
IMDb member since October 2003
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Killing Zoe

Not original
Not exactly mindblowing, and not exactly totally boring. Killing Zoe is kind of a very traditional heist movie, with nothing utterly exciting about it. It could clearly use some more development here end there, and it lacks the element of surprise. I could also need some deeper story, and some more twists and bends. The characters are plain boring to say the least. It´s really nothing much more than any other action/heist movie. If Tarantino hadn´t had a finger or three involved in this movie, it would most likely have bombed completely. But still it has its few elements which makes it just barely worthwhile 3/6

Halloween III: Season of the Witch

First of all, don´t compare this third installment of the Halloween series with its two predecessors. As a horror movie it stands out entirely on its own. In spite it has nothing in common with part 1 and 2, its very cool. It has a very dark and gloomy mood all the way through, which is filled with tension and a sense of "what the hell is going on here". The psychological effect is a bit more present in this one, whereas the graphics in a way are more toned down. Not to say they are totally gone.The scoring is also very unsettling and nervewrecking. It fails a bit towards the end, but it is still well accomplished, having in mind they´ve done such a radical change in the series. Definitly my favourite of all 8 Halloween movies. I haven´t seen part 8, cause I was told it sucks big time 5/6

Freddy vs. Jason

The blabbering burned guy VS The mute giant
This movie I was skeptical about from the day I heard it was to be released. Nonetheless I found myself being a bit impressed. It's not exactly a masterpiece, nor a complete bomb, It's an eerie mixture between dream evil and reality evil. The plot of the movie is thin, all the clichés are present (Freddy's stupid one-liners and Jason's reluctance to die) Chicks, gore and those annoying scenes where they try hard to make it funny. But all in all it's a okay movie if you think of it as pure entertainment and nothing but. Now's the 10 million dollar question. Will they make a sequel? I bet they will 3/6


Best Of The Worst
Uninvited must surely rank as one of the baddest movies ever made. And in the same time it's also one of the most entertaining Horror/ Or-whatever-you-wanna-call-it-movie. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong. it simply has everything. A small orange cat which has a monster inside, very bad special effects (Small toy boats, handpuppets, badly coloured blood to name a few. And then there's of course the bad acting, very ridiculous storyline and so forth. Still it's entertainment value is just over the edge. So all in all this movie mixed with a bad hangover, some beers and good friends, it's an unforgettable experience. 5 out of 6 stars..

The Shining

Horror movie masterpiece
This movie is by far the most inventive, scary and dark of it's kind. Having just lately seen the 144 minute version, and it makes a great movie even greater. Kubricks style is slow paced in the most dramatic and terrorfying way. His style is never matched. Jack Nicholson is scary and gloomy as the devil himself, and Shelley Duvall is equally brilliant as the very scarred wife. I'm never gonna be bored watching this fantastic masterpiece. The older it gets the better it gets. The newer mini series on the other hand is just as interesting as a bowl of frozen snot. Kings version of the film is boring, with nothing at all scary.Kubricks version is brilliant and definitely deserves 6 out of 6 stars.

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