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Black Love

I just wanted to say I that I have love for all colors. Black Love is just refreshing for me to watch because I do celebrate black love. I am not in a relationship nor married but this still inspires me to want that.

If God Is Willing and da Creek Don't Rise

Still Struggling but Perservering
It was five years after Hurricane Katrina. Then here comes the BP oil spill messing things up and adding insult to injury. I saw that 11 men had died and oil was just everywhere. Residents were still putting their lives back together and this happens. You start to hear about residents with FEMA trailers getting sick from Formaldehyde. St. Bernard Parish disappears with this so-called "mixed income community" which is ridiculous. Ray Nagin's criminal activity was also a negative, I am just at a lost. I still give praise to people who are working hard to get back on their feet and are not giving in. The Army Corps of Engineer and BP should do as much as possible to help with the damage done. I gave props to Saints for winning the championship and uplifting everyone. New Orleans has that fighting spirit no matter what!!!!

Sing Your Song

I am in my early 30's. My parents and grandparents were around for the Jim crow and civil rights movement. This is a another documentary that I enjoyed watching. Harry Belafonte is more than just an icon, he is an example that all humans of all races can follow. He is an outstanding actor, but that is just a piece of what is really behind the man himself. He really stood in the face of racism, injustice, and poverty because he wanted a better life for himself and the people of this world. The life of family was always important to him and came first no matter the cause. Mr. Belafonte reminds me of my father in a sense. My father is no activist, but I respect him deeply for his views and opinions. I am not that or a pioneer, but I feel I can speak on things when needed. To Harry Belafonte, thank you for being a voice yesterday, today, and tomorrow!!!

When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts

From the heart!!!
Spike Lee put his all into this documentary about Hurricane Katrina and the government's slow response. This disaster will always be remembered by everyone no matter what race, sex, or economic group. I could not believe the job that the Army Corp of Engineers did on the levees over the course of 40 years. Even after Hurricane Betsy, they never finished that job and the residents paid the ultimate price for their negligence. The people did not deserve to be run out of their homes. A lot of them had nowhere to go. I have relatives that were displaced by Katrina. Lee gives an insight on how this has affected there lives during and after the storm hit. Also shown is the economic and social status of New Orleans. Due to this,education and health care are decreasing to the point that residents have relocated to other states for a better chance. Crime was already a big problem there and it seems that it is increasing as everyday goes by. No matter what, New Orleans will remain a top-notch city.


Classic battle
This was a war about the battle for one woman. That sure does go along way. Wolfgang Peterson gives a special meaning to honor, loyalty, and betrayal in this drama based on the book "The Illiad." Helen and Paris give new meaning to the name of heartbreakers. Paris saw himself as somewhat of a so-called "player" who saw opportunity with Helen as his new love. Helen was unhappy with her marriage to Spartan king, Menelaus. They should have seen this coming. Menelaus becomes enraged and goes to his powerful brother, Agamemnon. Agamemnon calls all armies together to conquer Troy and get Helen back. With that, he summons Achilles, the world's greatest warrior known to man. Achilles does not like to serve under anyone but himself. Standing in the way is the Trojan King Priam. He is protected by his other son and warrior Hector. The battle scenes are great, especially Achilles and Hector. Fight to death!!!!!


What? (Ready to Wear)
It's hard to say anything about this movie. The guy played by Stephen Rea was a silly taking pictures of all of the woman who wanted him. He needs to go somewhere. They got him back. "Ready to Wear" was an interesting satire. It shows how crazy and ridiculous it is in the industry. The women were beautiful. Kim Basinger, Sophia Loren,Julia Roberts, Tracy Ullman were all characterized in different ways. Each had their own personalities. Ms. Roberts and Tim Robbins in the bed all day was funny. They just loved steaming up the room. That was something to see right there. There have been few films like "Ready to Wear" that shed so much light on one industry. The ending was crazy. The models coming out nude(naked) was some serious mess. No way would I put that on the runway. That is the down part.

Soul Food

Family Love
I totally enjoyed this movie. It had me full of emotion and rubbing my belly all at the same time. It's hard to understand why all families cannot sit down and enjoy times like the Joseph family had. Lem getting arrested, Teri & Max at each others throats, Mama Joe's illness, and Faith and Myles' bad deed really tested that love. This was a film that brought to light about hard times and rising above them. One person can make a difference. Ahmad proved that by getting the whole family back for "sunday dinner." It is always a silver lining to a negative situation. That food would definitely bring me back! We need more of these times in today's world. Forget materials things, love is bigger.

Jungle Fever

point of view.
This movie really brought to the limelight how the world deals with interracial dating. Snipes has a loving wife and child. Even with that, he manages to befriend and fall for a white woman. I think that he just wanted to experience something different. In my opinion, I would never date outside of my race because I feel comfortable with black women. The latter part of the film shows the evil side of interracial dating. When Sciorra fathers finds out, he mercifully whips her and kicks her out of the house. Snipes's wife banishes him from his home. Both families learn the meaning of stereotyping and try to come to grips with the adversity they face.


Definition of action
The action sequences in this movie are some of the best that I have ever seen. Wesley Snipes really put in work to make this a blockbuster film. Even though the vampires are not real vampires, it still appeals to everyone. We all know that vampires do not die from silver and garlic. I do not who came up with that. That is the only bad part. The first sequence set the tone in a way that I have never seen in my entire life. Blade let be known that he is the "Daywalker". Stephen Dorff is very good as Lord Deacon Frost. Blade is even more interesting when he loses his blood and then regains it. The sword-fighting scene was kind of wack. That is the only slow part of this film. The guns and martial arts make this a smash hit. Truly, an action classic!!!!!!!!

Hav Plenty

Charmingly Funny!
I enjoyed hav plenty very much. This is probably the best comedy I have in my movie collection. The characters are very hilarious and entertaining.

Freddy vs. Jason

Not bad!
This was the first time I have been to the theater to see horror film. I give credit where credit is due. If this movie was just about Freddy or Jason themselves killing people, I would not have gone to see it. I thought that I might enjoy two of the biggest screen killers going to war against each other. They did not disappoint. I think everyone should enjoy this movie!

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