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Conflict of Interest

If u like cheesy action with loads hot babes....
This is the movie for you! We're talking mega-velveeta cheesy here, but soo much fun! Christopher McDonald stars as a tough cop with some control issues, granted he sees his wife gunned down in front of him and his young son, but kills the perp, so it goes unsolved. Flash forward seven years or so ahead and Mickey is still a tough cop, with some triggers waiting to be pulled. His son Jason, now sporting a mullet to make Billy Ray Cyrus swoon, is back to live with dad and his very hot girlfriend Vera, played by Dey Young of all people, but trust me total MILF!

Poor Jason soon runs afoul of Gideon, played by Judd Nelson as a insane raccoon on an acid trip who dresses like a pirate. Seriously, not kidding, the man wears mascara and dresses in frilly lace! WTF! so over the top you just have to smile. Oh Gideon run a profitable car theft ring, but young Jason just digs the metal club he runs to cover it. Naturally Mickey tries to warn rebellious teen Jason to steer clear of Gideon, but heck what seventeen year old ever listened to their parent?

Added eye candy is Alyssa Milano is a relatively small role as Eve, but her opening scene... WOWZA, what a hottie! I mean I seriously wanted to leap into my screen! Jason feels likewise, tho that doesn't stop him from bedding some seriously stacked babes Gideon throws at him.

Totally trash, but done in the most enjoyable of fashions, with surprisingly good performances and some cool plot twists towards the end. "Conflict of Interest" is not a classic, but it's a great example of late 80's early 90's b-movie action and it delivers the goods!


dumb cartoon
Ah "Beowulf" great story, An Balls out Anglo-Saxon poem from long ago. Ah Robert Zemeckis and Neil (sandman) Gaiman, two enormously overrated hacks. Hence we have "Beowulf" the cheesy cartoon! I know, some are screaming it's CGI! Big, fat hair deal, it's animated, for the most part badly, I do give this cartoon a 5, largely because it has one kick-ass dragon! But dozy is it dumb.

Beowulf, voiced by Ray Winstone but bearing no resemblance to the pudgy actor, is a conceited, boastful lying pig-ape in this cartoon who roams bout with his fellow geeks, oops sorry, Geats, offering to slay monsters and demons in return for women or gold. Yeah, what a hero. His BFF is Hamish, sorry Waflig, or some such dippy name, it's Hamish from "Braveheart" Honest. At the beleaguered hall of Santa Claus, oops again sorry, it's Hrothgar, voiced by Anthony Hopkins, apparently he's started drinking again. King Santa had a young queen who looks like an uncomfortable waxen cross breed between Meryl Streep and Robin Wright if she was fat and wore a bad wig. Anyhoo, Hrothgar made some mistake sand his hall is being bitch-smacked by the monster Grendel who looks rather like a knobby troll.

Naturally Beobreath rips Grendel and wins the day. For some reasons no explained by this cartoon he goes to see GRendel's Mom, voiced in a Russian accent by Agnelina Jolie. Ah Good ole Bob Zemeckis, he gives us the cartoon asses of Hopkins and Winstone, but Angie? Nah, gold dipped and phony as hell. Sigh.

After Hrothgar drowns in his corn flakes, Beowuss becomes king. Flash forward ma ny years, we don't' know how many, and Beo has a queen and a girl Urusla, who looks like a min-me of the queen. Princess? Daughter, no just some bitch for Beoballs to hammer at night when he gets bored with Robin, er Wealthrow, Uh-huh, again what a great "hero" he is! Well he's sinned big time too and that comes back to bite him in his still tight and curiously hairless rear.

Ugh, there are some pluses here, some dynamic action, some rousing songs, but it's all misogynistic and dumb and well it's a freakin cartoon! It's also waay long and simplistic. Even the ending is kinda vague, though most epic poems or sagas if you prefer, were vague in their endings, i. e. GAwain and the Green Knight. Anyhoo, check "Beowulf' the cartoon if you liked "Brave" pretty similar and again the Dragon is awesome!! 15yold boys may rate this much higher.

Bad Blood

sick, twisted and loads of fun
Very obscure little title that I basically found because I adore Linda blair, don't be deceived by the cover art she has a relatively minor role here. Actually for film featuring a porno star (yep the Randy Spears) this is pretty good. Georgina Spelvin plays Arlene, who "lost" her husband an baby boy years ago. Que poor dumb ted, world's youngest lawyer, who just happens to look like a certain painting. Turns out the painting is of his real Dad, ARlene's lost love.

Ted's Mom breaks the truth to him is a terrific beach scene in Arlene is loaded and something of a high society matron, sure she's a bit eccentric, but after all she just found her son after twenty- plus years without him! so who can blame her if she wants to cuddle him, dance with him, tuck him in at night...

Oddly Ted's Wife Evie, the lovely Ms. Blair, doesn't seem to scene much wrong with this grand guinol scenario and a really ornate Castle Mansion somewhere form the back lots of "Love Story", eventually tho it becomes pretty clear that Arlene wants all she lost back, and is willing to do anything to have it.

Georgina Spelvin is simply great as Arlene, for a older babe she really knocked it out of the park as a psycho, give her a lot of credit here. Sickest wedding scene this side of "Flowers in the Attic" doesn't hurt either. "Bad Blood" is a little hard to find, but well worthwhile for fans of Gothic style psychological horror.

Jem and the Holograms

they literally raped the cartoon
"Jem and Holograms" is just a bad, freakin move. I can't put it simpler than that.In case you're wondering, I grew up on the Hasbro produced cartoon int he 80's, it was great, cool songs, fun fashion and funky characters, and contrary to popular belief, they did tackle some issues, like drug abuse, post traumatic combat disorder, absentee fathers, love triangles, sexual identity, jealousy, etc. Damn good cartoon. All of this makes the movie such an incredible disappointment!

Just on it's own this movie blows chunks, we start of with shaky cam, and we get this again and again. Then we are introduced to Jem, unfortunately Audrey Peeples has the charisma of a limp carrot. Sorry, but that hurts. What follows from director Chu, who apparently never met a scene he didn't like, is boring, boring and well, boring. There's no reason to care about this, the message goes against the very concept of the plot. Synergy, a rather cool holographic babe on the cartoon, is reduced to a cheesy looking 80's style robot from Kenner!! One horrendous scene has Jem and girls harmonizing for Rio, this develops into nothing,but goes on for like 20 minutes!!!

Seriously this movie hurt my brain, it literally made me sick, it is the cinematic equivalent off root canal. Didn't anyone ever hear of editing!? 2hrs to tell this story !?!?!? SO much of this movie is WTF, but I did give it 3 or 10. Why u might ask? Juliette Lewis as Erica Raymond nails her character, she's spot on snarky and the only fun character in the flick. Plus there is a entertaining cameo that pops up in the middle of the credits. Alos,well they did get the names right...

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

terrific fun!
I don't see a lot of movies at the theatre, but I was glad I saw this one! What a fun movie, just the right balance of action, romance and humor!! It reminded me of the feeling of the first Indiana Jones movie. Jake Gyllenhaal is just right here as a adopted Perisan Prince. Gemma Arterton is actually interesting here and the costumes she wears are unreal!! Someone should have got a nod for the great look of this movie. Ben Kingsley (yes, Ghandi himself!) makes a wonderfully mysterious grand vizier Nizam. Alfred Molina is a lot of fun as the Sheik who races.... Wait for it... Ostriches!!!!

Basically Prince Dastan (Jake) is duped into invading a holy city, once there his father is murdered as he's accused. Now on the run with the princess Tamina (Gemma) he seeks the truth. What he comes to realize is that a magical dagger is really behind it all. The effect used here to portray time travel, is different and exciting. Soon Dastan is facing dangerous assassins, knife throwers and time itself to set things right.

The movie has a nice emotional impact, particularly when u realize Dastan will do anything to save his family. That scene with his older brother Tus, got some reaction in the theatre, let me tell ya! The action is pretty intense, but I still saw nor heard any reason this couldn't be "PG" it's fine for ten and up. A really enjoyable movie that u and your whole family can enjoy again and again.!

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