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Avenue 5

A Deeply Unpleasant and Idiodic Show
This show has so much potential. It is a constant shock how bad and violent it is. It just gets worse and worse. It is not funny and it is not scifi.

It is full of deeply illogical premises and explanations. I am glad I watched it so I know how bad it is. I love British comedy and I did not laugh at anything in 2 seasons of this hostile mess.

Without watching it I would never have beleived the negative reveiws. I hope more people find out how bas this thing is and it gets more discussed.

I imagine this sort of thing appeals to people who likes 'fail' comedy.

You will love this show if you laugh out loud when you see someone do something stupid and then really hurt themselves.

I recommended people with a strong stomach watch it to see just how bad it is. I'm interested to hear others opinions on how this happened.

The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore

They should be showing Colbert re-runs in this time-slot.
I assume that Nightly is filmed in the same studio the Report was. You can hear the audience chanting the name of the presenter at the beginning of many episodes; as they did with Colbert. Larry looks rightly uncomfortable with this. He has done nothing to deserve the level adulation and applause he is getting in the months the show has now been on.

This time slot has been reduced to what I think was always intended; a presenter from a different ethnic group promoting exactly the same opinions as Stewart.It would have been better if this was just a panel show.

Larry has, for several weeks now, had many golden opportunities to discuss, with some excellent guests, some serious topics and be a positive force in the world or at least make entertaining TV. The producers have squandered every opportunity do this. When covering the news or during the round-table they do there best prevent any reasonable discourse taking place. The NIGHTLY SHOW CONTRIBUTORS are the worst thing about the show. You don't know them, they are unlikeable and their only contribution is to shout about how selfish they are.

Larry and the NIGHTLY SHOW CONTRIBUTORS succeed in bringing everything down to a crude and stupid level that makes the audience boo and groan. Larry seems to love this. He seems very happy to just giggles away at the failure. He has often used a term: "KEEP IT 100" to appeal to the audience to accept ignorant or hateful race-baiting. "We're KEEPING IT 100" he says: encouraging the audience to cheer in support for disgraceful statements because they are honest. I expect a lot more exploitative confusing slogans to be promoted on this show to manipulate audience behaviour.

The show has a schizophrenic tone. Larry often seems to be telling the audience what to do or not do. He seems bored most of the time and then gets very excited at odd things.

Recently Larry was doing dares based on the outcome of sporting events. It was unclear to me if there was any reason he was doing this, I don't remember him mentioning a charity. As an outcome of this arbitary challenge to himself he announced he would be hosting the show in spandex. He was so happy, he couldn't stop giggling. He told the audience as they cheered "No No. I don't want to do this. This isn't good. So I want all of you post pictures of yourselves in spandex with the #spandexsolidarity.". So you don't like it but you want us all to do it. Larry you are bat**** crazy, and not in a good way. I saw the beginning of the spandex show and I've never seen Larry happier or more animated. So clearly he is a liar and I hope to never watch his show again.

Colbert had built up a fantastically loyal viewer base for this time slot. It should have gone to the character P.K. WINSOME from The Colbert Report played by Tim Meadows. There are few satirists and Colbert proved it is a very popular format. A satirical show would clearly have been much more entertaining and successful. Tim Meadows has already been, by far, the funniest thing to appear on the Nightly show.

IN SHORT: This show is Jon Stewart's egomaniacal Part 2 of a 1 hour long 'The Daily Show'. Larry Wilmore is a feckin disgrace. When this TRAIN WRECK is over maybe someone could give the time slot to Tim Meadows.

Thank you Colbert for making a great show for 9 years. They should be showing Colbert re-runs in this time-slot. It would be cheaper and much better than this.

Frost on Satire

no Colbert or Morris
This broad-gram features a selection of televisual satirists talking about what they do. It is interesting what the selected interviewees say. Frost reiterates a few simple questions such as "can satire change the world?". The BBC claims this is an "investigation into the power of political satire". I would describe it as a self-congratulatory establishment pat on the back for David Frost and a selection of media personalities that came after him.

Sadly there is no mention of Chris Morris or Stephen Colbert clearly the two most important satirists of modern times. Colbert is great. Check out his historic 2006 white house correspondents dinner performance.

V for Vendetta

a great movie destroyed by Natalie Portman accent
Yes the plot of this movie is good, I should have enjoyed it. However I found it unpleasant to sit through. Natalie Portman's accent was too much of a detachment from reality.

The UK has an extremely wide variety of accents. There is more diversity of English language accents within the UK than outside. For example the difference between a Scottish accent, a Liverpool accent and a Cornish accent is greater than the difference between a Californian, a New Zealander and a Londoner.

However in all my travels (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, UK) I have never heard anyone sound at all like Natalie Portman's character Evey. She appears to be using a similar accent to the one she used for Padmé in Star Wars.

It is not a matter of "correct pronunciation". Even her pronunciation of the letter "V" is unfamiliar to me. It sounds like "vaye" and this spoils the entire film at a fundamental level.

The Colbert Report

The Best US TV Satire In History
Colbert has made the best satirical TV show in US history.

This 22 minute show is three shows. So I'd say Stephen Colbert has made the best three satirical US TV shows. With Jon Stewart's Daily Show in fourth place.

First this is a show that spoofs the stupid US news TV. With a segment The Word which is comedy GOLD.

Second this is a talk show where Stephen walks into a set where the guest is already sitting or standing sometimes in the dark. He runs in front of them and takes all the applause. There is no time for applause for the guest. Stephen is a one of histories greatest interviewers.

Third it is an investigative reporting show which is more honest and insightful than the US "media manipulated" news and makes a genuine connection with the audience.

I wish I could buy stocks in Stephen. Two word review: "Thankyou Colbert!".

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