
IMDb member since April 2011
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Once you get past the bad editing and old school/tired filming, it's not that bad. You'll definitely will be entertained with dude's story.

Dude just got out trying to do good, live a good life. But like many people in the life, it don't come that easy.

Kinda curious for the sequel. Lol.

Proud Mary

No character development
It works better for a movie when theres at least some character to really look forward to. The movie just seemed really rushed. The editing sucked also.


You'd Wish It Was Better
The one thing I got annoyed with this film was some of those long aerial shots. Also you can kinda tell the director was going for some thematic elements with some of his shots, but they didn't work. Then it was her monologues in the car saying "I'm gonna get you back, baby" "Hold on". It just drifted.

I watched it on a Sunday afternoon with my mom cuz there nothing else on TV. This is that type of film. There WERE some tense moments, but overall Kidnap, if drunk, could be a hilarious film or would just find yourself saying, "ugh, just do this and just do that"..

**SPOILER BUT NOT REALLY** And where the hell was the police in all of this? Yes is in a rural area in Louisiana, but there had to at lease be some patrol cars on the highway. SMH.

Naz & Maalik

I Wish it was better
I had really high hopes for this film. The subject matter alone is what drew me to watching it. I was disappointed in that I wasn't clear as to what the director was doing actually; whether he was just telling their story, or talking about the topic of homosexuality in the Muslim community, or just the Muslim community in general. 3 completely different topics that seems is what the director was trying to showcase, but IMO if fell short. We knew nothing of their origin as to why they here hustling in the first place, or their relationship which was hardly talked about. The actors were good as i felt, as a NY'er, was authentic conversation. I really had hoped tho there was a clearer focus on what the story was, or at least the conflict, for I really didn't see a conflict.


This movie hurt my belly
I'm not going to completely bash this movie, so I'll start with the good..The cinematography. I love the colors and the photography of this movie...it looked really clean and stylized. Now people are saying not to listen to the negative reviews, but for real, this movie was horrible, mostly with the pace of the film; it was rushed. But it was mostly the acting that was horrible, it didn't feel natural when some of the actors were delivering their line, if there were any. But honestly, the movie had no plot. Period.Yes there was a "message" at the end of the movie, but the movie really had no plot, there was no conflicts and whats worst the ending is incomplete, unless you go by Sin's narration. It wasn't powerful, it wasn't spectacular, it was a regular flick, nothing else.

Gun Hill Road

Honest Interpretation
The plot of the movie is what drew me to see this film. Just finally saw it and it is a good film, but it left me feeling like "eh, that's it?" Acting was sub-par to OK. I wasn't convinced for Harmony's acting. It felt too generic flat, which sucks since the premise of the movie is about her/him. The movie also failed, in my opinion to dive deeper to the situation at hand. The focus of the movie was in between Enrique and Michael but it had nothing to do with each other which didn't make me care that much for either of them. And the ending? Ugh... where is it? Overall, I was expecting a real dramatic movie. It still is an OK film, it kept me watching to see what will happen, but the acting and writing could have been much better. And I'm still wondering why its call Gun Hill Road.

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