
IMDb member since October 2011
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Kappa Mikey

One of the GREATEST animated shows of all time.
Truly. Kappa Mikey is one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. Fantastic writing, great characters, the voice actors are PERFECTLY cast, and superb animation-just an all around AWESOME tv show.

Give it a try. You'll thank me later!!

If you're looking for the greatest Animé show of all time; checkout 'Sgt. Frog' (a.k.a. 'Keroro Gunso'). Make sure to specifically watch FUNimation's American Dub of 'Sgt Frog,' starring Todd Haberkorn. It's SO GOOD, I'm seriously considering mortgaging my home so I can pay Funimation to Dub the complete series as well as the movies. Both of these shows are absolute PERFECTION!!

Bravo to everyone involved in making entertaining kids shows that adults will enjoy too. I miss the late 1990's/early 2000's era which had so many great shows the whole family could enjoy: Kim Possible, Phil of the Future, Even Stevens, Dexter's Laboratory, The Power Puff Girls, Foster's Home Imaginary Friends, The Replacements.... What happened to Disney and Cartoon Network? The dreck they produce now is shameful.

Mannix: The Silent Cry
Episode 1, Season 2

Meh.😑 I miss Lew!! And Intertect!!😭😆 BOOOOOOO!!😝
I just started Season 2 and I'm VERY disappointed that Mannix no longer works for Intertect or Lew Wickersham. And don't get me started on all of the plot holes and overacting in this episode (see the other reviews that touch on these aspects of a rather dismal season 2 debut😑).

Instead, I'll focus on the gut-wrenching news that Mannix has left Intertect for good, and Lew Wickersham is never to be seen again (although Joe Campanella will return to guest star as a surgeon in Season 5).😔 I loved the "high tech" Intertect gadgets, the "spy" training exercises, and I thought the ongoing rivalry between Mannix and the computer wonks was hilarious. These touches set Mannix apart from the rest of the run-of-the-mill 60's/70's detective shows. Also, Lew Wickersham was great as Mannix's boss, and I looked forward to Lee's reactions every time Mannix got into trouble. I find it hard to believe Mannix lasted an additional 7 seasons after removing every aspect that set it apart from the other detective shows. I guess I'll try to keep watching to see if the show gets any better, but I'm not holding out much hope. Lew Wickersham was a great supporting character and is greatly missed!!😢 I hope Peggy Fair's role (Mannix's new secretary) is expanded beyond the barely-there 2-dimensional character portrayed in her debut episode.🙄

His Girl Friday

One of THE GREATEST comedies of all time.
If you haven't seen 'His Girl Friday' then you are in for a REAL treat! It has EVERYTHING: a fantastic plot, wit, intelligence, great acting, perfect comic timing, and romance! According to imdb trivia: "the normal rate of verbal dialogue in most films is around 90 words a minute. In His Girl Friday (1940), the delivery has been clocked at 240 words a minute." Indeed. There is SO MUCH comic goodness packed into every moment of this film that you might need multiple viewings to appreciate all of it. I've watched it many times over the years, and each time I usually catch a joke that I'd missed before. This film is the gift that keeps on giving!!


{One word of caution to ESL viewers: the actors talk REALLY fast. It's a challenge even for native English speakers with excellent hearing to catch every word, so you WILL need English Subtitles turned "ON."}

The Haunted Hotel

Excellent acting and Charming Stories!!
I don't know why the rating is so low. The acting was superb. The comedy was quite funny in some of the vignettes. 3/8 stories were spooky, funny, and overall quite charming, 1/8 was scary with elements of humor, and 4/8 were straight drama/horror, with homages to M. R. James and Edgar Allen Poe, but nothing overtly gory.

Overall, I found the acting, costumes, directing, costume design, set design, editing, etc. To be superb!!

I hope to see more from this team!!

Mark & Russell's Wild Ride

Better than Most of the Trash Disney Channel Churns Out
Cute buddy comedy with good acting, a decent plot, and a satisfying ending. Solid performances from Sean Giambrone, Chris Gauthier, and Joey Bragg, which is the best we could we hope for with the material they had to work with. Unfortunately, this is a "great" TV movie when compared to the usual dreck that we've come to expect from the Disney Channel these days.

I remember when the House of Mouse used to care about their product (the late 90's— early 00's). I truly miss the clever writing, direction, and editing of Kim Possible, Phil of the Future, Even Stevens, and Lizzie McGuire. Since Gravity Falls and Phineas & Ferb were cancelled, the only decent Disney shows currently in production are Star vs. and Penn Zero; the rest are just a waste of time. Disney needs to hire a new programming director, and I would happily take that job.

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