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Avatar: The Way of Water

Bro.... It was mad decent
It was pretty similar to the original movie plot. Honestly, almost all sequels are so how much can you hate. I did enjoy how much more focus their was on the kids vs adults though. That was different than I expected. My biggest complaint is the movie could have been wayyyyy shorter. There was so much filler with animals and unnecessary side stories. My biggest enjoyment though was how incredible it all looked. The cinematic experience was incredible. You really feel like you are in a different world throughout the entire movie.

My girlfriend had a few good cries as well. Happy, sad and other tears can stream during this one. It is worth a watch In the theaters.


Skarsgard good. Long goodish. Movie bad.
Every character does the weirdest and worst thing in every situation besides bill skarsgard. The decisions they all make would never be made by anybody else in the world. I know this happens a lot in scary movies, but this was the worst.

The thing that sucks is this movie would have been great if they didn't do that. There could have been plausible scenarios that would have lead to the same situations. The fact that anybody read the script and didn't suggest making the changes blows my mind.

The acting was pretty decent so I couldn't give it a one star. Everybody was solid especially bill skarsgard. Justin king was entertaining too.

The Card Counter

Interesting and slow
Tiffany Hadish should retire. Oscar Isaac should keep acting but only in better movies. Whoever wrote this movie should retire. Whoever did Oscar Isaac's hair should get a raise.

Nothing has happened yet. There is less than 30 minutes left and I'm. It sure what the movie is about.

Update. The movie just ended. Nothing happened.


I was so excited
This show didn't know what it wanted to be. Certain situations are so insanely improbable followed by a deep moral situation that tugs at the political heart strings. Some of the characters and story lines I loved. The over arching debate over who is right and wrong is interesting enough to keep your attention throughout. Everybody straddles the fence in this regard. Sadly, many times the flow is broken by asinine situations that are beyond belief. Somebody magically was able to kill at will, and through the first 7 episodes, it seems to have gone unnoticed.

The acting and characters are pretty bad. The sister is so I likable and unrealistic it is annoying. Jamie is so smart yet handles things so stupidly it again is annoying. The other brother is the best one but is good to a fault and continues to make the same mistakes over and over.

This show is better than a 1 but it is nowhere near 8.7 so I wanted to do my part to bring it down. I think 6 would be my real rating.

The Terminal List

Hang in there
The first two episodes were pretty bad. I Really was close to calling it quits. Pratt's acting was too hollow and distant for the role I felt. I am glad I hung around though because it was worth it when it was all said and done. It has good action and an interesting enough story line. Over all it was predictable, but there still were a few good twists. The secondary characters all were top notch.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Surprisingly fun and touching
This movie was a blast. It was a joke of a joke of a joke wrapped inside of a traditional tale. Somehow the whole plot despite being wild, seems more plausible than most other big hits. Pedro and cage seemed like they really liked each other. Hopefully they do something together again.

U.S. Marshals

Jones and Snipes lead in a stereotypical 90s action.
If you can overcome the terrible acting by most of the actors this is a pretty fun film. I remembered loving it as a kid so it is hard to tell if that is why I still liked it. There are plenty of corny aspects and scene cuts that somehow makes me nostalgic I suppose.

Snipes and Jones both excel in there roles. Really, it seems like the parts were written for them. Jones plays the perfect "lead investigator" and Snipes the "misunderstood bad guy". You can like them both or hate them both through out the film which makes it for an intriguing enough watch.

If it weren't for Netflix I'd never have seen the childhood staple. Glad I did.

21 Bridges

Entertainingly boring
Not even sure how that is possible but it was. I turned it off with a few minutes left because my gf asked me to run to the store. I had seen enough! The movie was entertaining although ridiculous. Some scenes were just so over the top it made it almost laughable. I have no problem watching a movie that lives slightly outside of the real world, but this movie took itself serious and made that flaw too hard to overlook. If you have been been scrolling g for ten minutes and can't find anything give it a watch.


When you can't make the right decision ever
You get this movie. It started with a realistic premise and then all of a sudden all of the worst people in the world conveniently end up in the same place. The acting was pretty good at least. The ending was great though. It did make it worth watching.

The Matrix Resurrections

Damned if you do damned if you don't.
The matrix was a one of a kind game changer that can never be duplicated. How can you expect anything to come close?

It would have been easier to play it safe and follow the exact same processes as before, but they didn't. Of course they used some of the same old tricks, but the story was more unique than I expected.

I expected to be more disappointed about the Morpheus decision than I was. It actually seemed to work out fine how they connected those dots. There still are lot a of questions hanging that I think will be answered in upcoming films which seem inevitable.

Finally, I loved smith and the analyst. They both fit in well while still being slightly different from their predecessors.


5.5 is way too low
This is a pretty good movie. Exciting, nerve wracking and enough scary parts to keep you entertained. I don't get the low ratings honestly. I never read the book so maybe that favored in, but as a stand alone movie From 2003 I thought it was enjoyable.

The guy from homeland sucks though. Worst actor ever.

Mortal Kombat

Exactly what you expect
It was a fun flick with decent fight scenes. Nothing out of this world, besides the bad guys.

Kabal's voice was so odd though. Wasn't it?

The Green Knight

Great movie - hated it
This is one of those movies you know the critics, artsy folks and people who eat hallucinogens will all love. Honestly, I can see why, it was an impressive movie.

I still hated it. Despite being so bored I kept watching because it did just enough to keep my interest. Yes, it was drawn out and nothing ever happens, but somehow you keep waiting for something to happen.

Fear Street: 1994

A horror movie based on a kids book what did you expect?
Everybody being hard on this movie, what did you expect? I can't remember if I read the books or not honestly since it's been at least 25 years since rl stine would have been In the collection, but I felt this was way more gory and aggressive than any childrens book I remember. I got a few good scares, a few good laughs & really wanted to see what came next. Was it great? No. Was it totally worth watching? Absolutely. I feel like half of the people who review on here are bait grumpy people who hate everything.

Black Widow

David Barbour was great
Everything else was fine. Decent action scenes and not too much cgi, which is a big plus these days. I dug the over all story and the unique family aspect for a marvel action movie. That was nice to make it a unique enough feel. I also liked all the women leads.

Behind Enemy Lines

Mindless entertainment with so many holes
I was on a flight with free movies and chose this one. It was perfect for a flight. If I went to the theaters I would have been disappointed. So corny, full of holes and terrible editing, yet somehow endearing. I did t realize this movie was from 20 years ago and was surprised to see Owen Wilson. I thought it was newer and hadn't see his face in ages. He isn't really an actor and just plays himself so it made for some good and bad aspects. Gene Hackman do what gene Hackman does... gene Hackman things.


Good movie that was too slow
There was a huge plot hole that is super clear throughout. Besides that I felt the movie was pretty realistic. I can't say if the science and math was on Point but it felt like it was.

The issue was that it was just too slow. Nothing happens for long periods of time and most of the action felt forced. You wait, and wait for something to happen and then the most I likely thing possible happens.

The concept was great. The casting was good. The writing was decent. The action was meh. The excitement was meh.


Full speed ahead action and more
The story line was decent enough. I really enjoyed the characters for the most part too.

The action was great. The bus fight scenes was one of my favorites of all time. Bob seems like just another bob until then. It is a refreshing take on an action hero. I don't watch movies again that often but this one is fun enough that I will.

Chaos Walking

It is decent enough
If you want to pass a couple hours it is worth the time. Nothing super exciting or surprising. The bad guys are predictable. The noise is annoying most of the time. I probably would have loved this movie when I was in junior high but as an adult it passed as just good enough.

Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel

Didn't need to be made
The production quality was fine. Editing abs story line also was acceptable although maybe too drawn out. Sadly this didn't need to be made. It didn't do any justice fir the family. I also feel so bad about morbid

What they should have made the movie in was how stupid Internet sleuths are. Really should be legal repercussions.

The Little Things

The movie starts with a terribly stupid chase scene that made me want to walk out of the theatre. It was all down hill from there, or was it up hill?

With such solid actors it is a shame they wasted the talent. The story was bland and slow. I can deal with one or the other, but not both.

Once things finally got rolling it was like they wanted to smash as much action into ten minutes as possible. For instance Denzel is cool as a cucumber through the majority of the film but loses it at the one time he shouldn't. So many things in the script just didn't add up.

Leto was perfect as a creepy weirdo though. sometimes I think it may not even be an act. Guess that makes him a good actor? Too bad I can't stand him.

I'd watch something on Netflix and wait for this to hit a streaming site.


Great movie. I hated it.
It was too much work to watch. So confusing. I'm sure a second watch would clear a lot of things up.... but nah. It was too long and slow to do that all over again.

Some of the action scenes were pretty impressive though. Dug some of the fights and driving sequences, but it felt like they went back to the same well too often.

The lead actor was pretty wooden. Would have loved to see Donald glover give that role a shot for some reason, despite that not being his style, as far as I can tell. Pattinson smattinson.

Hcum taht ti ekil t'nod I

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Finally finished this wonderful series
I was sad to see it end but glad they did it in a fashion the characters all deserved. Seven seasons to me is too long for a show, but it was just right for Agents of Shield. Things rarely seemed to drawn out or lingering over the years.

The relationships between the characters were all amazing. The love stories, enemies & those that straddled the line all were enjoyable.

I always love the first few seasons while you figure out who the characters are. It keeps you more on your toes and always helps me keep my eyes on the screen. I found in season 6 and 7 I started to pick up the cell phone a little more often. These seasons weren't bad but you just kind of knew what each character would do and exactly how things would work out.... ok maybe didn't know the whole timeline thing but who could guess that.

Daisy had a great story arc. Her powers never defined her yet still was a hero.

Mac was the man. He would get a little boring and predictable but was always a good guy you could count on.

FitzSimmons best duo ever. Loved how they played off of each other. Really enjoyed the lead up to their relationship becoming romantic.

Yoyo is so hot.

Deke was the perfect level of funny.

May was as serious as a heart attack and could inflict just as much pain. Her character grew on me over the seasons. The ending seemed weirdly forced with her getting emotions but whatever.

The Midnight Sky

Nothing happens
But it is a slightly entertaining nothing. If you have two hours to waste watch it. If you care about your time don't watch it. After watching Wonder Woman this probably seemed better than it actually is. I watched the worst movie ever made yesterday so anything today had to shine a little brighter.

Wonder Woman 1984

Wasn't sure if it all was a joke
All story and no action. The bad guy wasn't very scary.... or bad. The morals brought forward were so bland and simple. Honestly, this is the most disappointing part of 2020 besides all the other stuff. Not sure how dc keeps thinking that making movies is a good idea. They just don't have it in them. Open up a restaurant or accounting firm. Maybe you need to start small.

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