
IMDb member since June 2011
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Hollywood Game Night

Very enjoyable. Lots of fun
If you love playing game shows or board games at home, this is fun. As one reviewer commented, the celebrities seem to having a good time, as we all do when we play games with our families. They seem cool to be around and interact well, and are just regular people.

The games vary and create excitement. It's hard to multi-task at home when this show is on.

The only thing I don't like is when they lose and have to go to the bar. I swear some actors came back buzzed. Maybe they can go to a Juice Bar or go to the Workout Room?

The host keeps the excitement going and knows her job well.

The band is great and so are the singers. Love that there's live music.

Also, there are celebrities that I don't know and some that I do. I like that.

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