
IMDb member since October 2003
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Chip Off the Old Block

Donald O'Connor shines in this B-Musical!
I am a huge Donald O'Connor fan and have seen most of his movies. Donald in the early forties made several teen B-Musicals, this one being one of his best. Donald O'Connor's charm and personality really shine through in this film. It is packed with tons of really great songs and really fabulous dancing by O'Connor. He and Peggy Ryan, my favorite on screen duo, have great chemistry in this film. It is short on time and budget, but is still my favorite of his teen pictures and I highly recommend it to others.

Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'

A true musical treasure!!!
I am a huge Donald O'Connor fan, and have seen most of movies. This one however, is one of his best, right up there with "Singin' in the Rain" and "Call Me Madam." This movie is about Wilbur McMurtry, played by O'Connor, and how he is kidnapped by a small western town, to run in their annual footrace. It has two musical numbers, one being "Me and My Shadow," a fast paced tap number, which has him dancing with shadows and running up walls, four years before he did in "Singin' in the Rain." Then there is "S'posin'" which is more of a lyrical love song, where once again he shows his incredible dancing skills. Not to mention that this movie is hilarious. Donald's comedic timing and physical comedy in this movie are outstanding, not to mention his dancing and singing, but that's no big surprise. This movie is pretty hard to track took me almost a year, but I would try getting a copy of it because it some of Donald O'Connor's best work, and is just an all-around great movie. A hidden gem and a true musical treasure.

Call Me Madam

A fabulous musical!!!
Although extremely hard to find, this musical is a hidden gem. I am a huge Donald O'Connor fan, and I think other than Singin' in the Rain, this is his best film. The movie is jam packed with tons of great songs by Irving Berlin, and the dancing is even better. This musical is non-stop entertainment from beginning to end. The best way to find this film is on ebay because it was never released on VHS or DVD. I highly recommend trying to get a'll be glad you did!!

Are You with It?

Bright, fun, musical!!!
I am a huge Donald O'Connor fan, and own about 33 of the 54 films he made. People tend to critize this film, however, in reality, this movie lived up to all it was supposed to be. This is one of the many 1940s B-musicals Donald did in his career, and I think that these films showcase some of Donald's best work. The story isn't much, and there are few song and dance numbers, but Donald O'Connor's talent and charm can make you forget all about that. Even in a character as different as this one is for him, he manages to still shine on screen. My favorite sequence, is the bar scene where Donald explains dancing using mathematics. It shows his incredible versitility as a dancer as he leaps and taps on every object imaginable. It shows the loveable hoofer doing what he did best. If you are looking for a big splashy MGM size musical this is not for you. However, if you love old musicals that are charming and fun, without big extravagent numbers, this is a great movie to see.

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