
IMDb member since September 2011
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The First Family

A Torrent of Racist Cliché's with a Laugh Track
If a white man (or South Asian or East Asian or Amerindian or Hispanic or Pacific Islander) had created this he'd have been lynched as a racist. Forget about the idiotic and insulting white, East Asian and South Asian stereotypes, it trumpets and celebrates ridiculous black stereotypes on steroids.

And yes, the scripts, sets, and most of the acting suck. The one thing to be said for the show is that this fictional first African-American First Family would - despite the race jokes, canned-laughter and stereotyping that makes What's Happening Now? look like The Color Purple - it would still be infinitely preferable to the actual one that inspired it, and the fictional President William Johnson - or arguably even actor Christopher Duncan - a vastly better president than BO.

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