
IMDb member since July 2011
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The Water Diviner

Gallipoli reality for both sides
I managed to get to a pre-screening at Orpheum, Cremorne NSW. Very glad I did as this was a refreshing change to the standard Aussie renditions of the Gallipoli story. The audience burst into applause at the conclusion of the movie me also.

Having the Turkish view of the British and ANZAC invasion makes the film feel balanced as there are two sides to every conflict. The horrors of the campaign are relived by the story and the performances of the main characters are good I do feel the Turkish command got a good rap from this script. The trauma of a father searching for his Sons after 4 years of not knowing.

The Greeks this time getting the spray, but 100 years on I see Greece as a firm ally but politics aside.

Crowe, I actually liked in this movie the casting of the Turkish Mother and her young Son was good the casting of the Turkish Commander better, The British were as obnoxious as the Australians prefer to depict them.

The film at 2 hours I never felt bored or restless and this I suspect is that the story is grasping it has War, Love, Heartache, Compassion and a little Hollywood to ensure appeal to wider non-Australian Turkish audiences.

I rate this highly in the movies I have seen 2014...


great start should have cut film at 30 mins
Very disappointed with this film that started so intriguingly only to deteriorate into an unwieldy extensively long with an ending taken from Jurassic Park

Was I watching Luke with the sandman from Star Wars 1977 or Alien with pods of clones

Even Morgan Freeman did not save this movie. the drones were excellent and the swim pool in the sky was novel but the plot lost you and you never feel anything for characters just waiting for the credits.

Some clever Effects and interesting scenery but in general this movie is a compilation of so many other movies and therefore achieves nothing.

sorry if you disagree but I am glad I went cheap Tuesday and do not rate this sci-fi film.

Oranges and Sunshine

Proud to have been associated with the City of Nottingham
I felt that this dramatisation depicted Nottingham correctly as I was born there. It deals with a tragic British Government experiment aptly not over zealously replaying memories but instead reflecting the pain that those are still suffering.

It shows for me the Empirical British using the colonies as some test zone at the expense of thousands of children who have subsequently suffered decades of loss of identity and childhood.

It is estimated that it cost 5GBP per day to institutionalise children in UK in the 50's it fails to even consider the cost to these individuals and the generations that follows in their blood lines that both Britain and Australia now have as citizens.

Britain failed to tackle its inherent class system and still does, instead using Australia as a testing ground first to establish the Country and then to use the bigoted and racist ideals of religious extremist's to continue its racist empirical hold over the colony until the 70's.

Thank you to Margaret Humphrey's and her Husband and family and to Nottinghamshire City Council, to bring this nightmare for those that had to experience to the fore and thank goodness that we are encouraged to remember these atrocities, "Lest we forget".

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