
IMDb member since November 2003
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Thomas and the Magic Railroad

If you have kids about 5 years old...maybe
One of those movies that should have gone straight to video. If you have a really bad weather day and you have guests at your house that are about 3- 5 years old this movie is worth throwing on the "telly". If you are looking for something that has great acting , and a well scripted storyline, well...it has a storyline. The main problem this movie has is that on paper it probably looked like it would be a great adaption of the beloved Thomas series from England. The reality is there were a few things lost in translation. Never mind that you can understand the language , it's the subtle differences that get bigger as the movie goes on.

Peter Fonda is just not ready to play a grandfather role here. Just because ON PAPER someone is old enough to play a part does not mean that this was his role. Sorry Peter. As for Alec Baldwin,he tries hard,but we Americans are way too used to his tough guy roles to suspend our imagination THAT LONG ( a half hour show maybe - not for 84 minutes - that's a big stretch ! ) The funniest part I found was probably an editing mistake, when Alec's character as the conductor is saying good bye to Stacey at Shining Time Station and she doesn't even look up from her schedule to acknowledge his response to her question, and then he's gone ! ( They then have Alec do a voice over during the next scene to transition it but we are still thinking why didn't Stacey even look at him ? Maybe because he's not really there, since he has to be filmed separately to create the illusion that he's only 5 inches tall ! )

Aside from that goof, the jump between the engines' world of the Island of Sodor and the Shining Time Station world attempted to be too seamless (ie. all the expansive scenery shots which were nice but left little room for the "magic" part ). Some of the charm of the original Shining Time station series was that it was filmed on video tape and the British Thomas component was on Film ( and that was "OKAY " !) Yes, you probably couldn't do that with a feature film but what they did produce was a prime example of Hollywood trying too hard to make everything "integrated" and "perfect" to the point where you don't have to think anymore, and that is the tragedy of this particular adaption.

VeggieTales: Lyle, the Kindly Viking

Tongue in cheek look at the importance of Sharing
Hey they are VIKINGS ! as their wives sing - "that's the lot we got when married we...the terrors of the sea !" When Lyle , the smallest viking of the crew begins to be mysteriously missing from the crew's various raids, 2 of his crew mates smell something fishy. They decide to follow him one night and discover that not only is he not participating in the raids, he's actually going to the same places and giving stuff back ! Archebald Asparagus tries to host the show this time. After Jimmy and Jerry Gourds awful attempt, Archebald argues that he deserves a shot at it and has the french peas try and locate a Lost Gilbert and Sullivan musical. Along with "OMLET" ( a spoof of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" ) his wish to bring a touch of class to the show comes true. Well, sort of...

A definite VeggieTales classic !

VeggieTales: The Ballad of Little Joe

Gotta' Love it !!!
"Bonanza" style spoof of the old testament story of Joseph. You have to see it to believe it. Well done, and also throws in a HILARIOUS silly song with Larry introducing the "boy band" the "Boys in the Sink". Trust us , if you watch it once you will want it in your library. Too Funny !

The Rocketeer

Honor -in all the right places...
When this movie first hit the theaters, I was bracing myself for a remake of a forgotten genre but with only modern expressions and jokes. This is NOT that type of movie ! In fact I find few others to compare it to. Even "Raiders" does not have the same kind of innocence that makes this film believable, "charm" yes, but not the same "escapism" level that "The Rocketeer" provides. That said, there are still a few scenes of violence that I will not let my children see for a few more years, but without these scenes it would be hard to tell who the bad guys are. It is the definition of the word "Honor" that is displayed, by more than just the lead characters through out the movie. Rocketeer manages to single handedly present a convincing story line, a period piece that doesn't over dramatize, nor treat the plot so lightly that you tempted to run to the kitchen without hitting the "pause" button. You know the set up, you know the good guys are supposed to win, You know its going to look tense ,and yet the one liners are still delivered flawlessly ( one of my favorite scenes depicts the lead gangster showing old fashioned patriotism that even ( spoiler alert ! )led some of the "bad guys" to team up with the FBI during one of the final shoot out scenes against the Nazis !

Honor, in all the right places. 'Nough said .

John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together

A Classic !
this was a favorite Christmas Special that I wish that they would release on vhs or dvd , since my 33 RPM got lost,and any cassettes I made are also long gone.

I am not even a big John Denver fan but was very impressed with the music , which was mostly traditional favorites with a muppet spin ( esp Little St. Nick ! ) It also contained a few little known songs ( original ? ).

Even though it was done at the end of the '70's this show had a timeless feel to it. Hoping to find a copy soon !!!

The Nuttiest Nutcracker

Not for die hard "Nutcracker" fans...
a movie made primarily for kids who have not seen or heard the original story, or have just enough familiarity with it that they will sit through the entire video to the end. It tries way too hard to appeal to the " 7-10 year old, bathroom talk is funny" set. Marie's character is hard to sympathize with since you don't know how old she is supposed to be...is she a child who is sad because her toy is broken or is she a teenager who resents her parents for not being home for Christmas ? Too much jumping between original premise and the modern spin to be believable. Visually the computer graphics could have been better but would have been forgivable with a better attempt at a story. Individual performances by Jim Belushi and others were done well. Again this will appeal to some kids, but not a movie the whole family will sit down and watch together once the kids are past 10 years old.

Keeping the Faith

A Great Story
Despite the obvious premise for taboos all around, this movie does a good job creating the history of the main characters, which makes you forget about the their professions for a moment and lets you look at the friendships that have been built and will be tested. This is the key to the whole film and what makes you want to see it through to the end. The movie shows an honest view of trying to live up to other's expectations and what happens when you have achieved all that you set out to do, and you feel like you still missed something along the way. There are very few deviations from the main teachings of both the religions represented. The attempts by both Jake and Brian at bringing their congregations into the 21st century are shown in a humorous but also respectful way. Where there are some obvious non-religious words or actions shown their context still makes them believable and forgivable. This is not "a dig on religious beliefs" movie, but uses the premise as a vehicle for each of the main characters' struggle to keep their friendship alive without alienating each other for the sake of jealousy, misunderstanding, and miscommunication. Very funny and heartwarming.

While You Were Sleeping

One of the best romantic comedies of all time !
Sandra Bullock's " While You Were Sleeping " follows in the tradition of the classic romantic comedies of the 30's , 40's and 50's, with a enough modern elements to make you believe this story could really happen. Old fashioned romance is played out in more than one way when you see not only the dynamics of Lucy's crush from afar, but with the family who adopts her for the holidays. Instead of focusing on who will win in the love triangle for the entire film, the viewer gets to enjoy the give and take between the other family members and the chemistry that attracts Lucy to them even though she knows she is living a lie. Even the smaller supporting characters are pillars in the plot development and take you on twists and turns as to who ends up with who in the end. A great film that drives home the point that you don't just date a person - you date a "family" with all of its quirks and qualities that will determine your entire "happily ever after".

Great Performances: Show Boat
Episode 4, Season 18

Having seen this particular version of Showboat when it first aired on PBS back in 1989 I was able to watch it numerous times as they were offering it as an incentive for membership ( for good reason ). Each time I caught it, I was mesmerized by the whole production. It was performed in front of a live audience complete with a revolving stage and an over-all "dinner theater within a dinner theater" effect was achieved. I can only compare it with the original 1936 movie version since I just watched that for the first time last night and was pleasantly surprised that this "live" version was quite true to it. My husband had only seen the 1950's movie so I actually clued him in on some things. I highly recommend getting a hold of this version for the sake of the similarities but also ( spoiler ? ) the addition of 2 songs not found in the 1936 movie. I know the songs are on one of the soundtracks ( possibly the 1950's Howard Keel version )so that alone should make this worth your while.

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