
IMDb member since April 2011
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The animations/art is the least of its problems
For the history I haven't read the comics

First of, this series cant hold a candle to the original one.

Second, they've cut too many corners from crucial plot point and filled it with nonsense, even tho the series is too too short.

The clear time of each episode must be less than 15 mins and somehow they took away the interesting parts and Guts for other BS... I was fast forwarding many times especially after episode 5.

Third many things/ plot points just dont make sense.

Fourth they added too much comedy elements for no reason... The original series was dark, grim, emotional and brutal.... this one is flat and dumb.

Fifth, the first 12 episodes feel like a huge sub-sub-sub plot of the main story.

Sixth, the dialogues are veeeery lame, even the wording is dumb.

Seventh, the animations arent good but I couldnt care less about that.... however they arent THAT bad as people say,.... and like I said thats the least of this series problem.

The original series was a masterpiece IMO, this is crap even as a stand alone.

Bullet Train

Enjoyable and fun to the max
The most enjoyable and fun movie of the last few years. Actually I don't remember since when I had so much fun with a movie.

If you didn't liked it, then you went to watch a different movie.

This movie delivers 100% what it promisses.

Fast paced, eye kandy, colorful, music spot on, tons of action, funny, happy, surprising, plot that fits the direction and vise versa... fantastic.

David Leitch did a brilliant job, he is upping his game in every movie and I can't wait to see more from him.

All of the cast did amazing job but Brad Pitt and Aaron Johnson are both perfect in their roles, both screen magnets.

On top of all that, there are more than enough surprising appearances on every turn.

Loved it!

Army of the Dead

Stupid idiots rating 1
Those dumbs fks went to a zombie blood bath movie expecting to watch last of the mohicans, citizen kane no what... Action packed visually brilliant movie, thats that.


This movie is properly funny
This movie is funny with great details in every single frame.

It has the ironic - sarcastic - cartoonish - mind the detail - face expressions humor.

Zack Snyder's Justice League

WB must green light JL2 at least
Obviously I liked it, and liked it more the second time. The ending however is absolutely mind blowing and lets so much to be desired. WB must green light the 2nd and give Snyder full creative control of it.

Wonder Woman 1984

Now this is properly bad/ Jenkins should really consider changing profession.
This is a trully horrible - bad made movie. Apart from the actors, Its a B-movie in every possible way. Jenkins should really consider changing profession, there arent many humans that could waste so much money and talent. .... and ye the CGI and SFX are from 1984.

You Were Never Really Here

Boring an souless as fk...
Phoenix performance is great but the movie is really bad. Boring, with no pace, no tempo, bad directing and nothing special to the plot of it.


Good idea very bad execution
The backbone of the plot is great and they could have made a very good movie but.... its cheap in every possible way, the director did a very poorly job and the acting was also very bad, only Alice Eve did her work.

Mortal Engines

Dumber than Pacific Rim and IronMan 3 combined
There is no sequence or dialogue thats not dumb, irrational and idiotic.

The Highwaymen

Top notch
Amazing movie, fantastic performance from both veterans. Very well done!


Well you cant get more Nolan than that...
He just shot 45-60 mins then he edited these 45-60mins to 90 mins playing backwards he put in "is cause invert time travel BS" and there you have it 150mins of garbage. Its the recipie of Memento, he shot 15 mins and turned it to a 90 min movie and all the idiots said "masteprice". Nolan is by far the most overrated director and after 4 garbages in row I think this movie is his final free pass.


Childish, dumb and full of cliche's.
Childish, dumb and full of cliche's. Hopefully this is not where DC is going.


This is very bad to very tiniest detail but...
This is very-very bad to very tiniest detail but... Megan Fox should have been casted as Lara instead of A.Vikander.

The Tax Collector

This is very bad
This movie is bad in everything apart from Soto and LaBeouf's short performance The story is a rehashed generic drug story and dumbed down. The dialogues (when you can hear em clearly) have no point at all. You can watch the movie muted and not lose a thing. It has many boring no-point scenes The music is off The picture is bad like it was shot with a mobile phone, the filters used are very bad.

All in all I am done with Ayer, all of his movies are barely watchable. I will avoid em at all cost.

Mad Max: Fury Road

and they say that M.Bale's movies are brainless explosions...
The scenario of this movie is extremely dumb, so dumb that makes pacific rim's scenario look like a masterpiece. The action is ok, but it get overshadow by the stupidity of everything else in the movie. Its beyond idiotic. Its the usual fanboys... if you stick to this movie Bale's or Snyder's name everyone will call it a braindead exposions fiesta, you stick Millers or Nolans name and all the sudden it becomes a masterpiece.... Sheep and Cows will always be sheeps and cows.

The Night Comes for Us

This is properly stupid
The entire movie from start to end is dumb . However, the fighting scenes are so fake and stupid that there are no words. The bad guys are so incompetent and stupid that a todler can beat single handedly without even breaking a sweat a billion of them.


This is a lost oprtunity, they should have tagged it as comedy and kill the box office. Its so damn dumb and the acting is is bad thats hilarious.


Failed marriage of the Abyss and Alien
Could have been really great but failed in many things... character development, story, music, there isnt really a plot, it's just a flat thing that uses way too many clichés and its too predictable.

... and Ye Stweart is the best part - _- I think that alone says a lot for this movie....

The Gentlemen

Guy Richie is back!
This is f-king spectacular! Everything is great, direction, actors, music, plot, the lot. Richie back to roots. Very well done!

Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn

Dumb femin-fiesta.
Like most movies lately this also comes loaded with a feminist agenda... (no wonder why bombed in box office)... Other than that is a bad wannabe deadpool movie and dumb as fk.

The last 10mins will permanently lower your IQ... I promise you that.

Some fighting choreographies are nice tho, I will give it that.

Gemini Man

This is a bab made cartoon
The story/plot could work but the execution is down right terrible. The directing is awful in every possible way and the fight/action scenes... lets say that a 20 year old movie has better physics and cgi.


Nice but...
-Phoenix is brilliant even tho in a certain part he was awful (see the end of post spoiler alert) -The story nothing special. -Suffers from todd Phillips usual bad and boring directing. -Overal is a good movie but its a not a Joker movie really.

-Bad approach from phoenix or todd during the interview at the end, he was acting more like a gay Kardashian than a psychopathic person and that for me spoiled the entire movie.

Top Gear: The Worst Car in the History of the World

This is very funny
If you watch this for anything else than laughs dont bother, but for the laughs its bloody funny!

Alien Highway

The extreme dramatization kills it
Their intentions and how they approach things is okeyish, not really biased and there is no "so its aliens"... it would be a good show and nice to watch but that damn extreme - over the top - ridiculous - stupid dramatization of every damn scene and the idiotic tension build up to nothing... Absolutely kills and burns to ashes this show. Shame.

The Fate of the Furious

The worst and the dumbest
Take a dumbass rap music video that poses money, diamonds, guns, women, cars, villas and wearing jordans with toxido..... Now take that and convert it to a movie and add stupidity, lots of it. Thats the fate of the furious. The worst in the franchise by far.

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