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Usual Hollywood Exclusions
So far as expected we have the usual black guy with the curly haired black kid, usually male, married to a white woman front and center. Black women if present, are relegated to brief subordinate roles and are never featured as romantic interests. Then as expected old people (subliminal messaging from Hollywood) are expendable and the old man is killed off. Don't know how long I will watch. But so far not promising.

99 Pieces

Absolutely awful, even for background when cleaning house. After I read that the writer, director, Falcon, doesn't read, I understood why he misspelled tomorrow on the mirror. Also the grammar made me recoil, "you were wanting to" do whatever, the scene with the bank teller and the wife. Story made no sense. I gave up trying to make sense of nonsense. Music was annoying and irrelevant. I fast forwarded to the end. Life is too short.

Red Sparrow

Gratuitous sex
Started out with possibilities. Espionage, intrigue, ok some sex, a view into Russian life, ballet. What more could you ask for? Then total descent into constant gratuitous sex. How many times do we have to see JL naked? The show descends into the usual trope; white girl gets naked and any reason to have her take off her clothes, have sex, and tell us how beautiful she is. The storyline gets lost and I suppose many males were able to stay awake for their cheap thrills, but I lost interest. The movie dragged and I couldn't care less about the characters. A general waste of time.

Day of Reckoning

Usual Racism, Ageism
In a nutshell. Apocalyptic event. Monsters, close calls. All the people of color are killed off first, then the old people, usually saving the younger white folks. You know, the people who matter. Religious overtones. Skip it or watch while vacuuming.

Who Is My Husband

Grammar issues
Typical Lifetime fare. Mindless dribble you can do household chores by. But when are so called writers going to learn English. " ... let your mom and I ...", why they use I instead of the proper pronoun me is beyond words. Do they think it sounds more intellectual? Some intensive remedial English classes are in order.

Hello Neighbor

Grammar issues. Painful inane tired trope.
Acting terrible. Grammar-between you and I is not proper English. Dialogue is juvenile, silly, and reminiscent of the Hallmark Channel. Storyline trite, worn, and boring even for this overworked genre. Had to endure this awful show because my friend wanted to watch. Hallmark Channel and Lifetime have 2 storylines; seen one, seen 'em all. Forgot to mention the gratuitous nudity. Turn the volume down and take a nap.


Grammar issues
Story engaging and entertaining enough, even though the storyline is cliched and predictable. The writer apparently failed to pay attention in English class or suffered the fate of so many students nowadays due to the elimination of grammar class. He repeatedly misuses the pronoun I, when he should use me after prepositions. Also noted, the "word" alot in the email should be 2 words -a lot. The word nerd in me appreciated not hearing literally used or rather misused. So grateful for small things. Otherwise the movie kept me awake, and for this genre, it was a decent effort for a Saturday night viewing.

The Doctor Blake Mysteries: For Whom the Bell Tolls
Episode 7, Season 4

Grammar issues
The episode was entertaining as usual, there was a glaring error for those of us who were required to study grammar in grade school. One of the characters says, "between he and ...", when it should be him - the objective case. The writer, Sarah Lambert, fails basic grammar which used to be taught in primary grades and actually before starting school.

Partners in Crime

Anachronism in costuming/makeup
The series title is misleading as it has little to do with Agatha Christie if you are a purist, but it is entertaining enough for a quick break from reality. I love the sets and costumes in general; the setting is just post WW2. They did not have Botox and filler back then. A number of the female characters are pumped full of the stuff as their eyebrows are situated so high and arched on their foreheads and their cheeks so round and full, they have that all too common permanently surprised or even pained clown look that many celebrities have today. Unfortunately, the art of acting with a natural expression that includes facial expressions is becoming a lost art.

The Divide

Usual stereotypical cast and outcome
Apparently as in 99.999% of these apocalyptic films and end of the world scenarios-no black women will be around. The one black guy sacrifices himself for the white woman or gets killed off early in the film unless he is an established actor and then he has a little more time to be the sacrificial lamb for white folks.The white woman who cannot run 3 ft without falling down or depends on everyone else protecting her somehow manages to survive the monsters, the chaos, the fires, floods, and does so with little disruption to hair and makeup.Often, she will look as fresh as the proverbial daisy, fails to sweat like normal people and if injured or mussed, will have minimal evidence of such. The racism we are all indoctrinated to repeatedly on TV and in movies is such standard fare-it is never even mentioned in any critiques and can readily be predicted without fail. Hollywood's bigotry shines through every time.


God awful including the grammar
Horrible poor cliché of a movie. Terrible imitation of Godsend,The Omen,and Orphan. The acting is bad, although of the three main characters, the mother is the best. The little boy playing the child is contrived, stilted,one of the worst actors and at times comical.He is clearly playing a part. The "writer" does not even know basic grammar-to my mother and I instead of the proper object of the preposition-me. He makes this error throughout the movie's dialogue. I watched while I waited for a phone call so I did see pretty much all the film. Somehow I thought it might get better, but no such luck. Movies today are rarely horror, but too frequently horrible. I love a good fright but not silly nonsense that has no subtlety, artistry, or fear elements. Ominous is what this movie is-a warning to steer clear.

Fatal Memories

mindless entertainment
The usual stereotypical TV movie where white people live in a multi-million dollar homes with million dollar furnishings and they are all wealthy professionals. The plot is predictable and of standard fare. I watch these types of movies when doing housework and I do not need to focus my full attention. The writing is sub par and has gross grammatical errors-"on Glen and I"- English please. I cannot believe no one edits these "writings". There is the usual nonsensical attempt to get away from danger. but not really. "Why don't we just get in the running car" bit. I laugh at places where they are trying to be serious, but it gets ridiculous at times. I always DVR the films, otherwise the commercials would be intolerable and I lose interest forgetting I am watching at all. If you realize you are viewing mindless fluff and nothing more, than you will not be disappointed.

Left to Die

Stereoypical innocent U.S. drug victim and bad foreigners
Why do all the movies & documentaries about white Americans in particular imply that they are innocent victims of barbaric third world countries' drug laws? They are depicted as completely gullible, innocently duped, scammed, coerced, or just trying to make ends meet by doing one innocent drug deal. The stories always go out of their way to make the audience enraged about the inhumane conditions outside the enlightened modern day humane U.S. system. In fact, abuses of this sort and worse happen daily in this country. The mentally ill, underage, and poor are physically, emotionally and psychologically tormented and permanently scarred. Isolation, rapes, beatings, huge financial profits by privatized prisons in this country have created a mass incarceration system that now moves babies with tantrums into the prison system for profit. Young ppl, especially minorities are economic fodder for this human rights disgrace because if you build it, you must fill it. The Pa. judges were putting young ppl, students (and they were white) into jails for truancy, disrespecting teachers by drawing unflattering pictures of them by the students and all sorts of excuses so the judges who had stock in these detention facilities as shareholders could increase their profits. We live in a country that imprisons more ppl than communist China, Russia and N. Korea together. 10s of thousands of ppl per day are arrested. 85% of them are never formally charged or convicted, but this allows overtime and monies to be made by the ruling oligarchy. Tax free padded police pensions in New York, judges' salaries, corp supply companies-food, laundry, etc.-all profit in the 100s of billions from the corrupt mega corp that is the U.S. injustice system.

An aside regarding the authenticity of the story-How did the protagonist keep her gray hair in check all that time? The prison must have allowed Lady Clairol to visit along with the Botox/Juvederm/and plastic surgery touch-ups. Anothe problem with American TV-too much Hollywood.The daughter plays a nun who wears make-up.

Broken City

English Please not C-bonics
The movie was entertaining enough if you like the usual Wahlberg formula of cop-ex-cop against the establishment. One issue I always have with him is that Wahlberg mumbles his lines. He is frequently unintelligible. Another problem with the movie is C-bonics. The "writers" of a number of his movies, though not unique to him, are obviously not familiar with the rules of English. Anyone can call himself a writer or an author these days. You will frequently hear - "between you and I" - in the dialogue. Why no editor or even a minimally educated person picks this up is beyond me. There are the usual trite instances common to all movies nowadays. There is nothing new under the sun and I would not pay to see this at the movies.

Murdoch Mysteries

Lighthearted Fun Entertainment
Artful Detective is a lighthearted fun entertainment that does not require any mental strain to enjoy or follow. I watch when I am stressed to just relax and enjoy some of the beautiful scenery. A lot of it is implausible, but excusable due to the fact that it does not try to be too serious. I do have one pet peeve. Murdoch, who is well educated by the Jesuits and went to Catholic School in the old days as did I, insists on proper English and even corrected his boss for using the phrase, "begging the question" incorrectly. Yet, he and a priest on the episode of "Voices" used grossly incorrect English. A priest said "between myself and God"-correct form is the courtesy rule and the use of the objective pronoun me, not the reflexive, myself, which is used often and incorrectly- "between God and me" is correct. Murdoch also said in another episode-"If I was," should be "If I were"-the subjunctive, that which is contrary to fact. Another case-incorrect use of peruse-to read thoroughly not glance over. Even professional writers, novelists and news commentators have descended into the poorest forms of speech today. Language and rules for speaking it are important for a culture and to allow non-speakers to learn and for all to follow communication. We are lapsing into a society where correct spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and the ability to pursue logical discourse are non-existent, a recipe for miscommunication and ultimate confusion.

The Hive

Slow, plodding, non-standard English
This is one of the worst movies out there, slow, plodding, highly improbable, not scary. It is also poorly acted and written: C-bonics. The writer uses the subjective pronoun I instead of the proper objective pronoun me. Let you and I, for you and I- is not standard English. As usual, the black guy of the main characters dies first-same race propaganda we see in 99.9% of movies and TV shows. The actors mumbled most of their lines which made a bad movie even worse. If I had not been too settled on my couch, I would have turned the channel, instead I ran through the movie with my DVR. Hopefully, the writer learned basic English and greatly improved his story telling skills.

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