
IMDb member since July 2011
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    12 years


Notes on a Scandal

Excellent cast in a woven tail of unhealthy obsessions.

The Crown: Gold Stick
Episode 1, Season 4

So satisfying
Excellent and addictive. Portrays the royal family as boorish snobs and poor sweet Di being pulled apart my indifference to her innocence and charm. Love the Iron Lady

El Candidato

Great Film, but dark
Literally dark, like watching tv with sunglasses on. A little difficult to watch. Like a great song, but bad records. Excellent story, believe-able actors an edge of the seat spy series


Trying too much to be like Quinten Tarantino film. Cheap imitations. Trivializes the Holocaust. Childish characters rampant violence presented as comedy. Poor taste, poor story, poor acting, trash of a film waste of some talented actors

Mientras duermes

Spooky, Evil
Great physiological thriller. Most evil doorman/concierge ever! Chilling to the bone

The Great Gatsby

The Great rape of a great movie
I finally saw Leonardo DiCaprio version of The Great Gatsby, what a piece of sh*t!. Whats with hip-hop and rap music soundtrack for a 1920's period film?A lot of stupid computer generated special effects. Completely stupid and un- believable party scenes, so phony. The director took a great period film and turned into Disney-esque, teenage audience crap. I can tell by watching this that the movie was filmed for 3D viewing with a lot of unnecessarily bizarre camera shots, thrown in special effects and glitz that does not belong in a 1920's period film.

I mean really Mr DiCaprio, you could have been in a great period film for The Great Gatsby, like Titanic (with its authentic look and feel). The 1974 Robert Redford version was much much better.

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