
IMDb member since July 2011
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The Walking Dead: Dead City

Man where to begin....
As a day one fan - everything after the "jumping the shark" moment of s7.... of TWD and it's spin offs have been sub-par or just awful. I was hoping this show would try something different and go back to the basics. Nope. More groups. Groups on top of groups. Remember s1-2 when the focus was on the walkers? And surviving? Those days are long gone and it's tiresome. The show runners lost their way, but people will still watch and be brainwashed. I love JDM and Lauren Greene, but you can tell they're just doing this for the paycheck.

Dead city is just as boring as the last seasons of WD. It's a shame.

Toys of Terror

The things that get greenlit....
Honestly one of the worst horror movies of all time....

His House

This is a one and done movie, really fell short and forgettable. Overall disappointing.

Love and Monsters

Not bad, but flooded with CGI
Are we ever going to return to the good old days of PRACTICAL FX? The story has been done 1000 times, but what would have made this better were some monsters that actually felt tangible. I think we're too far removed from the practical fX of the past. This was generic at best.

The Haunting of Bly Manor

One of the most boring shows on Netflix
I really went into this not trying to compare to hillhouse.... but.... as far a ghost story..... this was truly a snooze fest.

Scare Me

Wanted to be something it wasn't
This movie should have been listed as a horror comedy, although it was lacking in both.

Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich: Hunting Grounds
Episode 1, Season 1

I did not know the half of it....
Of course we all know who Epstein was... but to hear first hand accounts was so eye opening to the insanity of possibly the most famous child predator of all time...

Locke & Key

It was............... ehhhhh
Having no clue about the source material I said why not. Georgie from IT? I'm in! Feeling the pace after ep 3.... I was worried about the lengthy 10 episode season. This show was made for 10 year olds. Which is fine - but it definitely had more potential. I hate to say this but the mom (Darby Stanchfield) was miscast and is really not a good actor. Many reasons brought me to the rating of a 5.

Bird Box

After M Night's attempt at this over used sci-fi plot... it should have ended. Where "A Quiet Place" succeeds.... "Birdbox" fails miserably.

Leprechaun Returns

Huge fan of the original...but....
I hate to say it.... I was so disappointed by this. The main character was likeable.... until the one liners came out. When you don't have Warwick Davis at the helm of this iconic horror character... it loses its pizazz. Ozzie was probably the best thing about this film, although ghost Ozzie was under utilized or unnecessary at the same time. I remember being 6 years old in '93 and being terrified.... in the future - I won't be looking back on Leprechaun Returns with the same opinion. Super disappointed.

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