
IMDb member since May 2011
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Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre

Will the real Guy Ritchie please stand up
It really didn't feel like a true Ritchie film. It had all of the calling cards of what one would expect but somehow fell flat. It felt like an imposter came in, forged something passible as a Guy Ritchie film that the masses were sure to enjoy but true enthusiasts would question its authenticity within the first 15 minutes. It had too much glitz & glam and way too little of the Guy grit we love. I was looking forward to the great cast and I just didn't feel like any of them were used to their full potential. I could watch Snatch and Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, and even The Gentleman over and over again, this one I will only watch the once. I know Guy Ritchie has a habit of doing a movie for him and a movie for the studio and a movie for him and a movie for the studio...I think a little too much of "the studio" rubbed off on this one.


The art or storytelling is not dead!!
Thank you Ben Stiller and the writing team for such a smart engaging series. To all those reviewer's that have labeled it a slow burn, yes, you're right it is that's what's great about a story! As a film culture we've gotten so desensitized by movies that have no nutritional film value, filled with extended fight scenes and loud scores that a series like severance gets passed over because it lacks all of the adrenaline hype that we now expect from entertainment. But for those of us who grew up on indie films and great characters and great stories this series reminds me of the films I loved when I was young like "Flirting with disaster" and "Sliding Doors ....with a dash of "Strange days" and "Dark City". If you like story development and smart characters give it a try stick through it I promise you'll be on the edge of your seat the last few episodes!

Mr. Corman

Give it a chance, forgive the extra-ness
This is starting off strong for me! I get the disappointment of it not being a true comedy, I agree but I see it more as a reflection of the comedy of real's mixed in, sometime it's laugh until you pee, sometime it's laugh until you cry. I saw a couple reviews saying it's trying to hard to tackle all human issues...but aren't we all dealing with ALL human issues. This is literally what we all deal with daily. The bong that so many have issues with, I think is symbolizes just how often someone with depression and anxiety has a moment of the floor dropping out from below them. I would have either liked more whimsy straight off or a little less along the way. I got the flying out of the window when sexy chick punched him BUUUUT the song with mom was a bit too much and went on for a bit too long...but eh I like it enough to forgive the over the top ness...I really think this is a brilliant way to show what mental illness really looks and feels like.


Really a 5.6!
I feel like it's sad when small little independent films get rated so low because it's not got a big budget or like super great actors, really let's just look at a film for what it is... Is it a good story? Is it a fresh perspective? Was there solid acting? I think 1BR gave this. I am always on the hunt for a great thriller that doesn't use jump scares and CGI and gory attack scenes to lean on, I really felt that this had some unexpected twists. If you want something that falls into the thriller category but isn't going to be demonic or super sweary you should give this a chance! I would really give this movie a solid 7/10 but I gave it a 10 just to boost the score because I feel like a 5.6 is really really low


Where was the comedy?!?
I love all things Austen, this adaptation was such a disappointment. Yes the costuming was wonderful, yes the sets and backdrop were wonderful! But EVERYTHING else fell flat. Anya Taylor-Joys Emma was bratty (I mean how many times did she roll her eyes?) The character may well be a snob but she was never intentionally rude (save the Miss Bates incident) Mia Goths Harriet cane off more melancholy than silly as she was in the book and every other adaptation. I literally could go on with each and every character portrayed in this film but suffice it to say no real Jane lover will find this adaptation up to par.

The Feed

Just to offset the low scores 😉
For real probably an 8/10

I really enjoyed this I thought it was possible for a future idea of what social media and technology could come too. Of course it's impossible at points, it's fiction but I didn't find it hard to suspend reality enough to enjoy the concept!

Mary Poppins Returns

The real Mary Poppins would never...
The real Mary Poppins Look wistfully out the window in a melancholy state she is always determined The real Mary Poppins would never speak or sing in slang she is proper The real Mary Poppins would never sing with sexual connotation she is, again, proper The real Mary Poppins would never have let the kids get lured away she is responsible The real Mary Poppins would never have let the kids run off in the bank by themselves she keeps order The real Mary Poppins would never be rude to a counter agent,again again, she is proper The real Mary Poppins would never let the kids lead the way home and get lost she is always in charge The real Mary Poppins would never ride a bmx bike, enough said The real Mary Poppins would never need to be disciplined, she does everything with purpose and intent The real Mary Poppins wouldn't stand around the entire time while the story happens around her... Why did Mary Poppins even show up?!?


I have always been intrigued by Disassociative Identity Disorder. I've read a couple autobiographies and found most of how this movie portrayed the disorder to be true to what I know of it. But I loved the twist, pulling in a little bit of future technology (sci-fi) Into the story. I thought this was well written and definitely well acted. I look forward to what else the writer/director does in the future! As a movie it's definitely not action packed and might be considered slow buy some. It kept my attention because you thought you knew the direction it was going to go but it definitely took a couple unexpected turns. I was moved by the ending and felt it fit the story perfectly as well as feeling realistic.

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