
IMDb member since June 2011
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António Um Dois Três

too non-sensical
The film has some interesting moments and some beautiful images, but all in all a bit too nonsensical and prozaïc for me.The ideas the film is built on aren't always executed well.

A Rainy Day in New York

Clumsy, but lovely
The opening scene felt clumsy, and not in a good Allen-kinda-way, There were scenes where the dialogue flowed as a catchy, upbeat tune, and other times it felt a little too contrived and unnatural, throwing me out of Allen's melancholy world, making me remember this is not how it goes in real life.

Storaro, master cinematographer, shot this film wonderfully, but in my opinion there were two times that his lighting choices were distracting.

Other than those points of critique, I loved the film. I love the atmosphere Allen creates. I love the leading actors; Chalamet, Fanning and Gomez do very well in this film, Chalamet being a perfect young Allen (with the extra benefit of a velvet voice, enchanting piano playing, and less neurotic demeanor, although of course, the neuroticism is still there).

The word I used earlier, clumsy, is perhaps a good way to describe the film. It is difficult for the director to maintain the universe he creates in every action and every piece of dialogue in a way that keeps the viewer engaged in the characters and the story all the time and makes them forget they are watching a farce from beginning to end credits. When it works, it's magic, it's proper good jazz, but you have to accept that there are false notes. Anyway, in my opinion, it's flaws shouldn't hold you back from enjoying this film This movie is worth the watch just for some of the Allen one liners that are sprinkled throughout the film.

Zanan-e bedun-e mardan

Mesmerizing, yet overly indulgent thematically
As a cinematic experience that is both gripping and mesmerizing it deserves a 10 out of 10. But I couldn't care less about the backdrop of the coup d'état, that provided some, but not much, narrative structure.

Somewhere between an audiovisual poem, a feminist tale, and a historical drama, it has taken on too much at once.

To dissect what is exactly wrong with the narrative would be difficult. There are elements of the story that work well: the girls' story before they come to the house, women's place in society, the love stories that develop. If these aspects would have gotten all the attention and focus, it would have been more than enough for me to chew on.

Still I love this film. There is an etherial atmosphere throughout the film that kept my eyes fixed on the screen. Visually the film is stunning, its desaturated look is fitting as a metaphor for the oppression both the country and the women face.

Le fidèle

Great first half, iffy second one
The first hour was entertaining. The second wasn't. I already had some difficulties with plot choices in the first half, but the suspense was there to keep the plot moving and the chemistry between Gigi and Bibi was intriguing enough. In the second half I find some plot choices too ridiculous and it made me loose my interest in the way the characters handle them somewhat. The sense of time also becomes kind of weird. A lot of very dramatic events are packed into that last hour, but the intensity or heaviness of them doesn't seem to come across the way it should.

I loved Karatzanis' photography and the sound design as well.

This movie is definitelty worth the watch. I think it deserves it's rating on here at the time of this review (6.3).


interesting in many ways
This movie was interesting to me because of the insights it gave me into senegalese culture and society and was carried well by the leading actress and supporting actors. There isn't a performance that I didn't appreciate.

The cinematography was beautiful throughout and the atmosphere necessary to let shine the mystical elements in the plot was well created in both image and sound.

Now the slight but: Sometimes the film felt a bit too slow. In my opinion it was part because of the structure of the plot and part because of the choice to create poetic segments with shots of the sea. There is a feeling of emptiness that fits the main character's experience, but I don't know, I guess I have problems with the execution of realizing that feeling somewhere.

I also don't like the ending.

An American Werewolf in London

Still a very entertaining film
Two American backpackers in their late teens - early twenties find themselves wandering the desolate Northern English countryside during wintertime. It's freezing so they need a place to heat up and get some food in. When they come up to a pub in a small village, the horrid sign above the entrance showing the bloody, severed head of a wolf on a stake, draws their attention. Once inside the lively atmosphere immediately changes to an unpleasant stillness as all eyes shift in their direction. As young men are - full of life and constantly trying to one up each other - they don't make too much of it and decide to continue their journey with lack of a warm welcome. But it's a full moon, and there's something lurking in the foggy moors...

This wanna be B-picture is an entertaining ride. For starters it's hilarious, in part because it wants to be. After four decades have past, certain scenes that were once scary or weren't as thick with cliché as they are now, have a different impact now to the original intention.

The make up artist won an oscar for his work and deservedly so. To this day it makes for the main attraction of the film and can still be scary at times. And even when it isn't. It's just amazingly well done.

There's a fair bit of old school misogyny in this one, but seen in context it shouldn't hinder you from enjoying the film. A positive note: there is a good balance when it comes to male and female nudity that is unusual for a film like this. I can imagine ladies won't be sad to see the lead actor in his Adam's costume.

At a length of about 90 minutes, the film will never bore you. David Naughton's charisma along with the awesome special effects make this a pleasant experience thoughout. The protagonist's best friend is a witty and charming fella, deserving of a mention as well.

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Lazy script, actors did their best with what they got
This is one of those films that's designed for a big audience and is therefore measured to appeal to most. In essence there is nothing wrong with that. It can still result in a wonderful family film. But it's problematic when the movie feels like its made with an easy ingredients recipe by a chef that forgot to put some flavor in.

All the elements that made the original film a succes (and to some a classic) are present, but the narrative is put together with so little imagination that I felt like I was watching a movie I'd seen a hundred times before. And you know what, they could get away with it - if the gags were better and the character's weren't made out of cardboard.

Don't get me wrong. There are funny moments. I laughed hard a couple of times, but regardless this whole movie felt like a missed opportunity. The Rock is great as Spencer aka Dr. Bravestone, an anxious nerd made jungle hero. The way The Rock pulls out some signature looks and plays with insecure mannerisms made me think back of his hilarious performance in Be Cool. Kevin Hart has his funny moments, but he's essentially playing himself, not getting much further than delivering some sas and tiny man rants here and there. Karen Gillan gives us the best performance and Jack Black is trying hard to be funny but the whininess of the high school princess he plays makes it a difficult task to pull off. How did you screw that up guys? Jack Black is inherently hilarious.

The characters lack grit and the friction between the protagonists is too weak. It's not because you're making an adventure film that kids can go see that the emotional world of the characters shouldn't be tangible. It all feels very childish, the dialogue and the performances. It's clear that this is because of the script and the direction, The Rock and friends didn't get much to work with.

I was also pretty disappointed in terms of cinematography. It's all kind of bland, just like the characters. The bad guys and the ending get the coolest lighting.

When you can work at a story that puts teenagers in the middle of a magical adventure land, that gives you the opportunity to play with animals, bad guys, friendship and time in an interesting way, you need to do more with it!

Marriage Story

A beautiful picture showing the hardships of human love an
If you would read no further than this line: this is a beautiful film and you should see it.

Noah Baumbach has taken the same ingredients he used for his last film, The Meyerowitz Stories, and has balanced them with more skill, leading to a picture that shines on all fronts .

We observe the main characters, Charlie and Nicole, as they go through the motions of their divorce. We watch them struggle with their desires while they try to frame everything leading up to the separation - meanwhile going through all the emotions that bubble to the surface. They have a young child, Henry. Their relationship with him as they go through the break up is redefined, as the parents labor to keep their difficulties out of his world as much as possible. From the film's opening on you are invested in these people and that doesn't change until the end credits are rolling.

Adam Driver and Scarlet Johansson are just lovely. I mean, I don't know what else to say. These are two top of the line actors portraying well written characters in a heartfelt story. What's not to like? They make you feel deeply for Charlie and Nicole - their confusion, despair, frustration, doubt and hope, come across as believable and genuine. There will be moments in the film where you will feel their pain, and laugh at their silliness as they try to keep their heads above water.

The rest of the cast is a perfect fit, with Laura Dern, Alan Alda and Ray Liotta being particularly good as the divorce lawyers. I won't say too much about their characters or performances as not to spoil the film, but let's just say they represent that side of human nature we would rather avoid having to acknowledge.

Baumbach's unique writing style delivers a mix of clever, engaging and sometimes hilarious dialogue and a story that makes the character's feel very real and relatable.

This film is a great reminder that right and wrong, in their absolute fairytale forms, don't exist. People endeavor to love and often times they eventually fail. And while that's okay, the suffering that comes with it is inevitable. This picture does well in showing what that means on an existential front as wel as displaying the harsh pragmatical and logistical side of things that comes with a divorce when there's a kid in the picture, without giving us any easy, pre-made conclusions to hold on to.

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