Reviews (4)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was with this movie, kind of, throughout 75% of the runtime.

    Plot and pacing problems kept hidden by CONSTANT babbling by one character or another.

    But then it ended, and I rewound to watch the last 30 minutes again-sure that I'd missed something. Nope.

    Apparently the philosophy of this CHRISTMAS MOVIE (3 Wise Men), is that if you want to make sure a worthlessly failing bad idea of a store does not continue to lose all your money: YOU DESERVE TO DIE........ON CHRISTMAS. If you are related to that man, it's okay if you do to.

    There are a few lines sprinkled throughout about what a bad guy this "Uncle" is, but essentially he and a young man are killed because they wanted to shutdown a failing business wasting their money.

    A year or less from the point of where this movie ends, that store will probably or certainly fail.

    Okay, some good jokes and ideas throughout, but that is the end of this CHRISTMAS COMEDY people. That's bad enough for a bad review from me.
  • It's only 95 minutes, but unless you want to see directionless, jokeless garbage, skip skip skip. Total inspiration-less trainwreck with and made by talented people.
  • This has got to be one of the worst sequels EVER.

    I can hardly believe how TERRIBLE it is. I would not be surprised if it came to be after writing two sentences on a napkin during a blackout drunk binge at the bar. Every scene is crap, and every scene is stretched out to be at least twice as long as any good judgement should have allowed.

    Embarrassingly unfunny, shockingly inept in all departments. If the intention was to spoof itself, the execution, pacing and content derailed all potential for actual enjoyment from me. Why go with slapstick attempts at comedy anyway when following up what so many find to be one of the great horror films ever made? I don't feel that way about the original, but I do suggest to horror fans that most any random unknown horror film pick would be more satisfying to you, or most any black comedy for that matter.

    The first one is competent and disturbing. This sequel is mind-dumbingly bad, and it's clear from the very first second, with the weak caricature acting and lack of any logic, and with road signs that look like grade school kids made them for a grade school play. If things like that were deliberate, which I'll go ahead and say that they were, that kind of humor never developed effectively or consistently, and if the "it's spoofing itself" nature (which this movie's defenders claim it has) was so brilliant, it would be full of those kinds of choices. But it's dull, stupid, slow, thin, and annoying. I have no idea what Tobe Hooper was thinking, but it floats in movie purgatory, whatever genres it was trying to meld. This, I suppose, is so bad that it has to be experienced to be believed, but that is no reason to waste your time. Some of the worst acting and dialogue and attempts at comedy and/or horror I can remember ever watching. Even Tom Savini's work is weak and lacks imagination and full believability. Maybe about 3 minutes around 45 minutes in is okay, when Leatherface give his new "mask" to his new crush, and then the brief revelation right after he leaves. The only moment close to horror in the entire thing. Surely not enough to justify wasting your life. The final 20 minutes just repeats the first one in a new setting. Her screaming is completely terrible, and repeated like 50 times. I guess the very last shot is kinda okay, but, again, why bother. Avoid, or just watch to see how bad a movie can be. It's B.A.D!!!!!!! The only saving grace is that Tobe Hooper made another film that came out the same year, "Invaders from Mars", which is bad in a different way, but a masterpiece compared to this hunk of junk. Truly ZERO or HALF A STAR. For the record, I really wanted to like this movie.
  • This movie is actually dreadful.

    It's sprawling shallowness shows a desperation to be liked, yet my take away is that it sloppily reveals itself as a "we're just being quirky, accept we really really believe what we're spoon-feeding, yet let's put a few things here and there to try and win everyone over, while truly condescending to the viewer with consistently unbelievable human behavior (i.e.: terrible acting)" movie.

    It will be hyped, probably artificially, and a lot of people will defend it because they believe in what it attempted, or that it tried to say important stuff. It's as bad as a bad sitcom's lowest episodes. An ultimately cookie cutter story put in a blender and trying so hard to check every social box to try to win everyone's love (while slyly hinting at blame or guilt if you disagree with the narratives). It comes off as simply juvenile filmmaking posing as supposed big ideas, but, oh, yeah, "we're just a sweet little comedy-drama though". A lead actress who wrote the script should be far better at delivering their lines and emotions believably, and the heavy-handed situations just fall flat again, and again, and again, until it finally ends.

    Lemmings will call it brave, I'm sure.