own life and relationships with those close in his circle of living life.. I highly recommend this series.. I had to binge watch it and thoroughly enjoyed in @ I must add I'm so bummed it's over.. hopefully I mean really hopefully there will be more to come...

The Split

Love everything about The Split! What a surprise I had no idea I would be watching something that I absolutely enjoyed beginning to end.. i coud go on and on about it but to me its a window into a family living life.. an imperfect family thats very real . I feel as if i know them...


This series far surpasses anything in the pot of entertainment available now & the recent couple years... powerful... suspenseful... the acting is superb...this cast has it down tight... don't miss this one.. you just can't..

The Commander: Windows of the Soul

Loved it!
I am loving this series more and more with each episode!! Season 3 is my favorite so far the suspense built with twist and turns... however I particularly liked the guest characters in season 3... Inspector Van Husien and the endearing "Reginol" the relationships that evolved in the middle of searching for a true Monster serial killer..The Commander and Inspector Van Huein's role with each other cracked me up .. he was out of the box .. he was very smart and an excellent detective having a very childlike manner about him... in the end I believe he impacted her life deeply...also the character of "Reginol' was exceptionally endearing all of the Seasons so far I'm amazed at the pace and tension these detectives work under.. I am looking forward to watching all the Seasons ... I love this series.. excellent I say!

Rebecka Martinsson

An outstanding cast spellbinding from start to finish! Highly recommended!


Top notch all the way around
This mini series captivated me with its winding expansion of mystery, of pleated layers in character development somewhere in the early episodes I found myself with a feeling I was there with them I was surprised how I felt I knew these people the beauty here is being witness to how a tragedy a huge tradgedy affected a small community affected a family the acting was superb I never knew where it might end up there were so Many twists and turns this tragedy is lived out in such a raw display of real ness that I felt endeared to this cast and the excellent way they brought this story to us in a true authentic way I loved every episode, in the end my heart and soul were deeply moved hate for it to end

Sabina K.

A mesmerizing movie one this drew me into the life of this woman as if I were right there in her shoes experiencing the excitement and the disappointment in her life .. walking through a time of complete hopelessness... the film had an ending I never expected but was very moved in my heart This is a very different movie than my normal viewing but I am so very grateful I have it a shot, I highly recommend this movie to anyone who lives life out of an authentic heart who has known brokenness and experienced grace and beauty from from this experience .. anyone who wants to experience a movie that is about the human experience in the raw it's real and it's beautiful


Best show ever hands down!
I've never written a review have no idea how to except I have to say something here... I've watched so many series over the years.... Spiral... is my favorite ever... it's the whole package done in excellence...Crime... Detectives... the Judicail system ... the character development.... these relationships ... are very real to life in that they are not glamorized... they're raw... the acting of the main cast... I feel like I know them in a way if they don't have season 7 I'll go into such a disappointment I'll never get over it!! Really give Spiral a chance to unfold before you, you'll be hooked soon!!

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