
IMDb member since May 2011
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    IMDb Member
    13 years



A second film of Morning could be worthy?
It simply left me wanting more...the character development was so gripping by the end of the movie I was like..."are you serious it is over now"? I want to see a second film by J.M. Just to see where he can take the cast of Morning into a more qualifying end to this family drama every mother and father fear! First time directors can fly by the seat of there pants. J. M. shows he has skills and talents yet to be fully experienced by Hollywood.From this film to the next it will be interesting to see J.M. turn heads and become the next big thing in L.A.. For all who like the minor leagues only to see the All Star Game one day J. M. is on his way.A special emphasis on the optimal photography and editing in "Morning"!

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