
IMDb member since June 2011
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    12 years


Life with Boys

Life with Boys is a great new show for the whole family.
Our family has enjoyed watching all the episodes of Life with Boys. The good one liners make the whole family laugh. The situations that the characters find themselves in are true to life and offer some very funny solutions. This show offers a new perspective on how teenage boys think and deal with their day to day existence. This show reminds me of a show I used to watch growing up which was called The Facts of Life. All the characters are interesting and seem to really have a good chemistry together. The lead character seems to be fearless and has really funny facial expressions. My son enjoys all of the funny antics that happen between the 3 brothers. My daughter enjoys all the shows and laughs when the characters find themselves in silly situations. I think the shows are getting better as the season progresses. I always enjoy the ending of each show as they end each show with a very funny skit.

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