
IMDb member since August 2011
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    IMDb Member
    12 years


The Other One

Brilliantly written and acted
This is a gem! The two leading actors are amazing and it only gets better with a smorgasbord big names.

Star Trek: Picard

Keep watching
I bloody love this series! Yes the dialogue is a bit clunky at times but I dare ant star trek fan not to be impressed when 7 of 9 takes control of the Borg cube. Bloody love it!

Superman: Red Son

Sloppily scrambled.
Why oh why did the writers think it was a good idea to gut the great source material in order to make the story 'relevant' to today. A complete waste of an opportunity.

London Has Fallen

If i would give ylthis a minus rating if i could
The only redeemable thing about this film is it makes me hate Gerard Butler that little bit more.

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