
IMDb member since October 2011
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Insane in the Brain

Gotta love it !....
Come on ,somebody besides myself has had to have watched this uptown ,mess around,get down, funk classic !. This movie has been around ,here and there for 7 years ,as of this review. I first seen the far -out flick in 2010,and it floats around YouTube in a crispy,un-cut version most of the times.If you you enjoy shoddy 70,s type movies,zombie comedies ,or just a low brow comedy that IS what it IS, a fun show ,then you need to see this flick.The director seems to know what he wanted,and pulls off a shoddy classic,with cool scenes you need to see to believe.The writing ,jokes ,and even the flow of bad lines ,costumes,and conversations are enough to keep you interested .The hot young lady playing Shay Shay,and her cute friend Cookie will keep your eyes busy till the action moves along(not that's there's a lot of action),till we get a large showdown in the cemetery featuring the Cops , pimps , an hoes , vs. the zombies.With a "surprise" ending we see coming a mile away ,some cool zombie attacks ,naked boobies,jive talking pimps ,big ass ed hoes,3 token white guys ,and cool soundtrack ,i actually wish this dude made more movies.I defend this movie a lot,as many times as i,ve watched this flick . A lot.


Thanks to Asylum ,the drive-in movie is still alive
Folks that are fans of Asylum movies will not be let down by this zombie/action movie,as it is fairly standard Asylum type movie.I myself do like the stuff coming out of the company,and have for years.Plenty of c.g.i. monkeys ,blood ,and other effects,and some decent effects,and make-up.The gorilla ,Kifa ,i think, was an actor ,and was cool enuf,and not c.g.i. .the actors,some regulars for Asylum ,did a good job,and there were some hot chicks in there.I wish these films had more eye candy,like some bare breasts,but this is not for everyone,and most of these films are for t.v. ,so ,it is what it is.For the most part,this was a cool way to kill some spare time on my week-end ,and knock off a six pack.Great for a one time watch.Back in the 80,s ,there was a movie from Italy that had some rampaging ,pcp influenced animals that wiped out a bunch of people ,and this shoddy gem reminded me of that movie.glad that Asylum is still pumping these out.

The Dead the Damned and the Darkness

A little snap ,a little crackle ,but no pop !
Most zombie movie fans put up with a lot of bad ones,just to get that one good , bad-ass zombie flik reward.Sorry ,this isn't it.I see tons of bad zombie films ,and this one is not one of the worst i,ve seen in the past few years ,and sadly ,it also far from the best.The story ,for what its worth ,is hmmm.... , alright.A guy wants to take his cremated family's remains to the sea.Dump the ashes ,and make some sort of peace with himself.Well ,using some sort of high-tech armor (left over from Uli Bolle,s last film ? ),he puts it on ,looking like a dude from some 80,sci-fi film from Italy,and leaves for the coast.Along the way ,he of course ,finds others trying to survive.For starters ,the acting is just o.k. .This is a very low budget film,but is not shot on someones cell-phone.It does has some decent production work ,and the camera work isn't that bad.The shots are set up well ,and the F,X. (masks ,and gore) are done well enough.The "action" is weak ,and the sound-track sorta shoddy.It has the feel of a few of this type of zombie movies (Extinction:G.M.O. crons. ,The Darkness something ,)...too many "Zombie /survival ",low budget ,kinda boring things. Fine for a one-time ,watch,on a Sunday afternoon.I will also add that this is called Part 2 ,because of The Dead and the Dammed,a cool little "Western Zombie movie" made some years ago by the same writer/director,though its more in mention,as a actor explains a lot of un-answered questions towards the end of this movie,going back to the aforementioned film,and its zombie-virus story.Like I said ,some body rippin , a little blood splashin ,some bare boobs ,(2), some cool lookin zombie masks,some blood ,bullits ,and some boring B.S. . oh yeah ,...a happy ending too !.....gotta love these type of films ,cause like the living dead ,they just wont stay down...

Apocalypse L.A.

Really pretty good....
This movie is kinda odd,it starts off like one of those "Meteor Movies " with a sci-fi things happening at first ,then shifts to action/horror.Like a good made for SyFi channel movie ,the acting is o.k. ,the story is basic enough to not get lost in ,the people that did it ,on such a low budget ,did it with decent camera work,lighting ,and sound...all o.k. ,with good production values.Not a whole lot of gore,it still has some sauce splashin around ,with the zombie action.Nothing fancy ,just what goes with this shoddy little survival story.A few lame moments were forgiven ,and it ended like i could tell it would.Basic ,by-the-numbers Sci-fi -action /zombie /meteor movie, with very little (if ANY ?) cursing ,or nudity.It might have got a 4 from me if it had a different something going for say , Dead Shadows did ,that one rocked .....

V/H/S Viral

Not too good....
I saw the first V/H/S when it was released,and although it was kinda shoddy ,a bit of it was o.k. It had a saving grace ,and even if only one segment was great,it had a place in the market.With the second in the series ,it too had one great part ,and the others were only passable.This third one is .....well, a mess.Incoherent is a nice thing to say about this 3 rd one.First ,it should be called Cellcams viral,because i don't think anyone in the last two movies have even seen a 1/2 format VHS cam at all.I will admit that being a fan of zombies ,and an old skateboarder had me liking the last story (?) the best.Still ,it made no sense ,so it is like the rest of this mess...leaving you saying W.T.F. ? ? ? I hate to say,but i hope this is the last V/H/S .This whole "found-footage" thing is WAY played out , and when i see that its "one of those" type of movies,i pass.I should have passed on this one ,and will avoid any future parts like the plague.Sorry guys, MAJOR FAIL !

ABCs of Death 2

A lot like the first ,but of course ,not like the first.
I will say that these ABC movies are great for some lite viewing.As i said in my review of the first one ,you get a chance to see an artist;s work ,and can keep track of the works that are out there to see.It also gives a person a red flag to a persons work that you may want to avoid in the future.Most of the shorts(each about 5 mins.) are well done ,as far as competent film making ,and production goes.I have a few new artists to follow ,and a few to avoid.Some of the stories are very cool,or very cool to watch(letter D,a personal fave ,cause this artists work is great),and others just had me shaking my head....(letter p )so ,to sum it up ,these are all new stories ,by all new filmmakers,doing what they did in part one.Telling stories,and showing us something worth watching.On that respect,they pulled it off again ,with style ,and flare.Worth a watch if you liked the first one.If this is all new to you ,the viewer ,go back and see the first one ,as this is not the kind of movie that you need to see the first one ,to follow the second.Good stuff,check it out.

The Salvation

For what it,s worth....
Westerns have always been a steady thing in my movie viewing diet ,so if in the mood ,i,ll check one out now and again.I heard about this film this summer from a friend in Europe.Mads Mikkelsen ,star of the T.V. show Hannibal , stars in this Euro-Western shot in South Africa.The supporting cast ,to include Eva Green ,and Jeffery Morgan play good roles ,and the other actors do a decent job.Although the film is not an American movie ,for the most part ,it,s in English.Here,s the spoiler!,s the old tale of revenge. Man,and family are wronged ,and the hero sets out to right those wrongs.Plain and simple.That said ,its pretty standard formula stuff.However,if you like to be entertained for the running time ,this will work.I have seen films i thought were a complete waste of my time.This was not one of those.I enjoyed the movie ,guessed what was going to happen almost all the way thru ,but i still really enjoyed it.Some stories a told often,and it will always be that way.There,s an old saying ,that there are only 7 stories in the world ,they just change it up a little,with each re-telling.I often think thats true ,and i,ve been watching movies for over half a century.This film is really not bloody ,nasty ,or boring.It is simple story telling done well ,and after all ,isn,t that why we watch them ? Check this one out if you just want to see a good western.The overall look is nice.The attempt at period sets ,dress ,and speech is spot on ,and it looks like it was shot well,like maybe even shot on film.It does not look cheap ,and shoddy ,like a lot of low budget horse-opera,s are these could do a hell of a lot worse.I liked it.don't let my score of 4 fool you,i,ve seen 80% of every movie ,from every country ever made ,and have yet to see a 10.I once saw a 9. Maybe someday i,ll tell you about that one.....we,ll see,but for now ,check out The Salvation .

American Muscle

Root for an anti-hero ! ! !
I have always been a fan of films that wants us to root for an anti-hero.In our world of good guy wear white ,i like movies that feature a less-than-perfect hero.American films don't do that as much as films from other countries.I was lucky enough to see this film with friends down south,and i was happy i did.Director Ravi Dhar has weaved a simple tale of revenge that,if you like this sub-genre , should be seen.He will be accused of doing a blue-plate special ,with little complexity ,and not much story,but its really just a matter of simple story telling ,and whats so wrong with that?. Danny Trejo says "A movie needs 3 things,Blood ,Bullits ,and Boobs " ,and this film has that.A tale of a bad guy going after some even worse bad guys.That simple !. Actor/writer Nick Principe kicks ass and checks off names with quiet style ,and bare-knuckle flair.Todd Farmer is the supporting actor and gives a decent part in this potboiler.Good production values ,and lots of action gave this movie the meat between the bread for me,and the guys i watched it with.So ,its not hard to guess what happen;s next ,but with movies like this ,thats par for the course.Gore,girls ,and guns,this one should be seen if you like action ,plain and simple.The comparison to Fast,or others like it is not really a fair one,but in thats it is an action/revenge story,thats on the money.Its got my vote for action film of 2014,and with that said,ignore the low rating here on I.M.D.B. ,and be brave ,do yourself a solid ,and see this one...if actions your thing ,you wont be let down!~ . Remember," If you owe,You Pay" ! ! ! .

Don't Blink

You could do worse ! !
Alright ,lets get the ball rolling.This movie seems like a horror film when it starts off, then kinda turns into an odd mystery,only to shift gears ,and get even stranger towards the end.Some say it dies in the last reel,but i watched the whole thing without the urge to hit the F.F. button.The cast is a good one ,with a lot of people you,ve seen ,and might like.I sorta did,and they all pretty much give pretty good performances.Without giving anything away ,it will come to make a little sense in the last 15 mins.i was sorta bummed out at the end ,but what can you say.To each,his own.I do think that the low rating has something to do with that ,but that being said you could do worse.We don't have to worry about a second part ,cause when it ends ,its over.So am i ...later !

Z Nation

There may be hope yet ....
well,for the 7 people that actually follow my reviews,you already know i;m a sucker for almost anything zombie.I say almost because i,like most of us fans , really like The Walking Dead. Although i have not yet thrown in my two cents on the series ,there;s really no need ,as the other half million fans have already done so.So i thought like say something about the new kid on the block.Yes ,Z Nation,and you know what,i think it;s growing on me.Don't ask why ,because i cant quite say why.The plot is far from new.The writing is a bit shoddy at times.I have seen better acting,but lets face it ,we,ve seen worse.Admit it.What i think i do like about it is this: it;s a survival road-trip show that keeps us waiting to see what happens next.I used to say that about the afore mentioned zombie show ,until things slowed way down ,and to me ,it kinda became a zombie/drama/action show .Z Nation is heading down a survival road with comedy (not too much),blood ,and guts (done well),and a story that is getting better.At first ,i thought it was going to be lame ,but now ,i enjoy the simple,yet engaging route.Far from an A-list show ,i think it deserves a chance.Lets see where this baby is going.Again ,let me say ,"I,ve seen a lot worse ".I,m giving it a fair chance ,which is more than a lot of viewers are willing to do.Try it ,you might find you like it.If it make,s you feel better , just don't tell your Walking Dead friends,keep it your dirty little secret.Enjoy !

Run Like Hell

Like eating an oatmeal sandwich --yuck ! ! !
Guy;s,i;m sorry,and so was this cardboard movie.I can sit thru nearly any bad film , most of the time.Sometimes even without hitting the F.F. button.Watching this one was like eating un-cooked oatmeal ,on stale whitebread.I cant even really say what was the worst things about this fart-blower....bad story ,bad acting ,bad writing ,bad actors ,bad effects ....bad dog ! .As i kept forcing myself to this visual beating ,i got the feeling it was some shoddy flick,made in ? country,because of the odd voice-overs,and lack of feelings,or emotion from the actors.I;ve heard better "hill-billy" done in Asian kung-fu movies.No hot chicks ,no cool gore ,no real action, way ! unless someone pays you to watch this ,or you want people to leave your place A.S.A.F.P. ,do yourself a solid ,and do something pull your own teeth ,mow the lawn ,hell,mow your buddy;s lawn...i think you get the point.I looked in a mirror ,and gave myself a stern cussing ! ! ! - avoid !

A Walk Among the Tombstones

Good and gritty....
When going to the big screen,i want my moneys worth.This film was not a letdown. I always love a good crime drama ,and this film gave me the feeling thats what i saw.Liam Neeson is always a good actor when giving the means to deliver.His role in this movie was a solid part that he plays quite well.I thought the story was pretty good ,as to the writing ,and there are a lot of good acting here.I love mysteries that keep you guessing as to whats going to happen next ,and which part of the puzzle is coming.About half way thru we know the players,and it was;nt hard to follow.The action is decent,kinda keeping you on the edge of your seat at the right times.Supporting actors were nice ,and the kid playing T.J. (Astro) was done well.although i kinda knew what would happen in the last reel ,i was not disappointed following it to the end .I enjoyed this movie more than the last big screen thriller ,"Deliver us from Evil " that i threw down good money for ,and i really love horror films.If crime drama is your thing ,you really could do a lot worse than this film .

The Dead 2: India

If you love a really good zombie film....
Most fans of zombie movies have had to sit thru some really bad zombie movies in the past few years.Anyone that has seen the 2010 "The Dead " film ,by the Ford brothers , knows that the afore mentioned film is a solid ,kick-ass zombie romp.Not to be confused with any George Romero "Dead" films ,the Fords style ,story-telling ,and love for these films stands to take the test of time.The new one wont let you down.The movie has that same feel ,and engaging effect of story ,plot ,and people you do care about .That NatGeo thing going on in the first film is also here ,with the plot concerning traveling thru a country fill with the shambling dead. I am a fan of the "slow-moving zombie " ,first made famous by G. Romero from his living dead films ,and get more tension out of half a dozen closing in on the hero;s ,instead of 50 swarming , blurs.Also ,i like to see big -ass holes slowly bit out of helpless victims,squirming to get free.Thanks to good acting ,story ,and effects ,this film will live on much longer than a lot of these cutesy-comedy ,lame fart -blowing bubble gum , easy to forget ,or just plain skip on .As far as the landscape ,sets ,props ,and soundtrack ,things were outstanding ! If you saw part 1 ,you;ll hate yourself for not seeing part 2 .Do it for yourself ,your loved one;s ...hell ,do it for the slow-moving zombie return .Just see it !

The Sacrament

Like a bowl of cold oatmeal
Sorry ,but i like my breakfast a bit more flavorful ,and hot.O.K.,enough with the analogy.I happened to see this on VOD ,with a friend last week .I will come into a movie with an eagerness ,and ready to see something i,ve never seen before , and ready to be entertained.Sadly ,i felt a bit let down.Last month i had seen a review in Fangoria ,as to this "new " movie,and thought ,"yeah ,this looks cool ,I,ll check it out " .Then i saw it.First ,i,m as burnt out on this "found footage " stuff ,as much as the world is burnt out on zombie stuff these days . (i love a GOOD zombie flick ) I must have missed the part in the article i read ,about this being a small potato version of the Jim Jones tale.Now ,back in the 80,s ,a t.v. movie called Guyana :the story of Jim Jones was broadcast ,and it was pretty good.Around the same era ,i saw a movie called Guyana :Cult of the Dammed ,made by the same guy who did "Survive" (later ripped by gringos ,and re-titled "Alive" ).It too was a good re-telling of Jim Jones.Today ,i got my new Fangoria ,and saw a small blurp ,saying ...Ti West delivers what may be his scariest film yet...? ...i may be called out-of -touch ,but what other movies did he do....Muppet movies ?...Sorry ,but heres the spoiler...decent acting ,good production values ,and a so-so retelling of a story done 3 times before - better.

We Need to Talk About Kevin

Money to WASTE on this kind of trash ....?
wow ! Three levels ,....3 ..! level s of B.S. to earn the chance to give my vibes on a movie ,right ? ....would,nt want some person to watch a bad chunk of crap like this one ,and tell people to check it out . I had had to almost force myself to sit thru this movie. Not because it was ""real ", " art-ish " ,or even good. i have kids ,and i thought , : Lets see this as a parent....... ".BAD move , i sorta went into a lot of flicks last yr. or so , the same way. sad. . I was punished by watching a "movie " last yr. about a prank phone-caller talking to some REALLY dumb people ,making the lame-o,s do "stuff". ....i don't know what to say ,other than ,this P.O.S. isn't cool ,differnt ,artistic ,novel ,stand out ,creative ,new , or ,....ANYTHING....... don't bother.....just ,the next time you wonder if your kid NEEDED that spanking , watch the actor playing the oldest Kevin ,and give them 2 extra swats . yep !.


Sorry .The word means two things ,and that,s all i got from this castrated rip-off of last years film "Thanaomorphose".I like creepy medical stuff,and watch tons of movies as such ( Gerder Syndrome,REC.,s ,Outbreak ,etc.) I saw a trailer for this movie ,and since i am a huge fan of the Zombie genre,the ad got me. Great cover art sells ,so that said ,i laid down the cash ,and took a chance.Did i mention i,m a horrible gambler ?. This film just dragged ,and although the acting ,and production was decent ,it never went anywhere,and never gave the goods on this nasty "infection". Where did it come from ?-where did it go ? how bad was the contact rate ? - how many might be infected ?. The choice not to show any gore ,or much blood was odd,when you think about the nature of this, and any movie doing this type of film.A great springboard to go from ended up being a Lifetime network late night movie. Sorry . In both meanings of the word .

The Rift

Great ! ! !
Please don,t let the term " short " fool you -this was "tall" ,compared to some of the sci-fi going on in t.v.,and film today. I was not familiar with the creator of this cool little story ,but i,ll keep up with the future work,s ,that,s for sure. I like mystery in a story,regardless of genre,and this tale has an element of the unknown , that,s for sure.The story starts a 20 years before thing,and shows you a bit of whats going on,then the tease is over ,and we jump to present time,where ,as we saw before ,something dark ,and wrong is about to go down. I think the actors were strong ,and the effect,s very decent. i myself not a huge fan of C.G. effect,s,was happy with the way the over all look was pulled off. Great is not enough to rate this film. You would think that this work would be enough to get this guy some backing,as we all know whats being show on screens across the globe. i have seem much worse,made for way more time ,and money.Just enjoy this morsel ,and hope this artist gets a complete film out. I would like to see a huge re-make of this story .I would tune in each week ,if this came on t.v. .Only time will tell.

The Rambler

Have a nice trip.....
First of all let me say this" this film is a trip" . I wont say if it was a good trip,but i will say that you don't see stuff like this a lot.If you enjoy films like "The Deadly Drifter " ,or "The Big Empty", you,ll be right at home.Fellini-type images,flashing between dreams ,and nightmares,light ,and dark.Dis-jointed,non-liner , and just plain weird.I like these type of movies,and love abstract things,in art ,and film.If this sounds like something up your alley ,go for it. If not,move on to the next ,trendy ,garden path plot movie,at the nearest 10 plex,and have no worries.I myself like a challenge,and a film NOT set up like a paint-by-number art set.Its up to new story-tellers to give us something new, like this.If you like stuff thats NOT mainstream,this is for you.

Night of the Living Dead: Resurrection

Night of the living Dead ?....
Sorry,here,s the spoiler..More like "Night of the living Dead-Beats " !. I see ALL zombie films,from ALL over this planet,good ,and bad,and have been doing so for over 40 years now,and LOVE the subject.However ,i was not so let down when i saw that it was a micro-budget movie,moreover ,that it was lame ,boring ,and quite shoddy!.Watch that last one ,with Jeffery Combs,or the one in 3-d ,w/ ole Sig,at least THEY had zombies that REALLY wanted to eat flesh,not creep around breaking stuff,wilding ,but true flesh eating,human hating desires,not wear my hoodie,and bang on peoples doors in the middle of the nite,till i get my nuts shot off ! i mean,it was an hour and twenty before i really saw much good zombie stuff.Lame story,shoddy acting ,bad effects,poor script ,i could go on,but its this movie ! .

Svartur á leik

Great crime thriller!
Well,i,m not hip to this filmmaker,but i am hip to a good movie.I watch crime films,and action,and i know what i like.This film is way worth a watch.The copy i saw was dubbed to English,but its from Iceland ,or Norway(not too sure),but it does not matter,i watch movies ,from anywhere,in many languages,so i,m glad i could understand it.The visuals were great,and i liked the pace.The story was cool,and was based on true events i heard.The actors did a fine job,and the movie follows the main character thru a good story of choices,and crazy turn of events that get him deeper,and deeper in the crime syndicate he gets introduced to.A childhood friend helps him out of a jam,and thats where it all starts.I was pulled into the story right from the start.If your into crime,and action films,and don't care if it does not have a lot of trendy American actors,and just want to see a good movie,watch this one.i did,and was glad i did.

Night of the Tentacles

Ed Woods is rolling over in his Grave !
I gave this "movie" a 1 ,because there was no -0 !. I have sat thru some turds,but this cheese-ball no-pus was RANCID !. So bad in fact,that i graded papers while it ran.Now,don't get me wrong,i do like some bad films,but this one was bad on too many levels.Bad story,bad acting ,REAL bad looking people,and even worse "fx" . The "monster" looked like a toaster/breadbox thing,covered in that sand foam stuff you see on t.v. ads for kids.It looked like maybe some 2 nd graders whipped it up for a class project,while at recess ! I waited for something cool,or some action , to happen.The most horrifying thing to happen was when they showed the lead "actor"s dog taking a dump,and i would imagine it came out better than this turd.Should have been called "Night of the Testicles" ,cause it took some balls to release this fart-blower!.

American Mary

Don't knock Canada,OR this flick !
Let them talk,i like the great white north,and have friends there ,so as an American,i,m not like most.To me Canada,s O.K. ,and so is American Mary ! Lots of talk,about this one,and only half of it good.Judge for yourself,as i found it to be a good movie.Why only a 5 then ?...I only rate what most call a "10 " , a solid 7-8 , and i have seen 1000,s of movies ,and have YET to see a "10 ".So ,this said ,this film had style ,great acting,interesting story and players,and was just kinky enough for me.Now ,its not to say it was perfect,it was,nt.I did like it over all ,and have watched it twice.Not gory ( ! ? ! ),it did have a little of the red stuff ,and some cool moments.I was sorta let down by the ending ,but oh well,at least we wont get a part two we really don't need !. Don't go into it waiting to be blown away,go into the void watching....and enjoy !

Cell Count

For Sci-fi fans....
This film was,nt as bad as the rating above to me,because its at least not like most by- the-book,easy to understand movies you see everyday.Although the story is off kilter,it is different.Reminding me of an early work of David Cronenburg,not in camera work ,or ,flair ,but more in a story about flesh,body ,and breaking the rules to both. Just watch the first early works of the afore mentioned director,and your see my point.(sorry Dave,but you,ll never top your first 5 ,just my feelings )The fx are decent ,the acting alright, and the pace do-able ,its the story that makes this one better than the 3. whatever it got here at I.M.D. B.As i said ,for a Sci-Fi fan who is just ready for a good sci-fi,its better than a lot of those giant animal part 7 movies i now avoid. Come on, do it...i dare you.

The ABCs of Death

A Must see for fans of the other kind of films
A buffet for the eyes and mind,this film offers 26 visions of death,from 26 directors,from across our planet. This is a cool concept,and if your tired of the same old thing,or are easily bored by mainstream fluff,seek this one out.Though it may not be in the RedBox,its worth a view for those who need something a bit off the beaten path.I did like the fact that each short is by a different mindset,and that makes it all the worth.Each one ranges from the odd,to the sublime.It also gave me a chance to avoid future works by certain filmmakers ,as the name of each director is given to each work.To me some were artistic mind-blowers ,while others were just plain old fart-blowers (nothing against the one on the letter F ) -watch at your own risk,though i think you,ll be happy with the mix !.Make some popcorn,grab some munchies,and of course,just sit back,and enjoy.I did.


Slow,and gets slower...
In life there,s a saying,"Talk is cheap",and in film,the saying go,s even more to the point. Take this movie.I have worked a bit on both sides of the lens,and we all know that by keeping sets,locations,and camera set-ups limited ,one can save money.Once this tepid thriller gets going,it never leaves the prison that the story takes place in .Low -budget action star Luke Goss must have had high hopes,or just needed to pay the bills when he took the part as lead in this one.Now,its not to say this is a really bad film,its just not a real good one. I waited for it to pick up,and it finally did in the last reel.the story is o.k. ,the acting decent,and the players did a good job.What thrills are there are cool enough,but there was,nt enough meat on the bones,so to speak,to make this a great meal.I got up a few times,but i asked ,and i did,nt miss anything.The pay-off at the very end was,nt much,and pretty easy to guess.In a sci-fi vein,this one is not really worth seeking out,but if the RedBox has nothing else,you could do worse.Sorry,just my take on this one.

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