
IMDb member since July 2003
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skipped all the good stuff
The "love" scenes overshadowed the battles and history of the storyline. "And, with one thing and another, Alexander conquered the known world;" slip in one little battle scene, and waste the next two hours with a controversial sex movie. Hey, Oliver Stone wants to make a pro-gay movie, fine: just market it as such, and don't label it an action epic. I was robbed of $10 due to false advertising.

That said, it must be mentioned that there were no redeeming qualities in this film. The CGI was messy, the acting was of high-school stage-production quality, and frankly, I was disgusted, even by the "straight" scene of Alexander and his wife on their wedding night. (Come on, people, call it by its name: porn!)

(Braveheart included a honeymoon scene and a homosexual relationship in a much more tasteful presentation, with appropriate balance in relation to the storyline.)

Home on the Range

A good, old-fashioned cartoon... "You know, for kids!"
The trailers - especially the trailer on the Finding Nemo DVD - suggested comedy to rival "The Emperor's New Groove," etc. The movie WAS amusing, but not what we've come to expect from recent animated films targeting adult audiences. However, my kids LOVED it, and the theater was full of hearty laughter from all the other kids as well.

"Home on the Range" is full of slapstick humor aimed at a young audience - THIS is a cartoon that remembers what cartoons are supposed to be. And there are plenty of amusing one-liners to keep mom and dad from being bored.

A good, old-fashioned cartoon... "You know, for kids!"


My Kids Love It
I appreciate the fact that Zoom is more than brain-candy, and gives kids ideas for things to DO. My kids (ages 3-7) love it, and are always on the lookout for new recipes, games, crafts, so they can "send it to Zoom!" The fact that Regular Kids submit most of the material makes it more appealing to Regular Kids.


Some of Everything
Braveheart is currently listed on the IMDB list of top 250 films, with reason. It has everything, history, action, drama, romance, comedy, and does well at all of them. The acting is realistic, EVERY character is believable. It is lengthy, but never boring.

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