
IMDb member since July 2011
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    12 years


The Prince

Funny fun Show
I really like this show. It funny and fun to watch. I was hoping they make a season 2 becasue this very entertaining. I have watched each episodes multiple times. I would reccomend this show to anyone. The Prince George character is super funny, charolett is mysterious, and Loui diffrent. I Also, love how the make fun of Charles and Carmilla. They make it like Carmilla annoys the Queen whatever she does, Charles is akwards, William is wierd and Kate is like get me out of her. Each episode revolves around George and George finds ways to always create diffrent scenarios, which he gets in to ....

The Forever Purge

The Worst purge of the series
I like the Purge series, but i think this one was the worst. I feel that this movie was just put together. There were too many holes in the story and the plot didn't flow. The action scenes were dull, and boring.


Review for Hercules
Just watched Hercules movie and I found that there really wasn't a story line to it. The story was told different, and it had a lot of battles scenes that weren't even that exciting. Also, the movie made Hercules seem more mortal than god like. Although the movie did have a some Greek mythical creatures, once again they just didn't fit into the no story line movie.I was looking forward to see this movie to , just be disappointed by the effortless story telling and the overall directs of the movie.I was surprised that it was rated 6.7 stars, when it just was a waste of time. I give this movie a 5 out of 10, for its lacking direction and story line.


good movie to go see
I like this movie a lot. I know some people for some reason didn't like the movie. i liked it because you didn't really know how it was going to end til it ended. It was a very good movie til the end. I didn't like the ending, and i was hoping the benicio del toro character got what he had coming in the end, and Heyaks characters daughter would be return to her, and have better appreciation for her mother. Also, i was hoping that John Travolta's character had a twist some how at the end; since he was playing both sides. Lastly, i think the end could have used a little more gun shot out on both sides, but all and all it was a good movie.

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