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Squid Game: The Challenge

This is not season 2! This is a whole new show!
This is not season 2 of the Squid Game series! This is a reality TV show similar to Big Brother or Survivor! My boyfriend and I are really enjoying this! It's very similar to the Squid Game series but with some new challenges added and this time the prize money is real! Don't listen to the haters. Watch and judge for yourself. Just know that it's a reality game show with a real prize and contestants from all over the world. We have not quite finished the season but it's keeping us interested! We have our favorites and our most hated peuple as well. It gets exciting to try and guess who will make it and who won't. We can't wait to finish watching and see who wins it all!

The Spectacular Now

Thoroughly enjoyed this one! (but not a comedy)
This was an excellent movie! Really enjoyed all the characters and the touching story. But I certainly wouldn't call it a romantic comedy. Romantic yes. Comedy no. The chemistry between the two main characters was wonderful. Beautiful coming of age story. Felt very realistic. All the characters felt relatable and real like the people we meet every day. Would watch it again.


Don't listen to the haters!
So I'll start by saying that I have never read the books. To be honest I'd never even heard of the books or the movie until last night. While searching for something to watch I stumbled upon this and despite all the bad reviews the trailer caught my interest and I decided to give it a go anyways.

I was pleasantly surprised! I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. The idea wasn't totally original of course. It does have a lot of similarities to Twlight, while also being nothing like Twilight. I enjoyed the characters, though I will say that many of them didn't get the opportunity to be fully explored, which I found a bit disappointing. But overall it was an enjoyable story with some cool special effects. I definitely felt the intensity of the relationship between Luce and Daniel and it left me wanting more. But that being said, the movie ended with the creators clearing planning on the sequel so there were a lot of loose ends left hanging. It seems this movie didn't do very well so my hopes for a sequel actually being made are pretty low, which is disappointing since so much was left uncertain.

But I enjoyed the film so much that I'm going to read the books now and hopefully get the closure that the movie was lacking. Don't get me wrong though, it's not like the movie ended on a massive cliffhanger, it sort of tied up, but just left me with so many more questions. I want more and that will come in the form of books!

I'd definitely recommend this movie if you're a fan of Twilight or Vampire Diaries or The Mortal Instruments (Shadowhunters) series.

How It Ends

Solid disaster movie!
Ok, this movie has a LOT of bad reviews! But it doesn't deserve them. It's a solid movie from start to finish. The difference in this movie compared to many other disaster movies is that it's told from the point of view of characters who are not connected to the President of the United States and they are not seismologists or storm chasers or anything like that. They are just ordinary people living through a disaster where they have no phones or radio and no way of knowing what has happened, or what the government or military are doing to help, or what will happen next. All they know is that they want to get to their beloved family members despite everything. So that being said, not all of my questions were answered just like many other reviewers, simply because the characters also do not know.

So I think it was a great movie, definitely worth checking out. But don't expect it all to be tied up in a nice red bow at the end. Because then you'll be disappointed.

One of my favourite things about this movie was how intense it was. It wasn't as special effect packed as something like "2012" or "The Day After Tomorrow", but it had enough intense moments to keep my heart pounding!

CSI: NY: Death House
Episode 10, Season 6

Favorite episode!
Super fun episode to watch! Definitely one of my favorites because it really kept me guessing but in a completely different way than the show usually does.

Charmed: Let This Mother Out
Episode 2, Season 1

Getting better!
I actually have hope for this show after the second episode. The pilot was awful and I almost quit then and there but decided to give it another shot. Episode 2 was much better! It's still not as good as the original but there is hope! I will keep watching because I'm actually starting to care about these characters now.

The Conners

Loved it!
I admit I was skeptical going into my first episode of The Conners, but they won me over right away! I grew up watching Roseanne and have always loved it. This had the same magic that's it's always had. I laughed and cried. The show was great and I will definitely keep watching! Can't believe it's got such a low rating already. I hope people give it a chance, there's a lot to love here!

Knock Knock

I actually feel rage after watching this!
I guess if you want to feel enraged then you might like this movie. The last movie I remember watching that left me feeling this way was Gone Girl. Really hated that movie and didn't care for this one either. The only reason I watched it was for Keanu Reeves but even he couldn't make me love this disaster. The beginning just felt awkward and hard to even look at, the middle was so messed up and the ending was beyond frustrating! Definitely won't be watching this one again. Once was more than enough.

Mechanic: Resurrection

Fun action flick!
Not sure why this movie is getting such awful reviews, I loved it! Honestly I liked it even more than the first mechanic movie. Lots of good action and cool stunts. Statham always kicks ass. This is my go to movie when I'm in the mood for some Jason Statham fun! Check it out, it's actually really good!


Great movie! A lot better than I was expecting!
I went into this movie fully expecting to be disappointed and was pleasantly surprised! Great cast, interesting story, all good. Great action but not over the top. More realistic than a lot of movies these days, this one isn't overdone with unbelievable explosions and CGI. I'll definitely be watching this one again!

In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale

I liked it and would watch it again!
Ok I don't understand why this movie is rated so poorly. I saw the rating and read a lot of the reviews before watching so I was expecting the worst. I just finished it now and I can honestly say I enjoyed it! Is it of the same caliber as Lord of the Rings? No. But it was still a great fun movie! It kept me interested from start to finish. The locations were beautiful, costumes were good and the story was interesting. I'd recommend this movie to a friend. Just don't go in expecting Academy Awards and you should be fine. The only real complaint that I had with it was Matthew Lillards character... I felt like I was watching Stu from Scream try to recite Shakespeare or something. Everyone else played it quite well, but Lillard was a bit too quirky and pulled me out of the moment quite often. Aside from that, lots of good action and Jason Statham kicking some ass! All good in my opinion!

The Meg

Fun and exciting!
Not sure why this movie is getting such bad reviews! I'll start by saying that I am a HUGE fan of the books! I was SO excited when I heard the movie was finally being made! I am disappointed that they changed it so much from the books, I would have preferred if they'd stayed true to the source material. But whatever. I knew they would do that so I was fully expecting it going in.

That all being said, I really enjoyed it!! Lots of fun. Super exciting! The shark looked amazing! Just go in for the action and adventure and don't take it all too seriously and you'll have a good time with it. It even had some good chuckles throughout. I'll definitely be watching this one again!

Solo: A Star Wars Story

Don't know why this movie is getting so many bad reviews
Just saw Solo A Star Wars Story today in theatre and I quite enjoyed it. I've been a big Star Wars fan my entire life, so I struggled a little at first to get used to the new actors playing these characters, but about half way through the film I was totally on board.

Give it a chance. Go in with an open mind. It's a fun movie and a great addition to the Star Wars universe.

The Resident

Excellent show! Give it a shot!
I really can't understand why people have been giving this show such a hard time. It's awesome! I'm not a doctor so I can't speak to the accuracy of the medicine, so that aside, I love it! The relationships are believable. There are several characters that I hate so much I can taste it! In my book that's the making of an excellent show. I really hope The Resident gets a second season because they're building such strong characters and interesting storylines, I can't wait to see what happens next. Check it out, you won't be sorry.

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