
IMDb member since August 2003
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Atlantis Down

Enjoyed it very much.
I attended the premiere of Atlantis Down in Portsmouth, VA and liked it so well, I went back to see it a couple more times. The story was riveting! It kept me on the edge of my seat. When watching a sci-fi thriller, one of the things I take pride in as an audience member is being able to figure out the twist. In the case of Atlantis Down, I wasn't able to see it coming. I won't spoil it, but it was exciting, held my interest through repeat screenings, and engaged me emotionally. I cried each time I saw it during a scene showcasing actress Mae Flores. And scenes with veteran Hollywood star, Michael Rooker, were intense; you can't take your eyes off him when he is on screen. The direction was really tight and the film looked great! The film oozed with intelligence and was very clever, philosophical at times and thought provoking. In my humble opinion, this is what independent filmmaking should be; something that makes you think and pushes the envelope of what you can do creatively on a small budget while giving the director the opportunity to introduce new talent to the world. I'll go see anything this team makes in the future.

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