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Boyle's best work
A stylistic film with a style you have to like to be able to enjoy this film fully, luckily I did. It was funny, it was disturbing, it was brilliant. This is yet just another reason Ewan McGregor is one of my favourites. One of my new favourites of the 90's and definitely worth multiple viewings in my eyes.

Stranger Than Fiction

An unappreciated gem.
OMG what did I just watch? Not what I was expecting at all. This film has blown me away.

I love this concept. It's smart, it's clever and most definitely thought provoking. It's kinda a mediocre Kaufman screenplay, but hey, a mediocre Kaufman is still better than 99% of modern day screenplays.

Will Ferrell shakes his usual (not trying to sound pretentious here) simpler comedies to do what previously Jim Carrey did in Eternal Sunshine (a Kaufman you must definitely watch) and Adam Sandler in PTA's Punch Drunk Love to give a serious role full of emotion and masterful acting. I was blown away by how good his performance was. He hit all the emotional strings, his delivery was impeccable and you can't help but love him.

The performances by Hoffman, Thomson and Gyllenhaal are all also great. No faults or complaints here.

The film hits the marks on all points in direction, storytelling, acting and emotional elevation, already making it better than most comedies and even films in America's recent cinematic history. So why not 5 stars? Well as aforementioned it's a mediocre Kaufman so not quite the level of perfection to earn it full stars, but I felt the third act was a minor (very minor) letdown compared to the first two. Don't get me wrong I still love it. It's still full of the cynicism, optimism, humour and care the first two had, but for a third act it didn't have quite the impact I expected given the build up. A minor and tiny nitpick but enough to cost it full marks.

Definitely check it out, it's worth it 100%. Expect laughs, good acting and clever and thought provoking ideas and messages given through 2 hours of emotion and great imagery.

Alone in the Woods

A terrible "homage" to Home Alone
You'd think there'd be at least a decent plot since it's just a rip-off of a good movie, that there would be something to enjoy in this movie. Hahahahahahaha. They butchered it into an illogical series of events and poor timing, while also removing every bit of humor and fun Home Alone provided. The quintessential way to screw up any movie. The attempts to homage this film but actually just make you want to cry became superfluous within 20 minutes. This "subplot" the film so called has is unrelated and I'm not sure if it even is a subplot, maybe, quite possible, it's the main story. I just don't know, it's so stupid, bland, illogical, messy and every other word you can think of which insults a movie. You could get more out of looking at the roof of your bedroom while hitting yourself in the head wit a hammer. So if you had to pick go with the hammer. The "plot" was bad enough so lets get into what is even worse about this film.

The acting. You can't expect De Niro or Hanks but this is appalling. The kids are horrible, the "chemistry" is as believable as Anakin and Padme, actually worse in fact and the adults are either as bland as white bread or even worse then the kids. I wouldn't be surprised if the director walked outside his office and yelled "WHO WANTS TO BE A PART OF A TERRIFIC HOME ALONE HOMAGE" and that is how he got the cast because seriously my primary school play featured better performances!!!!!

The effects are well interesting to say the least. Not as bad as something like Jaws 3D but when it's worse than a 1927 movie (Metropolis) it has to be bad.

The sets are bland and boring and the cinematography was performed by either a chimpanzee or someone who's film knowledge of masterpieces include Shark Exorcist and Baby Geniuses. Seriously it's not even bad just plain unprofessional and painful to watch because of it. I don't know the budget of this film but when they can't fill coffee in a cup or put some luggage in the boot of a car!!! you know this was taking with no effort and just a cheap scam to rip off a good movie.

In conclusion you gain nothing from this movie. I wasn't expecting some brilliant film because ignoring the fact I found this "film" at the bottom of a supermarket basket at $2, just looking at the cover is enough. In fact some actors on the cover are different to the ones in the actual film. Think about that. This is just pathetic and sad. It's not even stupid enough to be just a joke, they were serious enough to try and make "quality" entertainment, cheaply by latching onto the fame and hype of a classic. It was done lazy and unprofessionally. Seriously don't bother with this movie, you'll actually lose intelligence and just thinking more and more mke me feel mor like dumb dumb movie bad.

The Departed

A terrific film. Always worth watching.
Has there ever been a film with a better cast than this? I can't think of one. Comment if you can. The acting in this is amazing and every actor did their job. I think this is Leonardo's best performance. He did it so well and it was actually like he was the character and not actually performing. The music is awesome. Especially Shipping Up to Boston which is done by one of my all-time favourite bands @dropkickmurphys. The song was the perfect choice for the film and they played it at just the right times. The plot is ingenious and Scorsese directed it superbly. This film even managed to be better than Infernal Affairs, which is what this film was based upon. I love the opening scene with Jack Nicholson's monologue and it really set the film for what was to come. The film also had it funny moments (thanks to Mark Walberg). This film is extremely entertaining and I love the characters. There is nothing to complain about in this film and I could and probably will watch this over and over again. One of the best this century. I was actually sad when this film was finishing because I didn't want it to end. Acting: 10/10 Dialogue: 10/10 Plot: 10/10 Characters: 10/10 Entertainment Value: 10/10

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Iconic as it gets
This film is epic! The film is so entertaining and it created my favourite movie hero of all time. This movie is so iconic in so many ways. Harrison Ford was amazing in this and it is my favourite performance of his. The entertainment of this film is infinite, especially at the beginning and end were there is two of my favourite scenes of all- time. Spielberg directed this extremely well and this is his best work. Spielberg is known for his films to be iconic and a box office success. This is iconic as it gets and is in the 20 highest grossing films adjusted for inflation. If Spielberg were to be only remembered for one film (which is impossible) I'd like it to be this.

The one thing that didn't blow me away was dialogue. It was bad but it didn't blow me away. It had s few memorable lines but not many. I like to quote my favourite films and I always struggle with this one. A common complaint is that Indiana plays no roll in the outcome of the film but there are instances were he has saved lives. If he was not there they would be dead. Indiana is a hero and I hate it when they say he was pointless. To summarise: Iconic and extremely entertaining. This film is a classic I can watch over and over again. Acting: 10/10 Dialogue: 8/10 Plot: 10/10 Characters: 10/10 Entertainment Value: 10/10

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