IMDb member since April 2011
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    IMDb Member
    13 years


Traffic Light

Traffic light is the perfect metaphor for the show
Traffic light is the perfect metaphor for the show. It takes a while to get up to speed after it starts, but once it gets going, it is full of smart humour, fun characters and a solid 20 minutes of smiles if not outright laughter.

Sure you can compare it to other ensemble comedies, such as HIMYM, Rules of Engagement, or the up and coming Happy Endings. But what I like about this show the most is the characters are normal...not eccentric. They are just a trio of three friends, bonded perhaps more than most with the lost of their fourth amigo Ben. They find a way to balance their own lives, whether stopped, slow or on the go with the connection of friendship that often wanes as we move into our thirty and forties.

That said, I do admit, it took me about three episodes to really start falling for this show, but I am glad I invested the time. I really enjoy tuning in each week for the antics of the boys. I hope Fox gives it a chance to shine because I do think it is a diamond in the rough.

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