
IMDb member since May 2011
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The Informer

Ignore the naysayers, this is GREAT! Just watch it!
I have zero patience with bad films, I give them mere seconds to grab me.

This is a good action film, great story, clever twists and good acting.

I was hoping for a bit more action towards the end, but I enjoyed it nonetheless


The Silence

Confusing, clumsy, lazy, disappointing.
Watched this as I'm a huge fan of Shetland, but this doesn't even come close and not even Douglas could save this.

Had the basis of a great mini series, probably needed another 2-4 episodes (maybe they ran out of funding) The writing was all over the place, characters profiles were clumsy, he could probably have done we two fewer kids (and saved some money on the actors bill) The story just zigzagged across the episodes with no real solid backbone.

I'm angry I just wasted 4 hours of my life watching this, next time I'll read the reviews.

If you are a fan of Shetland, Vera, Briadchurch etc you will leave shaking your head in disappointment.

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

John at his finest! But ....
It was everything I love about John Wick films.

BUT like Ruby Rose in JW2 Asia Kate Dillon in JW3 both suffer from overacting, it's like watching a fumbling teenager on their first date.

And Jerome Flynn's bizarre accent is distracting, filler actor (like someone said 'get someone from GoT')

Angelica H, was underutilized and Halle B rocked, maybe it's because I have 4 dogs!

If you like JW you will enjoy this, just prepare for longer than comfortable moments that allow for a generous popcorn run and toilet break.


After 8 episodes that's the best you could do?
It's like they ran out of budget, time and story. Took some nice twists and turns, went back on itself a few times but was ok for possibly 10 episodes. So the ending we got is absolutely rubbish. If you are binge watching you will be so disappointed. Here is hoping for season 2, otherwise don't waste your time.

Blood Out

Blood in - Rubbish Out
My mum always said if put rubbish in that is what you get out! So we can start with the camera work, think student film and obscure lighting techniques then we move to the 'over-acting' and then the 'under-acting' in some parts.

The Story line, very predictable, false advertising with regards to the single appearance of 50 Cent opposed to 'starring', add to that the improbable events that take place in a police station??? It plods along as expected, relatively good soundtrack, token chicks, gratuitous nakedness and the stilletoed heroine.

But the best of all is the last minute special effects ….. I shan't spoil it but if you don't replay it at least 3 times to double check what you just saw I'll be surprised, in fact I'll be flabbergasted, it's incredulous! Ifyou are a teenager, who enjoys action flicks for the sake of action flicks and have no concern for quality, this is your cup of tea!

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